Appendix: Earlier Prefaces

From the 1983 Arkham House edition of
The Wind from a Burning Woman, my first collection.


I have had a passion for science fiction and fantasy ever since I can remember. Science fiction has been a wonderful mother for my mind, showing me that the world is far bigger and stranger than it seems within my province. And in the past few years—after many more years of apprenticeship--it has become a fine, broad landscape on which to test my imagination.

Occasionally I’ve felt the pressure of limited editors and markets, but I have yet to run up against an artistic boundary. If a thought is expressible in human language, a science fiction story can be written about it. The same cannot be said of any other genre.

Through reading science fiction, I became interested in other forms of literature, in astronomy and the sciences, in history and phi­losophy. Specifically, discovering James Blish’s Case of Conscience when I was sixteen led me to read James Joyce; L. Sprague de Camp, Fletcher Pratt, Poul Anderson, and others have given me solid rea­sons to explore history. Arthur C. Clarke--and through Clarke, Olaf Stapledon—sent me on a wild search through philosophy, looking for similar insights and experiences. (I’ve usually been disappointed; Sta­pledon is unique.) In short, my intellect has been nurtured and guided by science fiction.

Some people, reading the above, will sneer the ineradicable sneer. The hell with them. C. P. Snow pinned their little gray moth in The Two Cultures and The Scientific Revolution; they are ignorant or afraid of science. They reject the universe in favor of a small human circle, limited in time and place to their own lifetimes. You are not one of them if you have read this far. You are one of the brave ones.

So I will open my heart to you a little bit and talk about the stories that follow.

I have friends who believe the world will come to an end in twenty or thirty years. They foresee complete collapse, perhaps nuclear war. They look on the prospect with either stunned in­difference or some relish. Serve everybody right, they seem to say.

What they are actually saying is that within the next few decades—certainly within the next sixty or seventy years—they will come to an end. Their world will darken. And, solipsists that many of us are, it seems perfectly logical to take everybody and everything with us. The future does not really exist, certainly not the far and un­knowable future. Why talk about it?

They are still my friends, but they are as wrong as wrong can be. The future will come, and it will be different, unimaginably so. Then why do I bother to try imagining it?

I could sing you a long number on how science fiction is seldom intended to be prophetic. But I’m willing to bet, in our deepest hearts, that we all hope one of our more optimistic imagined futures, or some aspect of a literary time to come, will closely parallel reality. Then we will be admired for our perspicacity. People in the future, if they still read, might come across an even more fantastic concept and say, “Hey, that crazy Greg Bear stuff!”

Perhaps. But it will be accident, not prophecy.

Like my pessimistic friends, I’m not going to live forever. I may see the first starships; I may not.

But when I write, I not only live to see one future, I experience dozens. I chart their courses, lay out histories, try to create new cul­tures and extend the range of discovery. When I write—

When I write, I’m immortal.

Sometimes I enter into a kind of trance state and engage so many thoughts and ideas and abilities that I seem to rise onto another plane. And though I seldom think about it while I’m on that plane, I seem to become everyone who has ever thought about the future. I join the greats, past and present, at least for a moment.

I’ve been writing since I was eight or nine years old. In 1966, when I was fifteen, through something of a fluke I sold my first professional short story. Five years passed before I sold another. The apprentice­ship is still not over, and may never be. None of those earlier efforts are represented in this collection; the earliest piece here, “Mandala,” was written in 1975 and first appeared in 1978. It also comprises the first third of my novel, Strength of Stones, published in 1981.

There isn’t much remarkable to record about the writing of these stories. Writing is usually quite dull to an outside observer. It consists of long periods of apparent loafing around, punctuated by hours at a typewriter, highlighted by moments of desk-pounding­ and finger­chewing puzzlement. (All this, to contrast with the above-mentioned trance state.)

