With gratitude to Renee Moore, the founder of Solomon Northup Day, who was a tireless resource for us. We also thank the photo archivists at the Alexandria and Baton Rouge campuses of Louisiana State University for their gracious assistance, and the family of Sue Eakin, Solomon Northup biographer extraordinaire.
For the Louisiana branch of the Fradin family—Diana Judith, Michael James, Shalom Amelia, and Dahlia Sol Richard
Text copyright © 2012 Judith Bloom Fradin and Dennis Brindell Fradin
Compilation copyright © 2012 National Geographic Society.
All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission
from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
Dust jacket design by Eva Absher and David M. Seager
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Fradin, Judith Bloom.
Stolen into slavery : the true story of Solomon Northup, free black man / by
Judy and Dennis Fradin.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
eISBN: 978-1-4263-0987-8
1. Northup, Solomon, b. 1808. 2. Slaves–United States–Biography. 3. African Americans–Biography. 4. Plantation life—Louisiana—History–19th century. 5. Slavery—Louisiana—History–19th century. I. Fradin, Dennis B. II. Title.
E444.N87F73 2012