Bracketed references in the text refer to the folktale motif-indices of Aarne and Stith Thompson.
The abbreviation E.R.E. stands for the Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, and H.D.A. for Handwörterbuch des Deutschen Aberglaubens.
Where an author’s name appears in the Bibliography in connexion with two works but no date is appended here, both are relevant to the context.
A reference is not repeated if it has already been cited in connexion with date on the previous page.
The Shakespeare line references are taken from Bartlett’s Concordance.
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Boule et al.; Clark, 1948; Rust
Cartailhac and Breuil; Maringer and Bandi; Liddell, D.M. 1929. Antiquity, 283-291
Péquart; Graziosi
Burkitt; Alcalde del Rio et al.
Schmidt; Breuil, 1936; Maringer and Bandi; Hentze; Cole; Breuil and Burkitt
Geury; Klementz, 1913; Batchelor; Czaplicka, 1914
Graziosi; Cartailhac and Breuil
Bégouen; Cole; Richards; Walton, J. Pers. comm.
Czaplicka, 1914
Maringer and Bandi; Levy
Passemard; Alcalde del Rio et al.
Barandiaran; Cook; Harva
Holmberg; Roes; Harva; Nioradze; Czaplicka; Ward; Marshall
Breuil, 1952; Maringer and Bandi; Larsen; Larsen and Rainey; Blanc
Méroc and Mazet; Milne-Edwards; Schmidt; Parkyn; Alcalde del Rio et al.; Bégouen and Kuhn
Breuil, 1952; Simmont; Graziosi; Breuil and Obermaier; Goury; Passemard; Péquart; Piette; Pittard; Henri-Martin; De Pradeune, A. V., 1934, Ipek, 3-17; Alcalde del Rio et al.; Parkyn; Raudonikas; Gjessing; Hallström; Breuil, 1936; Volkow; Armstrong, A. L., 1940 Antiq. J. 20:
Blanc; Cartailhac and Breuil; Schmidt; Breuil and Obermaier
Allen, 1887; Henry, 1940; Kuhn, H. 1941-43, 1949-53, Ipek, 15-16, 140-169, 18: 33-58
Cook; Henry, 1940
Allen; Ameisenowa; Wieger; Hackin et al. 1932
Frobenius and Obermaier; Miranda; Burkitt; Breuil and Burkitt; Breuil, 1925
Armstrong-. 1946
Stukeley; Tille
Leach; Thomas
Montelius; Keller; Grimm; Mann-hardt; Simrock; Kruger; H.D.A.; Knortz; Thompson, R. C., 1929, History of the Devil; Murray, 1933
Grimm; H.D.A.; Leach; Rolland; Sébillot
D’A. Thompson; Thomas; Tille
Chadwick; MacCulloch; Car-michael
Roes, 1933
Armstrong, 1947b; Hahn
Keller; Gadd; Breuil, 1906; Roes
Heine-Geldern; Roes, 1933
Roes, 1933; Kunst; Segall; Goodyear; Jacobsthal
Heine-Geldern; Armstrong, 1943a, b, c; 1944a, b, 1944-45; Ross; Werner, 1910
Ross; Williams, 1932; Giles; Granet, 1926; Thomas, 1908
Viski, K., 1937, Hungarian Peasant Customs, Budapest; Armstrong, 1944a; Radlov; Holmberg; Rolland; Harva; Czaplicka
Hopkins; De Gubernatis; Hackin; Crooke
Cook; De Ferdinandy
Frazer, 1935; Mackenzie; Graves; Hahn, 1896a, b
Cook; Hackin, 1939; Farnell
Armstrong, 1944a, 1947
Hartland; Macledd; Carmichael; Goodrich-Freer; Jastrow; Cook; Ralston; Holmberg; Bendann
Cross and Slover; Stokes and Windisch; Dillon; Libjeblad
Ralston, 1882; Bergin and Best; Battiscombe; Sébillot; Hare; Sjoestedt
Meyer; Baudis, 1914; Bonwick
Macalister, 1935
Sprockhoff; Carney; Gregory;Joyce; Jackson; Baring-Gould
