You’ve put salt on my bread

and black sparks in my eye.

The hole in my side

is packed with God and devilry.

Your coiled hair gleams my death.

In bare Eden there springs up

a green snake with a red mouth.

It shoots from a rocky map.

If all were honey, this an album,

and toy poems were my pride

I’d not remember the ripped scream

and the reaped zone of the full bride.

As if one should write theology

and be dumb to heresies and the cross

or turn a blind and gentle eye

to the scorching apples in your dress.

Therefore from this old see-saw

let me jerk upward to my joy

according to the brutal law:

‘To every man his own boy.’


My eyes are heresies to the clear

and grave theology yours speak to me.

I make a Luther in your catholic air

though speechless sermons should have made me free.

God has the devil for shadow and I too

strike long diagonals at your angel’s step.

All my religion would awake to you

if you would shining grant me angel sleep.


The day’s in love with you as suns with gardens.

The dappled shade shakes thought across your brow.

If this is prison you spread out your pardons

for all dark sentences we suffer now.

You govern guilt by innocence, and dungeons

open like leaves to green and cool keys,

the twisted inmates straighten like a conscience

and by your glance all shufflers stand at ease.

And all the darkness gathers light about it

to hide its devilish shame as devils do.

If this is heresy can devils doubt it

who’ve made their best theology of you.

No mineral in your earth to tempt to stealing:

such tender shadows merely can provoke

the longing for a perfectness of feeling

we’ve almost spoken but we never spoke.

For only at rarest moments can we scent it

the garden we have lost but cannot find

and you the shining page that clearly meant it

already turn to print across the mind.


I know a young girl of great wit

who walks like Venus in her stylish gait

and some would say ‘Conceit’ but I would say:

‘A sun contents us if the clouds are grey,’

and also, ‘Have you seen between the stones

the water running as the water runs?’

All things that speak of surety and grace

proclaim us heretic from our proper place

though venomous devils preach against the light

which opens heavens at her precious feet.

Yet even these by sneers and laughs make known

the dear theology they now disown.