“Mandala” and “Hardfought” were about equally difficult to write, for different reasons. “The White Horse Child” was one of the easiest; like “Scattershot,” it emerged while I sat at the typewriter, consciously unaware of what was going to pour out. “Petra” went through several stages, becoming progressively stranger and stranger. (One of the great difficulties with creativity is trying to im­pose order on the results.)

“The Wind from a Burning Woman” also began as an exercise in sitting blankly at the typewriter. As in most instances where such stories turn out well, there was a strong emotion lurking behind the apparent blankness-that of repugnance to terrorism. Do the weak have the right to force the strong to do their bidding by terrorist action? To handle the issue honestly, I had to make the “Burning Woman” fight for a cause that I, myself, would cherish. One editor, reading the story for an anthology on space colonies, rejected it be­cause it didn’t overtly support the cause. It would have been dis­honest to force the story into such a mold; however pleasant or un­pleasant the result, my stories must work themselves out within their own framework, not according to some market principle or philo­sophical bias.

It may be remarkable that, with such views, I’ve come as far as I have in publishing, where large conglomerates seem to dictate over­all marketing of science fiction as if it were some piecework commodity. (“Take dragon/unicorn/spaceship, add vaguely medieval/ magical setting, mix well with wise old wizard/cute sidekick …”) Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed stories with all those elements, but enough is enough. Science fiction is much too restless to accept the same kind of genre regimentation displayed by, for example, West­erns or hard-boiled detective novels, where one Western Town or corrupt Big City can serve as stage settings for an infinity of retold tales.

But enough authorial interference. I will tell you no more about these stories until we meet in person; perhaps not even then, for I’m not certain my interpretations are always correct. “Mandala,” for ex­ample, has defied my analysis for seven years, and yet I knew what I wanted to say when I wrote it.

That’s when I’m happiest with my own work—when the stories say so many things that they become playgrounds for the mind. I hope you feel the same way.

Spring Valley, California

On Losing the Taint of Being a Cannibal

From Bear’s Fantasies, Wildside Press, 1993

I’m reminded of the line delivered by Joseph Bologna in the motion picture comedy, The Big Bus. His character, Dan Torrance, once drove a bus through Donner Pass, and of course got snowed in. Desperation quickly set in among the passengers, and some odd recipes were resorted to. Torrance pleads that he did not know what was in the soup, adding, “One lousy foot, and they call you a cannibal for the rest of your life!”

Writing science fiction is one of those odd activities, like being a cannibal, that marks you permanently, even should you later become a vegan.

The odd relationship most people have with science—awed fascination, not infrequently dismay and distrust, and guilty dependence—guarantees a mixed reaction among the reading public: “You actually enjoy science? Writing about it, making it up? How interesting.

Their tone of voice tells you that you are now marked forever in their minds.

Science fiction explores the outer limits of the current Western paradigm, science; its playground is all that we know about the universe, and what we imagine we might eventually know.

Many of us, at one time or another, enjoy playing with previous paradigms—mind over matter, magic, dream logic, and so on. Literature does not play favorites; excellent stories have been written in all these areas.

A science fiction writer who writes fantasy, however, is regarded by some as an odd bird indeed. Write science fiction, become well known for it, and—well, your fantasy stories become almost invisible. All those times when you weren’t a cannibal—simply forgotten.

Yet most of the great science fiction writers have written a great deal of fantasy, and I have, as well. But prejudices and snobbery on both sides of the fence have grown in the past ten or fifteen years.

I’ve never thought of my fantasy stories as dabbling or slumming. They represent an important part of my writing. Some of my very finest work is fantasy. The first novel I ever finished—an early version of what would later be published as The Infinity Concerto and The Serpent Mage—was fantasy. My second published novel, Psychlone, is a ghost story, heavily influenced by Stephen King. In real life I’ve even gone hunting ghosts in a world-famous hotel, just like Carnacki, though without his spectacular success.

I love fantasy.