Gaster; Frazer, 1936; Hartland
Penzer; Holmström
Hartland; Graves; Thomas, 1898; Collingwood
Kendrick; Holmberg; Harva; Klementz
Doughty; Map; Hartland
Bolte and Polivka; Rasmussen; Cook
Ventris and Chadwick
Spence, 1899; Swainson; Storaker
Williamson; Landt; Teit, 1900; Bancroft
Leland; Ingersoll
Blackwood; Walk; Dähnhardt
Piggott, 1950; Czaplicka, 1917, 1921; Nioradze; Holmberg; Larsen
Larsen and Rainey; Harva
Schuster; Spencer and Carter; Birket-Smith; Childe, 1931
Piggott, 1955; Bonser; Hallström; Giddings
Birket-Smith, 1937
Von Sydow; Brand
Trevelyan; Swainson; Crooke, 1896; Best
Williamson, 1948 ; Elworthy; Klementz; H.D.A.; Cumont
Cook; Dyson, D., 1927, Forgotten Tales of Ancient China, Shanghai; Williams, 1932; Armstrong, 1935; Goodchild
Contenau, 1952
Thompson, R. C., 1903, Devils and Evil Spirits of Ancient Babylonia; Cook; Nilsson; Wooley, L., 1953, A Forgotten Kingdom, Harmonds-worth
H.D.A.; D’A. Thompson; Goodrich-Freer; Leach; Laufer; Grohmann; De Gubernatis; Czaplicka; Cox; Coxwell; Ingersoll; Hornell; Mac-Neill
Frobenius, 1909; Krappe, 1936; Sjoestedt; Bergin and Best
MacNeill; Loth; Drioux
Boas; Bossom; Jochelson; Bogoras; Hostovtsev; Hentze
Thurneysen, R., 1921, Die irische Helden- und Königsage, Halle; Gregory; Campbell, 1900; Graves; Littledale
Swainson; H.D.A.
Thiry, G., 1935, Ipek, 73-84; Svoboda, B., 1941, Ipek, 15: 100-118; Granet, 1930; Waln
D’A. Thompson; De. Gubernatis
Jochelson; Czaplicka, 1914; Boas; Cook
Contenau, 1914; Bancroft; Boas; Andree; Frazer, 1921, 1930, 1936
Dähnhardt; Harva; Count; Bogoras
Walk; Frazer, 1918
Swainson; Owen
Leather; Rolland; Grimm; Fahl-mann
Dasent; Loorits
Harris; Kirby, W.F. 1936, Kalevala; Grimm
Harris, 1913, 1916, 1920
Harrison, 1927
Cook; Karsten; Batchelor; D’A. Thompson; Pansa
Halliday; Pollard
Armstrong, 1943b
Dahnhardt; Langdon; Baynes; Hooke; Graves
McCown; Aubrey, 1686-87
Grimm; Kelly, 1863; De La Salle; D’A. Thompson
Dumézil; Storms; Grimm; Harris, 1914
Mannhardt; Dahnhardt
Swainson; Williamson; Granet, 1926
Teit; Talbot
Walton; Lindgren-Utsi; Armstrong, 1935
Willoughby-Meade; Hare; Enthoven
Crooke; Frazer, 1932-35; Chambers, 1863-64; Brown
Spence, 1899; Brand; Simrock
Swainson; H.D.A.; Ingersoll; Trevelyan
Crooke; Westermarck; Mooney; Black; Gutch; Hare; Ventris and Chadwick; Graves
H.D.A.; Kelly, 1863; Cagnat and Chapot
Granet, 1930; Murray
Elworthy; Cook; Nilsson; Ventris and Chadwick
Cook; McCown; Hentze; Contenau, 1914; Harva
Nilsson; De Gubernatis; Harva
King, 124; Harva; Czaplicka; Batchelor; Clark, 1954
Breuil and Burkitt; Clark, 1948; Storms
Marshall; Gurney; D’A. Thompson; Wittkower; Harva; Nioradze
Murray; Schrader; Thomas, 1923
Armstrong, 1935; Charpentier; Skeat; Legge; Piggott
Storms; Buadis, 1916; Gregory
Macdougall; Baudis, 1914; Hull, 1932; Trevelyan; Curtin; Weis-weiler; Bayet; Viski, K., 1937, Hungarian Peasant Customs, Budapest
Bayet; Swainson
Trevelyan; Dillon; Gregory; Campbell, 1860-62
Kelly; Dähnhardt
Roes, 1933
D’A. Thompson; D.H.A.
