Many very experienced and well-informed people gave me their time and knowledge for this book. They shall remain anonymous but you know who you are and you have my deepest appreciation. Your observations and stories proved invaluable.
To the friends who read drafts, gave feedback, made tea, delivered vegetables, brought wine and food, shared wisdom, lured me to movies and dancing, sent texts, took me to dinner, remembered the things I forgot, were surrogate mums, ferried the cat and the hockey bag, hung out on my back deck, shared your homes, and kept me laughing through the intense process of writing this book, I love you all.
In 2017, the Australia Council gave me a grant to create the first draft of this novel. I am enormously grateful.
In 2018, Carol and Alan Schwarz gave me the most beautiful house and the gift of solitude to finish the second draft.
The Stella Prize community has been the warm breeze at my back during the writing of this novel.
Jane Palfreyman, Ali Lavau, Christa Munns, Christine Farmer, Sandy Cull and the entire team at Allen & Unwin have been a powerhouse of professionalism and care.
Gaby Naher, my agent, has given me twenty years of guidance, passion and belief.
My mother Dawn for the early magic of words.
My father Kevin for a lifetime of writerly support and inspiration.
My children Belle, Byron and Alex have made every day a gift beyond measure.
My island home of Tasmania—and the brilliant community I live amongst—I wrote this for you.
Thank you all.