Perhaps by gathering some of my fantasy in one volume, I can convince the world that I’ve had at least a few moments when I was not a cannibal.

But I won’t bet on it.

Being a writer of science fiction is just so odd.

Thank goodness.

Characters Great and Small in SF:
“Sisters” by Greg Bear

Commentary on the story “Sisters” published in Paragons

edited by Reg Bretnor

In “Sisters,” the viewpoint character, Letitia Blakely, is familiar enough—an adolescent girl, struggling with painful problems. In outline, “Sisters” reads much like a contemporary story of growing up—with a few words and some set dressing changed to indicate the near future. Yet my intent in this story—as in many of my stories—is to deal with characters within larger characters, to explore how individuals react to change within a larger setting.

If anything has become more and more clear in the past five hundred years, it is that men and women are not the measure of all things, but the measurers. A richer, more powerful literature must take into account the nature of larger entities than human individuals.

There’s nothing that stops science fiction—often dismissed as merely a literature of ideas—from also being a literature of character, so long as readers understand a larger definition of character. Character is not limited to the nature and actions of a single individual, or even a group of individuals. Character may also describe a nation, a culture, a species, a world—or a universe.

For me, the story of character is not limited to the Jamesian small group of individuals in an unchanging social setting, with all change arising from individually willed action. Yet since James this has been touted as the datum of literature—and not without reason.

Human readers (the only kind I’ve encountered) enjoy reading about people not greatly unlike themselves. We enjoy watching the lives of others we can relate to. For relaxation, or a historical refresher, we also enjoy reading about the mores and social patterns of the past, in Dickens and Austen and Joyce, or Tolstoy and Hemingway and Dostoevsky. But what involves us most of all is fiction that directly or indirectly models our present situation and stimulates thought about the choices we have and the decisions we make. We enjoy discovering patterns and relationships between strangers and ourselves, and between different societies in different times.

In a sense, science fiction takes its cues from historical fiction, but with no specific arrow of time. The future as well as the past is open. (Alternate times and realities may qualify as well!)

Since there are few if any societies where change from outside—forced by history, the weather, or other natural phenomena—does not have a major impact on individual lives, to focus on change coming about solely through the willed actions of the individual is a very artificial limitation. It produces attractive and moving works, but these works are no more than an aspect, perhaps just a genre. At their worst, they give a false sense of comfort. Even at their best, they do not define the range of literature.

Most of my stories draw the lives of characters within larger characters, exploring how individuals react to change within a larger setting. Science fiction stories at their most ambitious model changes in nations, in cultures, even in species and worlds.

Writing science fiction puts added burdens on me as a story-teller. I have to do more than just closely observe: I have to extrapolate. This takes me into dangerous territory, since to extrapolate, I must try to understand the laws and forces that direct the greater characters. I see sociology, psychology, technology, and history as interrelated subsets of biology. This is far from the static and isolating world view common in many religions and much philosophy; it is also far from the gooey and shapeless “holistic” approach of New Age thinking, where anything goes, and the universe caters to our personal whims.

Just as a sharp observer of individual character strives not to be guided by sentiment and personal animus, an observer of larger characters must adopt a similar objectivity. In my stories, individuals are often shaped by environments that may be only marginally familiar, if at all, to the average reader. Bringing the environment to life is important, and inevitably takes some of the center spotlight away from so-called “pure” exploration of character and motive. But it returns the focus with additional rewards by giving insight into how characters shape and are shaped.

No character great or small lives in splendid isolation. Everything an individual does reflects back, and the mirror is not just society, but nature. Discovering how a larger nature works in a story is as thrilling (and dangerous) to my characters as internal discovery.

Letitia’s world has changed in significant ways, and offers her challenges no modern young woman has to face. Facing those challenges reveals her inner self as no contemporary setting can.

Moving between the internal world, the social world, and the external world, breaks down the barriers between. Inside becomes outside. There is no mirror, after all.