Megan quietly entered Bill’s room as the doctor was finishing and waited for him to leave before she spoke to Bill.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay, I guess. I’m ready to go.”
“How long before we check out?” Natalie asked.
“The discharge papers should be ready. I’ll go get them and then take you down,” she said before leaving the room.
Jake tossed Bill’s toiletries kit into one of the bags then looked around the room, knowing Bill wouldn’t miss this place. Natalie had finished packing the last of his clothes from the closet and gave the room a quick glance also. Some of the nurses, including Walt, had been by already and wished him well.
The three of them talked about Bill and Natalie’s schedule for the next few days while waiting.
Megan was back. “Okay, Mr. Sullivan.” said Megan. Handing a clipboard to Bill with a pen she pointed to the places he needed to sign on each page.
“I’m ready if you are,” Megan said.
“Let’s get out of here,” said Bill.
Megan took the wheelchair handles and started for the door.
“I can do this,” Bill said, taking hold of the wheelchair. At the elevator he rolled in, but bumped the wall while turning around, irritation crossing his face.
Downstairs Jake went to get the car while Natalie and Megan stayed with Bill.
“Bill, I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Megan said.
It was strange, knowing he had arrived unconscious in an ambulance.
“Thanks for helping take care of me.”
“You’re welcome. I’m glad we met, but I wish it had been under better circumstances.”
“Yeah, me too.” He wanted to say more, tell her he liked her, but he chickened out. “Will I see you on Monday at therapy?”
“No. I have AM shifts this week back in MSTI and they have you scheduled early at Elk’s. But if you want to change to afternoons, I’m at Elk’s two or three times a week working with kids. I can see you then.”
“I’ll change my appointments,” Bill said, feeling a small jolt of anticipation.
Jake arrived with the car and was hustling to help. Megan had already opened the door and Bill was gingerly transferring himself to the front seat, frustration evident. Natalie snapped the wheelchair closed with a little difficulty then put it in the back of the car.
“Give me a minute guys,” said Jake. “I need some information from Megan about Elk’s rehab.”