DR. GREGG D. JACOBS is an insomnia specialist at the Sleep Disorders Center at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
As a senior scientist at Harvard’s Mind/Body Medical Institute and an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, he spent nearly twenty years treating and researching insomnia. His research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and published in journals such as the Archives of Internal Medicine, and he has taught his insomnia program to HMOs such as Kaiser Permanente and corporations such as Reebok, Fidelity, and John Hancock. In addition, his work on insomnia has been featured extensively in the media, including in the New York Times, Wall Street journal, Washington Post, Time, and Forbes, and on the Today Show, Good Morning America, and NPR. Dr. Jacobs has been described by the Wall Street Journal as a pioneer in the use of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia.
More information on his cognitive behavioral therapy program and other nondrug insomnia solutions is available on his Web site, www.cbtforinsomnia.com.