He drove toward the New Delhi Motel. He needed time for thought. He was probably missing something, and he didn’t have the remotest notion of what it might be. He parked the Pontiac in front of Room 12. The door was wide open. Lockington went in. Room 12 looked like the site of a rodeo after the rodeo. His suitcase had been turned upside down and inside out, the mattress and box spring were on the floor, his pillow had been stripped of its casing, the little overstuffed chair was on its side, its cushion against a wall, the dresser drawers were scattered about the room, the top of the toilet’s flush box was off, sitting on the sink. Lockington righted the chair, replaced the cushion and sat there, contemplating the Christ-awful mess. Then he smiled. His half-bottle of Martell’s cognac was intact. Thank God for small favors.

He had a jolt of the stuff and hiked over to the office to discuss the matter with the manager. He said, “Who tore up my room?”

The manager said, “Speak little English.”

“You see anything suspicious in the last couple hours?”

“Speak little English.”

“What’s more, my air-conditioner ain’t working worth a damn!”

“Speak little English.”

Lockington said, “How would you respond if I were to inform you that I am a State of Ohio hotel inspector, operating on behalf of Governor Richard Celeste, may his name be praised?”

The manager repeated, “Speak little English,” but he blinked and Lockington regarded this as an encouraging sign. He jerked out his wallet, flashing his old City of Chicago Police badge.

The manager said, “Mr. Lockington, Your Excellency, it is the policy of this establishment to make its guests as comfortable as possible! The management attempts to extend every service, every courtesy! Rest assured, Your Excellency, that your room will be restored to order immediately, and your air-conditioner will be replaced within the hour! May your stay at the New Delhi Motel be a long and enjoyable one, Your Excellency!”

Lockington said, “Allah Akbar!” He went out, feeling slightly drunk with power, wondering what the hell Allah Akbar meant.