- Administrators. See School administrators
- Adult-imposed consequences: natural versus; negative outcomes of
- Adults: Define Adult Concerns step; Empathy step of gathering information and understanding by the; fear of fabrication by students; helper role taken by. See also Classroom teachers; Educators
- Alanna (teacher): on Plan B fostering student skills; on shifting to the CPS model
- ALSUP (Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems): ALSUP form and ALSUP Guide; core group members expanding efforts at gaining proficiency with; as a discussion guide to discuss lagging skills/unsolved problems; Experience is the Best Teacher comments on using; have the core group members get comfortable using; how to have a productive meeting; how to use the; on incompatibility episode; introduction to the; key points to remember before reviewing guidelines of; Q ' A on using the; relative ease of learning the. See also Behavior assessment; CPS (Collaborative ' Proactive Solutions) model; Lagging skills; Unsolved problems
- ALSUP form: to download a; example of a blank; example of a completed; Experience is the Best Teacher comments on using; guidelines for writing unsolved problems on
- ALSUP meetings: having productive; lagging skills and unsolved problems focus of; prioritizing lagging skills and unsolved problems; Problem Solving Plan form for
- Anonymous school principal: on challenge of behavior problems; on logistics of implementing CPS; on using the ALSUP
- Anti-bullying programs, failures of
- Applied behavior analysis (ABA)
- Assistant/vice principals: being placed in the role of building police officer; criteria of helper role taken by
- Attention, blaming the student's need for
- Autism spectrum
- Bad choices blaming
- Bad timing pitfall
- Behavior: assessment of; conflict when skills cannot meet demanded; conventional notions about the function of
- Behavior assessment: conventional approach to; the CPS model approach to identifying lagging skills/unsolved problems; FBAs (functional behavior assessments). See also ALSUP (Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems)
- Behavior demands: ideal person to do Plan B with student is staff member with the; incompatibility episode occurring when skills cannot meet
- Behavior initiatives: anti-bullying programs; failure of countless; having a case of Initiative Fatigue; NVC (Nonviolent Communication) model; PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports); Response to Intervention (RIT); Restorative Justice (RJ); Teacher Effectiveness Training model
- Behavior Plans
- Behavior problem solving. See Problem solving collaboration
- Behavior problems: asking the “why” of; categorical approach to summarizing; comparing natural and adult-imposed consequences of; typical ways that students' are blamed for their; when the demands exceed capacity to respond adaptively. See also Incompatibility episodes; Unsolved problems
- Behavior skills: as the engine driving student behaviors; flexibility/adaptability; fostered by Plan B steps; frustration tolerance; helper role in identifying deficiencies in; incompatibility episode occurring when behavior demands exceed; problem solving; school discipline lack of focus on; understanding that behaviorally challenging students lack. See also Lagging skills
- Behaviorally challenging student discipline: comments by various educators on; damage of zero-tolerance policies to; the least toxic response should be applied to. See also School discipline programs
- Behaviorally challenging student services: failure of countless behavior initiatives to provide; negative impact of using diagnoses as gatekeeper for; special education referral process for
- Behaviorally challenging students: accusing them of lying; ask if they are thinking during the unsolved problem; with autism spectrum; benchmarking CPS progress with; CPA goal of transforming how they are understood and treated; description of; failure to identify the specific problems of; having a case of Initiative Fatigue; impact on teachers and other school personnel by; negative impact of high-stakes testing on; negative impact of using diagnosis as gatekeeper for services to; power struggles with; preschool-age; ramifications of our lack of success with; selecting the staff member to work CPS with the; skills that are fostered through the use of Plan B; stereotypical beliefs about; understanding that they lack the skills to not be challenging; “W questions” on expectations for writing about unsolved problems; when they couldn't think of any solutions. See also Students
- Brie (school counselor)
- Budget cuts