Ameisenowa; Armstrong, 1943a, b, .1947b
Brown; Smith, 1887; Harrison, 1869, 1873; Paton; Borrer; Hazlitt, W. C., 1905, Faiths and Folklore; Brand; Gill; Henderson; Babington; Ticehurst; Williams, 1923; Smith, 1887; Sikes
Swann; Bloom; Henderson, 1869; Wright and Lones; Ethnographic Survey, 1897; Banks; Herd; Chambers, 1870
Gregor; Sonnini; Rolland
Sébillot; Bonwick; Traver
Thomas, 1898, 1908
F.-L., 17: 272; Sébillot; Michelet
Luzel; Abgrall; Duhamel; Harrison, 1869
Journ. F.-L. Soc., 5: 77-8; Herd; Chambers, 1870; Orkney and Shetland Oldlore, Oct., 1908; Mason
Lhuyd; Tegid; Peate; Mason; F.-L., 15: 198; Sikes
Owen; Davies; Lhuyd
Waldron; Kelly
Mactaggart; Thomas, 1898; Train
Dyer; Clague; Bullock; Swainson
Irish Folklore Commission; O’Danachair ; O’Ruadhain; O’Sullivan; Armstrong, 1947a
Mrs. M. J. O’Kelly, pers. comm.
Dawkins; Wace
Green; Brand
H.D.A.; Swainson; Wilde;Waddell
Best; Carmichael; O’Brien; Frazer, 1935
Gill; Pritchard; Fish
Armstrong, 1955; Mahr; Raftery
Irish Folklore Commission; Rolland
Swainson; Wood-Martin; H.D.A.; Henderson, G., 1911, Survivals of belief among the Celts. Glasgow
Radford; Swann; Crossing; Henderson, 1911; Gill
Swainson; Gutch; Billson; Gurdon; Williamson, 1941
Inwards; Swainson; Gregor; Wood-Martin
Harrison, 1956
Opie; Eckenstein
Rolland; Sebillot; Woodforde; Lupton
Frazer, 1930, 1932-35
Swainson; McGregor; Henderson, 1911; Rolland; Lupton; Jago; Wright, 1904
MacCulloch, 1911; Frazer, 1921, 1930, 1936; Abgrall; Rolland; Sébillot
Mannhardt; Simrock; Dähnhardt; H.D.A.; Frazer, 1930; Swainson
Frazer, 1930
Dumezil; Smith, 1919; Andersson; Wieger; Armstrong, 1935; Swainson;
Harrison, 1927
Abbott; Lawson; D’A. Thompson; Swainson; Andersson
Harris, 1917; Graves
Swainson; Hammerich
Bates; Migne, J. P., 1844-55, Patrologiae latinae, 101: 803; Douglas; Chandley, 1934
Ingersoll; De La Salle
Cohen, J. M. 1956, History of Western Literature, Harmonds-worth
Swainson; Chandler, 1937; Dähnhardt; H.D.A.; Willoughby-Meade
Grohmann; Chambers, 1870
Swainson, Smith, 1951
Robin; Swann
Simpkins; Sydow
Swainson; Hardy
Abbott; Friend; Swann; Gutch
Gregor, McCulloch
Gregor; Thomas, 1908; Brown; McCulloch
Henderson, 1911; Swainson; Hardy
D’A. Thompson; Cook; Rolland
Lean; Martin; Wood-Martin; Gallop
Sébillot; Frazer, 1932-35
Spence, 1947; Klementz; Batchelor; Cook; Loorits
Enthoven; Dahnhardt; Murray, 1925; Nilsson
Grohmann; Dähnhardt
Harris, 1913
Fairless; Emerson
Leach; Hull; Macaulay; Dallaway
Tristram; Smith, 1956; Swann
Meyer; Carney; Nutt
D’A. Thompson
Swainson; Newton; Field, 27, xii., 1913
Buckland; Henderson
Newton; Leach
Ingersoll; Harrison, 1949, 1950; H.D.A.
Gjerdman; Albin; Harrison, 1577; Schotti
Heron-Allen; Leach
Raven; Harrison, 1577
Müller; Diamant; Zimmels; Jacob
Harrison, 1577; Heron-Allen