Chapter Six

Sack Up for a Sack Lunch

I woke the next morning to the smell of coffee and my mother’s blueberry pancakes. Thank God Dad hadn’t cooked breakfast. He’d been known to mix a spoonful or two of leftover chili into the scrambled eggs. I wasn’t sure my stomach could tolerate the spicy stuff for two meals in a row. My stomach still felt raw. I feared last night’s dinner had burned through my duodenum.

The cell phone on my night table buzzed with an incoming text. I checked the readout. The message was from Brett and read simply AAAAAGH! He’d obviously experienced the aftereffects of Dad’s chili this morning. I probably should’ve given him a heads-up.

I went into my bathroom to freshen up, my gaze going to the bullet hole in the tile floor, damage that had preceded the night spent in Nick’s arms. I supposed I should call a handyman to replace the tile, or perhaps ask my father or Brett to take care of it. But the hole served as an odd memento of sorts, a warped souvenir. If I couldn’t have Nick, at least I could have this reminder that he cared enough about me to hold me all night, to quell my fears and brush away my tears.

At least he’d cared enough about me back then to do that. Now? I wasn’t so sure. I couldn’t expect him to pine away for me forever.

Could I?

When I finished in the bathroom, I went downstairs, my third step greeting me with a creak as it did every morning. I went to the kitchen to find a stack of pancakes waiting for me, along with a glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice and a mug of flavored coffee.

My mother stood at my sink in her bathrobe, rinsing dishes. I wrapped my arms around her and laid my head on her shoulder. “I love you, Mommy.”

“Shush.” She flapped a dish towel at me, but I knew she was secretly glad to take care of her little girl, even if her little girl had been a legal adult for almost a decade.

The two of us took seats at the table, my father joining us moments later. We chatted over breakfast. My mother caught me up on the small town gossip from back home, while my dad read the newspaper’s sports page, offering an occasional grunt of disapproval when he disagreed with the sportswriter’s commentary.

While my mother cleaned up after breakfast, I took a quick look at the newspaper’s business section. H2 stock was up eight points. Perhaps the Hildebrand brothers should have hung on to their shares awhile longer.

My tummy now full, I went back upstairs. I showered and fixed my hair, backcombing my chestnut locks to give them a wild, sexy look. I applied far more makeup than usual, rimming my lids with thick liquid liner and putting an extra coat of gloss on my lips. I slipped into a tight black micromini, a silky white tank with a scoop neckline, and a blue gray blazer that brought out the color of my eyes. My feet went into a pair of stilettos I normally wore only to nightclubs on weekends.

Okay, you got me. The reason I was getting myself all dolled up was to make Nathan Jamison realize what a catch I was, to make him regret tossing me aside like an undersized trout. It was a surreptitious form of revenge, but I couldn’t very well force-feed the guy a gallon of Dad’s killer chili. No doubt Nathan would fail the chili challenge.

When I headed back downstairs, I found my parents had packed up their things, ready to pick up the fencing and head back to East Texas.

My mother’s gaze made a trail from the top of my teased hair to the tip of my pointy stilettos. “Oh, yeah,” she said. “Nathan Jamison is going to regret letting you go.”

Nothing gets by that woman.

My mother held out my gun to me. My hip holster now bore a complete covering of shiny silver rhinestones. She’d outdone herself with the BeDazzler this time. If I couldn’t draw my weapon in time to defend myself, maybe the bad guys would be blinded by the bling.

“Black holsters are boring,” Mom said. “I figured I’d glam it up a bit.”

I slid the holster on under my blazer. “I’ll be the envy of the office.” Or, more likely, the talk of the office. And the talk would go something like, Why is Tara wearing a disco ball on her hip? Then again, maybe my mother was on to something. I bet she could make a fortune designing a line of gear fashioned for the female law enforcement officer. Pepper spray scented with lavender. A magazine pouch that would hold both gun clips and hair clips. Kevlar bustiers. I could go for one of those.

She handed me two paper lunch sacks next. One had my childhood nickname, Itty Bitty, scrawled on it. The other read Nick. I took the bags from her. They were suspiciously heavy. I took a peek inside. Each bag contained a thermos of chili, a soup spoon, and a paper towel. A mere napkin was not enough when Dad’s killer chili was involved.

Dad chimed in now. “You make sure Nick gets that chili, you hear? And let me know how he likes it.”

Jeez. Could he be any more obvious? Then again, I’d hoped fate would give me a sign about my love life. Maybe this was it. But would fate really use Dad’s chili as the determining factor of the rest of my life?

I walked into the federal building to witness a Latina sheriff’s deputy running a wand dangerously close to Nick’s nether regions, confirming his oversized belt buckle was the only metal in that general area, though I supposed it was possible he’d gone insane and had one of his testicles pierced. That didn’t seem his style, though. I briefly wondered if the metal detection device could pose any threats to his virility, or perhaps render his sperm radioactive. I realized then that I’d be willing to give birth to Nick’s baby, even if it was the size of Godzilla. I’d draw the line at breastfeeding the pointy-toothed beast, though. I also realized that perhaps the fumes from Dad’s chili had fried parts of my brain.

With two metal thermoses in tow, it took me an extra minute or two to make it through the security checkpoint. Now finished with Nick, the female deputy turned her attention to me and opened my lunch sack for closer inspection. I feared she might confiscate my thermos. After all, the chili was virtually weapons grade. Hell, I bet the stuff could power an army tank or nuclear reactor.