- Carol (principal): on challenge of behavior problems; on logistics of implementing CPS; on Plan B fostering student skills; on shifting to the CPS model; on using the ALSUP; on using the Problem Solving Plans
- Classroom teachers: historic important as socialization agents; how new imposed roles have taken the humanity out of their jobs; impact of behaviorally challenging students on; modern challenges facing; negative impact of high-stakes testing on; Plan B also applicable to problems between parents and; teaching colleagues about Plan B; understanding criteria of helper role taken by. See also Adults
- Coaching Plan B: Experience is the Best Teacher comments on; least independence-promoting form of; the most independence-promoting strategy of; to promote independence when; Q ' A on demonstrating and
- Collaboration. See Problem solving collaboration
- Communication: Define Adult Concerns step; life skill of identifying and communicating concerns; reflective listening for
- Concerns: ability to communicate them as important life skill; care more about a kid's concerns to have them care about your; Define Adult Concerns; Empathy step of gathering information and understanding; fear of fabrication about; how mushy solutions come out of mushy; making educated guessing or hypothesis testing; significance of having problems restating
- Consequences: adult-imposed; natural
- Core group members: expanding efforts after gaining proficiency with the ALSUP and Plan B; have them get comfortable with using the ALSUP; organizing and sustaining CPS activities by the; Plan B practice by the; selecting the CPS
- CPS (Collaborative ' Proactive Solutions) model: benchmarking progress with students; comparing conventional behavior assessment to unique approach of; educator comments on making the shift to; effectiveness for middle, junior, or senior high school students; 15 Minutes a Day adopted by schools to use the; Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 Plans incorporating language of; logistics of organizing and sustaining the effort; other behavior initiatives that are compatible with the; Q ' A on collaborative application of the; Q ' A on organizing and sustaining effort; Q ' A on shifting to the; selecting the staff member to work with a student using the; transforming how behaviorally challenging students are understood and treated by. See also ALSUP (Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems); Problem solving collaboration; Solutions
- CPS organizing and sustaining effort: engaging parents in the; Experience is the Best Teacher comments on; the four steps for; organizing and sustaining the effort challenge of; Q ' A (questions ' answers) on; required until you've “built capacity,”; the role of administrators in; teaching colleagues about Plan B
- CPS organizing and sustaining steps: 1: select the core group; 2: get comfortable with the ALSUP; 3: practice Plan B—a lot
- CPS themes: 1: kids do well if they can theme of the; 2: doing well is preferable theme of the; 3: the important stuff is upstream; 4: the problem solving is collaborative and not unilateral; 5: the problem solving is proactive and not reactive; 6: understanding is the most important part of helping
- Define Adult Concerns step: ability to communicate concerns as important life skill; description of the; don't start with the; examples of applying the; letting the observer know when moving to Invitation step from; letting the observer know when you are leaving the Empathy to; “My concern is . . .” to begin and “The thing is . . .” to end; outcomes of all three steps including; two categories of expressing your concerns
- Demonstrating Plan B: Experience is the Best Teacher comments on; guidelines for each of the steps; importance of; importance of narrating process to observer when; Q ' A on teaching and coaching and
- Detention toxic response
- Developmental delay
- Discipline. See Behaviorally challenging student discipline; School discipline programs
- Do-overs: examples of pitfalls and their; for getting back on track from Plan B pitfalls
- Drilling Cheat Sheet: the best time to introduce them when teaching Plan B; core group members practicing Plan B using the; downloading the; overview of the
- Drilling strategies: ask about the situational nature of the unsolved problem; ask student what she's thinking; ask “W questions,”; the best time to introduce them when teaching Plan B; break unsolved problem down into component parts; Drilling Cheat Sheet for using the; examples of using the different; making a discrepant observation; narrating them when teaching colleagues to use; summarizing (and asking for more concerns); tabling (and asking for more concerns); use reflection listening
