A true accounting of all the holistic practitioners who should be acknowledged here would take up many more pages than this brief section allows. Let me just say, however, that I am truly indebted to all the very devoted and hardworking colleagues from whom I have learned so much, and who have been instrumental in the evolution of this book. It has been, and continues to be, a great privilege to be a part of this holistic community in which we all share the same dedication to healing without harm.
Specifically, my very genuine thanks and gratitude go to:
Mikhael Adams, N.D.; the late Gérard Guéniot, M.D.; and Etienne Vandekerkhove for their insight into the European field of drainage and their encyclopedic knowledge of the gemmotherapy remedies.
Dan Green, D.D.S.; Douglas Cook, D.D.S.; Oloph Granath, D.D.S.; Scott Loman, D.D.S.; and Robert Jarvis, D.D.S.; for their input into chapters 3 and 11, based on their invaluable experience in the fore-front of the field of holistic dentistry.
Sally Fallon, for her courage in tirelessly propagating sound nutritional advice based on ancestral wisdom and valid scientific research that is so well conveyed in her book, Nourishing Traditions, and her journal, Wise Traditions, which are both greatly referenced throughout this book, and especially in chapter 5.
Marie Bishop and Christopher Cogswell, for their encouragement, editing support, extensive holistic knowledge, and insightful suggestions.
Jerry Bouquot, D.D.S., for the use of his clear and convincing photographs of a healthy jawbone as compared to a dead gangrenous one, which is typically seen in dental focal infection sites.
Joan Grinzi, R.N., executive director of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, who facilitated the use of the before-and-after photos of native peoples seen in chapter 16 from the incomparable research of America’s father of holistic dentistry, Weston A. Price, D.D.S.
Raymond Silkman, D.D.S., and Terrance Spahl, D.D.S., two orthopedically oriented holistic dentists who generously shared their valuable patient photographs that so graphically illustrate in chapter 16 the very serious structural malformations that can occur from deficient nutrition, the incorrect use of braces, and other factors.
Jerome Mittelman, D.D.S., and Beverly Mittelman, B.S., C.N.C., for their very demonstrative photos of dental malocclusion generated by prolonged thumb-sucking and pacifier use.
Carmen Marcadis, D.C., for her constructive criticism and exceptionally helpful editing suggestions in chapter 17.
Bryan Janssen; Perry Janssen, M.A.; Terry Saracino; and Mitch Visnick; for their editing and insights in chapter 18, based on their years of personal and professional experience undergoing as well as teaching psychospiritual approaches.
Robert Shane, for his input and suggestions in the energetic testing material in appendix 3, based on his numerous years of experience working with a multitude of various energetic testing methods.
And finally, I want to thank my colleague Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D., for the invaluable knowledge and extensive clinical expertise I have gained from his brilliant teaching and insight, which contributed tremendously to the writing of chapters 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, as well as other parts of this book.
I further want to thank Sarah Scott, Jamaica Burns, Nancy Ringer, Mary Miller, and Jeanie Levitan for their skillful editorial work; Jennifer Taylor for her excellent illustrations; and Melanie Lamoureux for her creative and artistic vision.
Personally, I want to express my deep gratitude and appreciation for my Ridhwan teacher, Laurie Wattell, whose warmth and wisdom created a holding field that has tremendously furthered my own self-understanding and growth. I further want to thank my brilliant parents, Fred and Margaret Williams, whose love of knowledge and literature prompted my long educational odyssey as well as my interest in finally authoring a book.