The future exists first in Imagination, then in Will, then in Reality.
In spring 1963, while a Mr. Oswald was ordering a Carcano-Mannlicher rifle through the mail, Hugh Crane was in Cambridge, meeting with a famous psychologist who had recently been ejected from Harvard for original research and poor usage of the First Amendment.
“It takes you beyond the body rapture of marijuana?” Crane asked.
“That’s the least of it,” said the psychologist. “It takes you into something like the parallel universe of science fiction. I’m beginning to think they’re parallel neurological universes or different styles of head-games….”
“Games?” Crane said.
“Life-scripts, novels,” the psychologist suggested, trying other metaphors.
“I dig it,” Crane said quietly. “How soon can I try this lysergic acid di-what’s-it?”
“How soon?” Crane repeated. “You’ve got a very willing guinea pig, Dr. Frankenstein.”
Cary Grant had already told all the show-biz columnists that this magic chemical had changed his whole life for the better; Cagliostro, typically, went further and began urging its use on everyone. When the backlash struck he and the researcher who had initiated him and a few other researchers and a couple of famous poets and novelists were widely denounced as “high priests of the drug cult.” He became a favorite topic for the Sunday supplements and the more ox-like men’s magazines—any hack could make a lively story by rehashing his pot arrests, his morals busts, the rumors about other sexual oddities, his public advocacy of LSD and anarcho-atheism, his mantra, “There is no governor anywhere,” and the increasingly popular speculation that his escapes were actually performed through black magic.
It was a disappointment to all the people who loved hating him when he suddenly married the screen’s best known sex goddess, Norma Nelson, and settled down to what appeared to be a very monogamous and un-newsworthy fidelity trip.
Norma herself was delighted that all those rumors about his sadism were obviously untrue. Their sex life was quite normal, and the Mass of the Holy Ghost was performed without restraints. She discovered, also, the basic secret of his escapes: he never accepted a challenge at once, always jetting on “urgent business” to another part of the country and only taking languid notice of the wager, casually accepting it with total cool, a few days later. The interlude, she found, was spent in duplicating the conditions proposed and finding the gimmick that would work and the misdirection that would distract attention at the crucial moment. She also learned the essence of the okanna borra, or “gypsy switch,” which is the basis of almost all magic and most con games. The people who thought their own screws, bolts, and chains were used in Cagliostro’s escapes were as mistaken as those who think the handkerchief with a hundred dollars that they give the gypsy for blessing is the same handkerchief that comes back to them.
She also learned what alchemy was all about. “I thought that was all superstition,” she said once, pointing at his shelves of old books on the transmutation of elements, the Mass of the Holy Ghost, the Cabala, and the elixir of life.
“We do it almost every night.” He smiled. “You have the Cup and I have the Sword. Solve et coagula, divide and unite—that’s why I have to go down on you again at the end. The mystic number 210—that means us two becoming one in the peak and the falling into the void. You’ve got the Triangle and I cause the physical manifestation within it.”
“You mean it’s all a code? Why did they have to hide it?”
“Those who didn’t got burned at the stake,” he said. “Read about the witches and the Knights Templar sometime.”
He also began teaching her the Tarot. “Now, the Fool corresponds to aleph in Kabala, the ox, or bull-god Dionysus. But aleph is the path from Keser to Chokmah, and, therefore, the Holy Ghost or semen. The Magus is beth, the house or temple—that is, the path from Keser to Binah, the womb …”
“Do you really think you’re going to live forever?” she asked him once.
“If not,” he said, “I’ll die trying.”