- Educated guessing
- Educators: CPS goal of transforming how behaviorally challenging students are understood and treated by; criteria of helper role taken by; impact of behaviorally challenging students on; modern challenges facing; selecting the one to work CPS with the student; teaching colleagues about Plan B. See also Adults; Experience is the Best Teacher comments; specific school position
- Emergency circumstances: Emergency B Plan used during; Problem Solving Plan C example for; when to use Emergency Plan A
- Emergency Plan A
- Emergency Plan B
- Empathy research findings
- Empathy step: gathering information and understanding during the; “I've noticed that” to introduce and “What's up?” to end the; letting the observer know when you are moving to Define Adult Concerns step from the; outcomes of all three steps including; Possibility 1: She says something; Possibility 2: She says nothing or “I don't know,”; Possibility 3: She say, “I don't have a problem with that,”; Possibility 4: She says, “I don't want to talk about it right now,”; Possibility 5: She becomes defensive and says something like “I don't have to talk to you,”; Proactive Plan B with the; taking the time to find out the kid's way on a given problem
- Experience is the Best Teacher comments: on ALSUP for writing lagging skills/unsolved problems; on the challenge of discipline; on making the shift to the CPS model; on organizing and sustaining CPS effort; on problem solving collaboration; on Problem Solving Plan B fostering student skills; on Problem Solving Plan B pitfalls; on Problem Solving Plans A, B, and C; on teaching colleagues Plan B. See also Classroom teachers; Educators
- Expulsion toxic response
- 15 Minutes a Day
- 504 Plans
- Flexibility/adaptability skills
- Form downloading links: ALSUP; Drilling Cheat Sheet; Plan B Cheat Sheet; Problem Solving Plan
- Forms: ALSUP; Drilling Cheat Sheet; Plan B Cheat Sheet; Problem Solving Plan
- Frustration tolerance skills
- Functional behavior assessments (FBAs)
- Helper criteria: helpers have thick skin; helpers help
- Helpers: collaborative and proactive problem solving role of; figuring out what skills are lacking by students role of; two criteria required for
- Helping: CPS emphasis on understanding as the most important part of; helper roles to take for
- High-stakes testing: disservice of neglecting personal skills for; negative impact on students by; negative impact on teachers by
- Hippocratic Oath
- Hypothesis testing
- Incompatibility episodes. See also Behavior problems
- Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
- Information gathering: Define Adult Concerns step of; educated guessing or hypothesis testing strategies for; Empathy step of adult understanding and; fear of fabrication during process of; pitfall of perfunctory; pitfall of too much information; when the kid wouldn't talk pitfall
- Information summarizing: Define Adult Concerns step form of; unsolved problem writing guidelines for; when teaching Plan B to colleagues
- Initiative Fatigue
- Introducing Plan B: remind colleagues importance of ALSUP process; steps when teaching Plan B to colleagues
- Invitation step: to collaborate on solutions; examples of applying the; how it helps to avoid dueling solutions; “I wonder if there's a way . . .” to begin the; letting the observer know when from Define Adult Concerns step to; outcomes of all three steps including; skills taught during the; using Plan B during the
- Jason and Ms. Bradbury's dialogue
- Kathy (second-grade teacher): on challenge of behavior problems; on using the ALSUP
- Kathy (teacher): on collaborative application of CPS; on logistics of implementing CPS; on Plan B fostering student skills; on shifting to the CPS model; on using the Problem Solving Plans
- Katie (learning center teacher): on challenge of behavior problems; on collaborative application of CPS; on logistics of implementing CPS; on Plan B fostering student skills; on shifting to the CPS model; on using the ALSUP
- Lagging skills: ALSUP discussion guide meetings to focus on; ALSUP form on unsolved problems and; CPS model approach to identifying; Experience is the Best Teacher comments on unsolved problems and; flexibility/adaptability skills as one of the; fostered through the use of Plan B; frustration tolerance skills as one of the; incompatibility episode when behavior demands cannot be met by; key points to remember when discussing; prioritizing unsolved problems and; problem solving skills as one of the. See also ALSUP (Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems); Behavior skills; Skill building
- Leadership: activities for facilitating CPS by; importance to CPS success
