
Bill opened his eyes, surprise registering on his face when he saw his attorney, Fred Ramsey, standing beside his bed, along with Megan, Kai and Jake.

“Fred, what are you doing in Los Angeles? This is a long way from your Boise office.”

A look of fear shot across his face. “Wait! Is Natalie okay?”

“Natalie is fine, Bill. This is not about Natalie,” replied Fred.

“Then I don’t understand.”

“Please give me a minute and we will get there. How are you?”

Bill’s eyes narrowed.

“Well, Fred, right now not so good.”

Fred nodded. “Sorry, I get it.”

Fred drew a breath and continued. “Very well. Bill, I assume you know by now that Julio Chavez died in a plane crash?”

“I do know. I could not believe it. Jake told me and it has been on CNN and ESPN nonstop. The news reported that the wreckage was located this morning, and his body was recovered.”

“That’s right. The short story, Bill, is that I was contacted by a large Chicago law firm around noon, and asked to be co-counsel for the estate of Julio Chavez.”

No one missed the confusion on the faces of Bill and Megan. Fred noticed that Kai and Jake did not seem to be surprised. But then Kai Fisher was named in the instructions.

“No offense intended but did you even know the guy?” asked Bill. “Why would he name you or…?” Bill thought about what he wanted to say. “I guess I just don’t understand why he would deal with someone in Boise, someone he didn’t know.”

“No offense taken, Bill. Apparently, Mr. Chavez had a set of instructions that activated immediately upon any news of his death. That set of instructions directed his trust to immediately involve me to meet with you face to face, wherever you might be.”


“First and foremost, you have been named a co-director, along with Kai Fisher, for the Chavez Children’s Cancer Foundation. The foundation is the recipient of his life insurance proceeds. Jake has been named as an honorary director.

“It was explained to me that your position, Bill, is voluntary but Mr. Chavez was hopeful that you would accept it and treat it as an honor. It comes with a generous salary.

“What?” Bill’s mind was reeling. “Why me? He barely knows me and what would I know about directing a foundation?”

“That was one of the questions they anticipated,” replied Fred. He opened his folder and withdrew a sheet of paper.

“Mr. Chavez’s left a brief statement for you in that regard. I quote “Kai and you and Jake will do just fine.” unquote.

“Mr. Chavez also asked me to read you the following statement: As part of the Foundations charter, an area near McCall, Idaho, commonly known as Indian Meadow, has been leased from the National Forest Service, for a period of ninety-nine years. The lease allows for the operation of the new “Sullivan Camp” for orphans and children with cancer or survivors of the disease.”

Bill was dumbfounded. Jake and Kai were smiling.

Fred handed Bill a sealed envelope with a note on it. “For Bill, from your friend Julio.”

Bill opened the envelope to find a short note.


Kai and Jake already know what needs to be done. You are a smart man. Kai and Jake can help you. Think of Eric Hall and Katie Lindskog and your soon to arrive son. Remember Darrell Smith. Remember me and trust in the council of your friends and loved ones. I am asking you to become a teacher of kids, and have given you the means, and the team to be successful. The rest is up to you.

With you always, J.C.