
This book was written in London, Philadelphia, Copenhagen and the Isle of Skye. I’m grateful to so many people in these places – in libraries and universities, yoga studios and cafés – for incalculable kindnesses, and for giving me time and space to think and write. King’s College London, the Senate House Library, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Copenhagen and the Royal Danish Library have provided resources to support my research into Kierkegaard’s life. Skye, as usual, offered only itself: a place of rest and longing, and far horizons, in which to bring the book to completion.

Several people deserve special thanks: Daniel Crewe and Stuart Proffitt at Penguin helped to conceive this biography, and as its editor Stuart gave magisterial advice throughout; Richard Mason copyedited the text; Stephen Ryan proofread it magnificently; Amanda Russell researched the images; Ben Sinyor and Francisca Monteiro made sure text and image worked together on the page; and Richard Duguid oversaw production. Joseph Sinclair assisted me in compiling the index. Sarah Chalfant and Alba Ziegler-Bailey have helped to bring the book – and myself – into the world.

At Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Eric Chinski has been a warm, generous editor and his faith in the book a source of joy, while assistant editor Deborah Ghim was a delight to work with. June Park designed the cover, and Hannah Goodwin was the production editor.

In the spring of 2017 Joakim Garff generously welcomed me to the Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, Ettore Rocca lent me his office, and Niels Jørgen Cappelørn gave late inspiration. At the Royal Danish Library, Erik Petersen brought me box after box of Kierkegaard’s manuscripts and letters, and I was touched by his enthusiasm for my book. Luna Hvid provided a hyggelig home in Copenhagen, and made sure I saw the cherry blossom.

Alice Albinia, Noreen Khawaja, Kate Kirkpatrick, Simon Oliver, George Pattison and John Tresch read the manuscript at various stages and provided invaluable comments. John Callanan and Andy Cooper read parts of it.

Many wonderful friends and colleagues have supported me while I wrote the book – thanks especially to Rupert Shortt for his faithful friendship and unstinting encouragement; to Amy Merriman for her forebearance during my research leave; to Fiona Ellis, Sarah Coakley and Eddie Howells, for making me think and making me laugh; to John Cottingham for his wisdom and love. I am also eternally grateful to Russel Williams. Most of all I thank my husband John and son Joseph, for living the question of existence with me.

Clare Carlisle

London, Autumn 2018