- Learning safe havens
- Lying accusations
- Manipulation, blaming the student's
- Motivation: blaming student's lack of; school discipline focus on; skills are the engine driving student behaviors while the caboose is
- Mushy concerns and solutions
- Narcissism
- Natural consequences
- Nina (principal): on behavior problem challenges; on collaborative application of CPS; on logistics of implementing CPS; on Plan B fostering student skills; on Plan B pitfalls; on shifting to the CPS model; on using the ALSUP; on using the Problem Solving Plans
- Nonviolent Communication (NVC) model
- Paddling toxic response
- Parents: engaging them in CPS implementation; impact of behaviorally challenging students on; Plan B also applicable to problems between teachers and
- PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)
- Plan A: distinguishing between attempts to solve problem using Plan B and; drawbacks of the; Emergency Plan A; error of defaulting from Plan B to; making sense in some emergent circumstances; misguided belief that it is the best plan; overview of the; Plan B Cheat Sheet; Q ' A on the; as an unilateral plan through imposition of a adult will. See also Problem Solving Plan
- Plan B: also applicable to teacher-parent problem solving; best used proactively; core group members expanding efforts at gaining proficiency with; distinguishing between attempts to solve problem using Plan A and; Emergency Plan B instead of Proactive; Empathy step used with the Proactive; Experience is the Best Teacher comments on; flowchart for the; Invitation step use of the; involving a collaborative approach to problem solving; overview of the; pitfalls of using; as a process; Q ' A on the; skills that are fostered through the use of; teaching colleagues about; using with well-behaved students; video on teacher engaging in a basic proactive; the wording when introducing to student. See also Problem Solving Plan
- Plan B Cheat Sheet
- Plan B coaching/teaching: demonstrating Plan B; Experience is the Best Teacher comments on; independence-promoting form of; introduce ALSUP and the Plans and Plan B; Q ' A on
- Plan B do-overs: examples of Plan B pitfalls and their; for getting back on track from Plan B pitfalls
- Plan B pitfalls: bad timing; do-overs to get thing back on track from; Experience is the Best Teacher comments on; fear of fabrication; the first solution didn't get the job done; the kid wouldn't talk; perfunctory information gathering; playing roulette with the steps; Q ' A on; something's missing from the steps; the student couldn't think of any solutions; too much information; video on school administrator making common errors; you're not actually using Plan B
- Plan B videos: on school administrator making common errors; on teacher engaging in a basic Plan B
- Plan C: best used proactively; Emergency Plan C example of; introducing it first when teaching colleagues about Plan B; involving a temporary setting aside of a unsolved problem; overview of the; Q ' A on the. See also Problem Solving Plan
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Power struggles
- Preschool-age students
- Principals: being placed in the role of building police officer; criteria of helper role taken by
- Prioritizing lagging skills/unsolved problems: during ALSUP meetings; proactive intervention made possible by
- Proactive Plan B: Empathy step used with the; Plan B best used as; when to use Emergency Plan B instead of
- Problem solving collaboration: avoid skipping any of the steps in the; combining the Empathy, Define Adults Concerns, and Invitation steps of; CPS approach as proactive instead of reactive; CPS emphasis on; CPS emphasis on approach of; Define Adult Concerns step of; Empathy step of; Experience is the Best Teacher comments on; helper role in; helper role in the; Invitation step of; playing roulette with the steps of; Problem Solving Plan B approach to; as a process; Q ' A on the process of; teaching colleagues about Plan B and. See also Behavior problem solving; CPS (Collaborative ' Proactive Solutions) model; Solutions
- Problem Solving Plan: example of a completed; Experience is the Best Teacher comments on; overview of the; Q ' A on the; teaching colleagues about the; tips for using the; where to download the form. See also Plan A; Plan B; Plan C
- Psychiatric diagnoses: negative impact of gatekeeper role of; special education referral process requiring
- Q ' A (questions ' answers): on organizing and sustaining CPS effort; on Plan B applications for all; on problem solving collaboration; on Problem Solving Plan B pitfalls; on Problem Solving Plans A, B, and C; on shifting to the CPS model; on teaching colleagues Plan B; on using the ALSUP
