
I’m so grateful to Jean Feiwel and the Swoon Reads imprint for giving my story the royal treatment. I was lucky enough to work with two amazing editors, Emily Settle and Rachel Diebel. You both brought so much sparkle and joy to my story. I would knight you both if I could! I’m so thankful for the beautiful cover designed by Kathleen Breitenfeld. Cheers to my copy editor, Nancee Adams, for helping me catch all the naughty little errors. I’m grateful to my production editor, Dawn Ryan, for all her hard work. Thank you to Madison Furr, for being an incredible publicist and for spreading publishing cheer. And the deepest of curtsies to the rest of the Swoon Reads team: Lauren Scobell, Holly West, and Kat Brzozowski.

To my agents, Jen Nadol and Jennifer Unter, finding you has been a gift. I’m so lucky to work with such talented people.

All of my love to Violet, Alivia, Isaac, and Andrew. Every day with you is magical. To my husband, Jon, you are my best friend and my dearest love. Captain Wentworth’s got nothing on you. Mom and Dad, thank you for being my biggest fans. Michelle and Stacy, thank you for being the best sisters ever and for reading my stories first.

I’m surrounded by many friends who have been incredibly supportive: Erin, Debbie, Irene, Susannah, Nicole, Ruthanne, Katie E., Marin, Amanda, Elisa, Katie F., and Dannielle. You guys are the best!

The Young Adult book community in Utah is warm and welcoming. I’m so grateful for the friendships I’ve found here. Hugs to Krysti, Sarah, Allisa, Bambie, Tricia, Kaylynn, RuthAnne, Dan, Kathryn, Caitlin, Sofiya, Emily, Erin, Crystal, Alex, Rosalyn, Sara, and Charlie.

The Swoon Squad has been a wonderful support system and I’m lucky to call these talented authors friends. I’m especially fortunate to live near my fellow Swoon author, Tiana Smith, who is just as witty in person as she is on paper.

Addie Thorley and Jennieke Cohen, you two are the best! I was so blessed to find writers who like corsets and smart heroines as much as I do.

Book bloggers, YouTubers, Instagrammers, reviewers, teachers, and librarians around the world, you are all on Father Christmas’s nice list. Thank you so much for all you do to support me and the bookish community.

Dear Reader, I can’t thank you enough for joining me on another adventure. I hope that your dreams are too large to fit into any stocking and that you never stop believing in magic, friendship, and fudge—uh, … I meant love.

Happy Holidays.