September 13th

Dear Stones,

When you left, things got weird. School is weird without you. Not weird in the way that everyone keeps pointing and whispering about me (because that’s starting to feel normal), but weird in the way that I keep thinking I’m going to see you in the bathroom (where we used to meet all the time to just get away from class for a while), at my locker, in the lunchroom, pretty much everywhere. The worst is the hallway, because sometimes I actually think I do see you. Like today when I was going to the library, I thought I saw you walking down the hall away from me. For a moment I thought it was you. For a moment I forgot about everything and I almost called out your name. It was only for a moment, though, because then the girl turned around and she obviously wasn’t you. She was some Grade 12 I’ve never seen before. But for that moment … for just that one moment, it was you and everything was normal again.

Then another weird thing happened when I was in the library. And yes, if you’re wondering, I’ve gone back to escaping into the library during breaks. I know you think it’s where the “losers” hang out, but I like it there. It’s quiet. It’s away from everyone’s stares and glares. It’s a place where I can just … be. So I don’t care if you think that makes me a loser. Why was I telling you this? Oh, ya, the weird thing that happened …

So there I was, minding my own business, tucked away in the corner of the history section, so I could read and secretly eat at the same time without the librarian kicking me out or telling me to throw away my lunch, when there was this girl watching me. I could feel her watching me before I saw her. You know that “creeper” feeling? So I looked up and saw her pretending to look at some books, when really she was looking at me. Watching me. I tried to just ignore her like I do everyone else, but this was different. She was different. I’ve never seen her before, so I think she must be in Grade 9. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing a pair of those funky glasses that look like they’re from the 50’s—the ones with thick frames and pointy corners. You’d probably say they were cool and retro, but I don’t think that’s why she was wearing them. Anyway, she just kept watching me, even when she knew that I knew she was watching me. I tried to ignore her but, after ten minutes, I just couldn’t anymore.


Me: What?

Weird Girl: (saying nothing)

Me: Can I help you?

Weird Girl: (still nothing)

Me (totally creeped-out at this point): what’s your problem?

Weird Girl: You’re not supposed to yell in the library. And you’re not allowed to eat in here, either.


And then she left. It was strange but, sadly, also the most exciting thing that happened today.


Sticks (aka, the loser, who hides out in the history corner of the library)