- Reflective listening: as the default drilling strategy; Empathy: Possibility 1 drilling strategy of
- Response to Intervention (RTI)
- Restorative Justice (RJ)
- Restraint toxic response
- Rosenberg, Marshall
- Ryan (assistant principal): on challenge of behavior problems; on collaborative application of CPS; on logistics of implementing CPS; on Plan B fostering student skills; on Plan B pitfalls; on shifting to the CPS model; on using the ALSUP; on using the Problem Solving Plans
- School administrators: CPS implementation role of; helper roles taken by; placed in the role of building police officer; teaching colleagues about Plan B
- School discipline programs: damage done by zero-tolerance policy of; focused on motivation and not skills to behave; the least toxic response should be applied to behaviorally challenging students; school-to-prison-pipeline research on failures of; why incentive programs don't help. See also Behaviorally challenging student discipline
- School psychologists: criteria of helper role taken by; impact of behaviorally challenging students on
- Schools: budget cuts impacting; need for them to be safe havens for learning and development; negative impact of high-stakes testing by
- School-to-prison-pipeline research
- Seclusion toxic response
- Situational nature of unsolved problems
- Skills. See Behavior skills
- Social development: of life skill of identifying and communicating concerns; need for schools to be safe havens for
- Socialization agents: benefits of human personal skills emphasized by; historic importance of teachers as
- Solutions: agree to return to Plan B if the first one doesn't get job done; demonstrating by narrating the processing of; how mushy concerns result in mushy; how the Invitation step helps to avoid dueling; open discussion at the end of Plan B and how it worked; taking Plan B do-overs to find better; understanding that long-time problems take time for; when the student couldn't think of any. See also CPS (Collaborative ' Proactive Solutions); Problem solving collaboration; Unsolved problems
- Special education: gatekeeper role of psychiatric diagnoses for; Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 Plans; referral process required for
- Staff. See Educators
- Students: Q ' A on Plan B applications for all; skills fostered by Plan B steps for all; using Plan B with your well-behaved. See also Behaviorally challenging students
- Susan (educational technician): on collaborative application of CPS; on Plan B fostering student skills; on Plan B pitfalls; on shifting to the CPS model
- Susan (principal): on logistics of implementing CPS; on shifting to the CPS model; on using the ALSUP
- Suspension toxic response
- Teacher Effectiveness Training model
- Teaching Plan B. See Plan B coaching/teaching
- Tentative hypotheses
- Tom (assistant superintendent): on challenge of behavior problems; on collaborative application of CPS; on logistics of implementing CPS; on Plan B fostering student skills; on Plan B pitfalls; on shifting to the CPS model; on using the ALSUP; on using the Problem Solving Plans
- Toxic response category
- Understanding: CPS emphasis on helping and; as CPS theme; criteria of helper role; Empathy step of gathering information and; lagging skills of behaviorally challenging students; that long-time problem take time to solve
- Unsolved problem writing guidelines: 1: the unsolved problem contains no challenging behaviors; 2: the unsolved problem contains no adult theories; 3: the unsolved problem is split and not clumped; 4: the unsolved problem is specific
- Unsolved problems: ALSUP form on lagging skills and; ALSUP guidelines for writing; breaking down into its component parts; CPS model approach to identifying; distinguishing between attempts to solve problem using Plan A and Plan B; Experience is the Best Teacher comments on lagging skills and; key points to remember when discussing; prioritizing lagging skills and; proactive intervention made possible by identifying; situational nature of; understanding that they take time to resolve; “W questions” about student expectations strategy for writing. See also ALSUP (Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems); Behavior problems; Solutions
- Vicki (director of communications): on challenge of behavior problems; on collaborative application of CPS; on logistics of implementing CPS; on Plan B fostering student skills
- Videos: on school administrator making common Plan B errors; on teacher engaging in a basic Plan B
- “W questions”: Empathy step: Probability 1 drilling strategy 2 using; for making unsolved problems as specific as possible