If every case of aging can be corrected, we might all be Methuselahs, living 1,000 years or more.
A Chinese named Wing Lee Chee was Cagliostro’s closest friend in those early carnival days. Wing was the world’s great master of karate, kung fu, aikido, and Comprehensive Advanced Machismo, but a gentle soul when not pushed too hard. In Bad Ass, Texas, he got pushed too hard by local cops, who objected to his use of the white toilet facilities at a gas station. They told him “A chink is just a yellowed-out nigger,” roughed him up, and accidentally knocked his right eye out in their enthusiasm. At that point Wing lost his temper and was subsequently apprehended and quickly tried and convicted for the murder of four police officers.
Judge Draconic V. Wasp pronounced sentence in this wise: “Young feller, you’ve been tried and convicted and every man in this courtroom knows your guilt is as black as hell. I have no regret in passing sentence in such a case. Soon, you little bastard, it will be spring and the robin will sing again, the flowers will bud, little children will laugh on their way to school—and you will hear and know nothing of that, for you will be dead, dead, dead. You chink bastard. Sheriff, take the yellow son-of-a-bitch out and hang him.”
Wing Lee Chee received this with no show of emotion, but then he arose and addressed the court in a steady and terrible voice. “As I rook upon the whiskey-fogged faces of judge and July in the tlavesty of a civirized coult,” he said, “I know furr werr that I was foorish to ever expect justice from such degenelates. You, Judge Wasp, speak of the sweet singing of lobins in the spling and the brooming of the prants, but what can you know of the gleat Tao that moves arr of us, you four-mouthed, cunt-ricking, donkey-fucking led-neck? You desclibe the gentre voices of chirden, you glafting, thieving, monkey-faced, frat-nosed idiot offspring of a feebre-minded goat by pulple-plicked baboon! What do you know of the innocence of rittle chirden? What do you know of anything but colluption and highway lobbery, you syph-spocked, clap-lidden, amoeba-blained white lacist? You say that Wing Lee Chee sharr be hanged by the neck until he is dead, dead, dead, but Wing Lee Chee says”—he paused dramatically, swept the courtroom with a withering glance and concluded—“you can kiss my ass until it is led, led, led!”
It is said that nineteen peace officers were torn limb from limb in the course of the hanging of Wing Lee Chee.
FRANK: But he was hanged anyway.
ERNEST: But they knew they had hanged a man.
FRANK: Like hell. They thought they’d just hanged a crazy gook.