She unscrewed the lid from my thermos, releasing a moist cloud of spicy steam. She jerked her head back, blinking as the pepper fumes engulfed her, waving a hand in front of her face to clear her vision. “Whoa. That’s some spicy chili.”

She returned the thermos to the bag and sent me on my way.

Nick waited for me at the elevators, his boot in the door to hold it open. When I caught up with him, his gaze took in my short skirt and stilettos. “Is it my imagination, or have your legs gotten longer?” He raised a questioning brow.

I was flattered he’d noticed my legs, but I didn’t want to tell Nick why I’d worn today’s skimpy, sexy outfit instead of my usual conservative business attire. My brain whirled, trying to come up with a good excuse. Ding-ding-ding! We have a winner! “I haven’t done laundry in a while.” It was not only an appropriate explanation, but also true. I hated doing laundry.

Nick appeared to accept my excuse, his gaze now moving to the bags in my hand. “Itty Bitty?” he asked as we stepped into the car.

I rolled my eyes as the doors slid closed. “My parents are visiting. My mother packed my lunch. Itty Bitty was my nickname when I was a kid.”

He fought a smile, revealing a glimpse of the slightly chipped bicuspid that told tales of a younger Nick who hadn’t yet learned to turn the other cheek before responding to a physical confrontation. “Well, Itty Bitty, is that my name I see on the other bag?”

I nodded. “My father thought you might like to try his chili.”

I didn’t bother telling Nick he’d need to sack up to handle this sack lunch. After one bite, he’d figure that out on his own.

The elevator stopped at our floor and we climbed out. I followed Nick down the hall to his office. He set down his briefcase and slid into his chair. He held out his hand. “Gimme.”

I held the bag back. “This is lunch,” I said, “not breakfast.” God help me, but I was trying to segue the conversation into a lunch date. Well, not a date date. I would never cheat on Brett. Still, I wouldn’t mind spending some time with Nick, even if it was just as coworkers.

Nick didn’t take the bait. “Just give me a taste.”

Oh, I’d like to give him a taste, all right. A big ol’ lovin’ spoonful.

Just because I’d never cheat on Brett didn’t mean I couldn’t fantasize about another man, did it?

I put down my lunch, purse, and briefcase and held his bag out to him, using one hand to brace the bottom of the paper sack. With my hands covering most of the bag’s surface area, there was no way Nick could take it from me without touching me. It was a cheap ploy, sure, but if I didn’t feel his skin on mine again soon, I wasn’t sure I’d survive. I was like an addict that needed a fix.

Nick looked at my hands awkwardly clasping the bag, then looked up at my face. I hoped my desperation wasn’t obvious from my expression, but I feared my face betrayed me.

He tapped a finger on his desk. “Put it here.”

Dammit! I couldn’t very well demand he take it out of my hands, could I? That would be weird.

I placed the bag on his desk. He sat up and opened it, pulling out the thermos and paper towel. His eyes locked on mine as he put his hand over the top of the thermos and twisted the lid slowly, sensually. He ran a finger around the rim to collect the liquid that had gathered there, then stuck the tip of his finger in his mouth, gently sucking at it. “Mmmm.”

My nether regions twitched.

He retrieved the spoon and twirled it around in his fingers. Then he grasped the spoon in a tight fist, gave me a wicked, wanton smile, and plunged the spoon fast and hard and deep into the warm, wet chili.

I had to lean on his desk to keep from collapsing.

He scooped up a heaping spoonful of chili and held it to his lips, blowing softly, the steam wafting my way. He closed his eyes as he put the spoon in his mouth.

He didn’t choke or gasp.

He didn’t turn red.

And when his gaze returned to mine, his eyes were free of tears.

“Not bad,” he said after he’d swallowed the mouthful. “Though I might suggest adding a dash of Tabasco.”

“I’ll pass that on to my dad.”

I gathered up my things and turned to go. Before I could take a step, a hand whipped around me and grabbed my wrist, holding me in place. Nick’s fingers wrapped tightly around my wrist, a manacle of flesh and bone holding me as a willing prisoner. Nick stood close behind me now. I could feel his body heat on my wrist and back. The killer chili seemed tepid by comparison.

We stood there, neither of us moving, neither of us saying anything. I could feel my pulse pounding against his tight grip, could feel his pulse pounding in return, the beats rapid and forceful though both of us stood immobile. Our hearts beat as if beating for each other, as if each of us gave the other life. Ironically, the gesture was nearly killing me.

“Why are you doing this?” I whispered.

“Maybe it’s because I’m a sadistic son of a bitch,” he said, his voice soft and low in my ear, his breath feathering across my lobe. “Or maybe it’s because you wanted me to touch you. You know it and I know it.”

There was no sense denying it. Nick couldn’t just read me like an open book; he seemed to have also studied the CliffsNotes and watched the movie version. We were a lot alike, Nick and me. We understood each other in an almost primal, extrasensory way.

But did that necessarily mean we belonged together?

I had no idea how the situation would have resolved itself had Viola, our boss’s secretary, not come to Nick’s door at that moment with a fax in her hand. Her gray brows drew together as she took in Nick and me over the top of her bifocals.

Nick dropped my wrist and stepped back. I forced a smile and bade Viola good morning, hoping she didn’t notice the tightness in my voice.

Her eyes scanned me, her lips pursing in disapproval. “Did you forget to get dressed today?”

“I’m behind on laundry,” I said, recycling the excuse I’d offered Nick earlier. “This was all I had to wear.”

She emitted a tsk as she dropped the fax in Nick’s in-box.

I stepped past her, rushing down the hall as if I could run away from my feelings.

If only.