Bill and Jake were seated on the patio of a Red Robin restaurant not far from Dodger Stadium. They had finished a light workout because they had a game tomorrow. In front of them were chicken Caesar salads and iced teas. Jake was holding an unlit wrapped cigar and getting occasional dirty looks by the disapproving server. He would wait to light up. He allowed himself an occasional cigar and only after a win. He had already told Bill that he had a good feeling about the game, but it had not cheered up his melancholy friend.

“Jake, I don’t know what to do,” said Bill.

“About Megan?”

Bill nodded his head affirmatively.

Jake shrugged his shoulders. After she had dumped him, Bill had shared part of Megan’s history so Jake could understand why her reaction was so strong.

“It’s been almost three weeks, Jake. I’ve left voice mails, texts, and emails but she won’t call me back.”

“I think she will, Bill, but you need to be careful. If you come across as a stalker you will lose her permanently.”

“I know.” Bill paused. “I sent flowers but I’m not sure she is still in Boise. The florist said no one came to the door. Her first classes are Monday in Seattle, and she might be over there already. I didn’t get her new address before all of that went down.”

“Seattle…that’s where one of your doctors has an office, right.”

“Yeah, Dr. Yellen.”

“So you have a real reason to fly up there. Megan and that doctor are friends. Tell Yellen that you miss Megan and that you screwed up. Try out the sympathy card and see if she will ask Megan to call you.”

Bill was skeptical.

“Or we could hire a private investigator,” said Jake with a smirk.

“Yeah, right. Are you out of you mind?” Bill asked, with a small smile at Jake’s humor.

“Or you could try the Richard Gere movie approach.”

Bill laughed. “Me man, you woman, love me because I’m handsome and filled with angst.”

“Ok, I see the problem there…handsome you’re not.” Filled with angst you are, thought Jake before shifting gears.

“Bill, you are in love with this woman. Wait a few days and just leave her a simple text. Tell her that you love her, that you’re sorry and that you hope you can talk.”

Jake had felt a similar longing for female companionship many times in his life, not that he would tell Bill about it, not yet anyway. Jake knew his time was coming around and that there was somebody out there waiting for him. He just needed to find her.

“I know things about people, Bill. I’m pretty sure it will all work out if you are patient and gentle with her.”

“Thanks, Jake.”

“There is one more thing though.”

“What is it?”

“Don’t break any more dartboards, you idiot!” Jake smiled and took another bite of salad. “Now get your head ready for the game. It’s time to show a few batters that you’re all the way back.”

When he saw Bill smile Jake continued. “And by the way…I would have paid a hundred bucks to see that guy’s face when you threw that eight ball past his head.”