Katie was in a chair, with her head over a shower pan and her shoulders draped in a plastic smock. Megan gently washed Katie’s hair, trying not to strain her healing ribs. Katie was enjoying the feel of the warm water as it came off the back of her head, leaving a wonderful clean feeling behind.
Megan wrapped Katie’s head in a towel, enjoying the moment, her other responsibilities temporarily left outside the room.
“How did that feel, Katie?”
“I’m so glad. Don’t try and wash your hair, or get in a shower alone for a couple weeks. Your parents don’t need to worry about anything except making sure you don’t start bleeding.”
“I’ll be careful, Megan, believe me.”
Megan laughed. “Great! You are recovering very well, and there is not a hint of infection.”
“I feel pretty good, considering what happened.”
“Do you remember the accident? What happened to you?”
“I remember enough.”
“Do you want me to blow dry your hair?”
Katie started to respond no and then stopped. “How long before my mom and dad get here?”
“We still have a few minutes.”
“If you have time, I would love that.”
Megan uncoiled the cord for the blow dryer, plugged it in and gently started the process, lifting hair and holding it one way and then the other, not in a hurry. When finished Megan put away the dryer, helped Katie back up onto the bed and handed the teen her bag of drawing materials.
“Are you dating a tall man?” she asked, with her eyes closed.
“Uh…yeah. Why do you ask?” Megan frowned. “How would you know I was dating someone and that he would be tall?”
“I can’t explain it, Megan. But I did see some things when I was hurt, at least right after the accident.”
A look of puzzlement crossed Megan’s face, and she was about to speak when Katie’s parents entered the room.
“Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Lindskog. We just finished washing Katie’s hair.”
“Thank you -“ Lisa Lindskog was interrupted by her daughter.
“Mom-Dad-I want to show you my latest drawing.”
With that she opened her eyes and drew her art pad from the bag.
Her mother was studying her daughter’s face.
Katie opened the pad to display a vivid pencil drawing.
Lisa’s mouth dropped open.
Richard leaned back as if struck.
Megan stared at the picture. It was an incredibly detailed drawing of Bill, Jake, and Natalie, standing around the tailgate of a truck upon which Katie’s body lay. Bill looked to be performing chest compressions, and Jake looked ready to give rescue breaths. Natalie was holding a sneaker and watching the two men. Katie appeared dead.
“Katie, do you know these people?” asked Megan, wide eyed.
“How were you able to draw them?”
Katie’s answer was simple and emphatic.
“I was standing right there.”
“What?” asked Megan.
Lisa was stunned, looking from the picture into her daughter’s eyes and back to the drawing.
Eyes that had always been blind.
“OH MY GOD! You can see?” exclaimed Lisa.