Kai looked at Natalie, resting easily in her bed. She knew the teen could not move as she was in a medically induced coma, but believed Natalie was comforted by her presence. Kai was encouraged by the rhythmic rise and fall of Natalie’s chest under the blanket.
It had been more than thirty-six hours since the accident and Kai, Brad and Rachel had worked out a schedule. Kai was rested and retired, so she had gently suggested that she take the shift from ten PM to eight AM, so that Rachel and Brad could be available during the day in case the doctors needed anything. Megan and Jake were taking turns with Bill who was not dealing well mentally with his injury.
Kai turned back to her stack of magazines. She was reading about the Grand Canyon and some of the Indian historical sites in Arizona. There was a suggested top ten list with villages dating back to AD 350 and she was wanted to see them all.
She felt him, smiled, and looked up to see Julio Chavez standing in the doorway.
“Hi, Kai, how are you?”
“I am well, thank you. It is so good to see you again.”
Julio entered the room, moved beside Natalie’s bed, and laid a hand on her forehead, leaving it there for several seconds. In his other hand he had a manila folder.
“You will have a long and bountiful life, child.”
Julio turned back to Kai, choose a chair, and sat beside her then looked at her reading materials.
“It looks like you are planning a wonderful trip.”
“I am. When Natalie and Bill are stable, Jake said he would stay with them and help Megan as well. Then I would feel comfortable making a road trip through Arizona on the way back to Idaho.”
“I am sure you will have a great time.”
“Thank you!”
Julio lifted the folder. “I have some papers for you to sign.”
Megan was dozing in one of the oversized hospital chairs next to Bill’s bed.
The medical staff was accommodating Megan and the team, having been emotionally moved as the details of the accident circulated the facility. One or two members of the Dodger’s organization were around, in a twenty-four-hour vigil, ready to transport or assist with any needs. A couple of reporters had already tried to get by them…unsuccessfully.
Megan opened her eyes upon hearing footsteps, and saw a man entering the darkened room. As he drew closer, she recognized Julio Chavez.
“Good evening, Megan.”
She rubbed her eyes, blinked, and sat up. Taking a deep breath, Megan let it out, struggled out of her chair and extended her hand.
“Hello Mr. Chavez.”
Julio looked around. “Is my dad here?” he asked, a light attempt at humor. “Please just call me Julio.”
Megan nodded.
“I am sorry you are going through all this,” he said.
“We’ll get through it,” she replied.
“I am certain you will, and everything will be alright.”
Megan gave him a brief nod.
“I wanted to thank you again for insisting that Bill and I visit Eric Hall in the hospital last year.”
“He had a brain tumor and was facing surgery. Then the next morning he was cancer-free,” she said. “Did you have anything to do with that?”
“That sounds like a great story.”
She cocked her head and gave him a look. “And you were on the field, with Natalie and Bill. Thank you.”
Julio’s smile lit up the room. “You are welcome. She needed help in a hurry, and I knew that the EMT’s wouldn’t get there fast enough.”
“Natalie is going to come out of this okay, or at least as well as anyone could expect of an accident victim with a broken neck,” said Megan. Chills ran down her arms.
“That is good news.”
“I somehow think you already knew she was going to be okay when you were on the field with her.”
A few seconds passed then Julio moved over to where Bill was sleeping and laid his hand on his shoulder. “Bill is going to be okay too, Megan. Everyone is going to be okay in time. He will struggle with the loss of his baseball career but the four of you will be just fine.”
“Thank you for your kind words,” said Megan.
“Well, I have to go home. Would you please let him know I stopped by?”
Julio extended his hand to shake goodbye, but Megan stepped forward instead and gave him a hug.
“Thank you, for everything. I just feel I need to tell you that.”
Julio’s eyes sparkled. “Thomas will be tall, like his father, and he too will be a great ballplayer.”
Megan was stunned as she watched Julio leave the room.
We hadn’t told anyone the baby’s name.