Chapter 19

Hannah finished her coffee and stared at the bedroom door. For once their roles were reversed and she was awake before him, but it was after ten. She was supposed to meet the other wives for coffee, but her shoes and sweater were still in the bedroom.

She washed her cup, ensured there was plenty of coffee for her husband and then entered the bedroom. Logan put the pillow over his head to block out the beautiful sunshine that poured into the bedroom. She sat next to him and placed her hand on his washboard abs. He turned toward her, lifted the pillow and she winked at him. “Logan, you slept.”

He stretched, yawned and sat against the headboard. His entire body was warm, but the gleam in his eyes made her melt too. He took her hand and kept it in his lap that was only covered with the sheet. “I needed it, I guess.” He let her go and the warmth in his expression cooled slightly. He sighed. “I should get to work and check on progress. My brothers still need cash and who knows what my mother’s medical expenses might be. It might be better to take her home.”

“Home?” She asked as he stood and stretched again next to the bed, letting her see his muscular backside.

He turned, winked that he saw her staring at his bum and shook it a little. She laughed but then he said, “Hoshkell, though that’s probably not possible. She’d be more peaceful in her gardens.”

While she’d always had nice homes, she’d never dreamed of a palace. She couldn’t imagine what their lives were like as children, but it had to be so different. He walked toward the bathroom, so she stood, fixed her black pants to ensure she had no wrinkles and said, “Well, I promised the women I would host a get-together, but because you were finally sleeping and not working, I texted Sarah and she’s happy to have everyone there instead. So I’ll be upstairs for a few hours.”

He turned toward her and had no care that he was completely naked. “Okay, come back for lunch?”

Nothing would keep her away. Today they’d have no drama and she’d tell him that she loved him. The air was too full of energy. Today was right, but for now she nodded at him and headed toward the door. “Absolutely. I want us to have time, alone, to talk.”

He called out. “Duh, duh, duh…” She turned toward his song of doom with her eyes widened, as he said, “That sounds scary but whatever you want.”

Her pulse raced. He didn’t need to see the conversation as negative. She lowered her head. “It’s not scary. Relax, but for now I should go.”

He leaned against the door frame for a second, but then he stood straighter. “We’ll talk. I promise to listen, after I make sure I haven’t lost all my money from another cyber worm.”

Fair. Logan worked harder than anyone she knew. She then smiled at him and nodded, “Go to work.”

With that he went to the bathroom and she headed to the door. She found her phone on the kitchen counter and quickly texted her friends, as she was a few minutes late. Sarah, I’m on my way now.

Out in the hall, she closed the door behind her and she felt like she waited forever once she hit the elevator button. Someone must be moving or something because she’d never been kept this long. She texted Sarah again. The elevator is being slower than usual.

Sarah texted back, No worries. You’re last.

Hannah glanced at the stairwell. She was only two floors up, but she’d never used the stairs here. She pressed her lips together, but then heard the elevator ding.

She let the thought go, held her phone in her hand, and took a step to get inside when she saw the blue eyes of Reverend Jensen and the black steel of his gun.

She froze immediately. She couldn’t move or think.

Jensen lifted his gun and said, “Get in this elevator, Hannah. We need to talk.”

If she went, she’d die. Her throat constricted but she jerked backwards. “No, we don’t.”

The gun clicked but didn’t go off. He pointed it toward her heart. “Then I’ll shoot you and go upstairs to get the other women.”

If she ran backwards, she’d never make it to her apartment. He’d have a clear shot at her.

If she ran to the stairs, he could easily shoot her down.

He held the gun with steady hands. “Get in.”

Her heart raced, but she entered the elevator.

No one else was going to be hurt. She clutched her phone behind her. “What do you want, Jensen?”

The elevator went down like they were heading to the first floor as he said, “You betrayed me. You set the police against me and didn’t follow through on our simple contract. I need to know why you lied.”

Ice felt like it formed at the base of her spine and layers grew up from there. She backed herself to the wall and asked, “Why I lied?”

He lowered the gun for a moment as if genuinely confused by her actions. “Yes, I’m about to be arrested.”

The elevator was close to the ground level now. She faced him, one hand at her waist, the other hiding her phone behind her back. It was all she had to get help with. She swallowed and asked as the elevator stopped, “For something that has nothing to do with me. Where are we going?”

He came beside her, and her blood went as cold as her bones. “You’re getting me out of this building now that I’ve left a present for my niece, Sarah.”

Present? She walked with him but met the gaze of security. She wished they could mind read her silent cry for help, but they noticed nothing wrong. She slowed her steps but Jensen dragged her out of the lobby, his arm through hers hiding the gun he had pressed to her side. “But all the women are with her, right now.”

He laughed at the door and shoved her into the hot Miami sun. “Good, then my bomb will have a master effect.”

Her skin crawled as she took a moment to understand his words. She clasped her heart and asked, “Bomb?”

He pointed toward the side visitor parking lot. “Now let’s go.”

For one second, he turned away from her and she typed fast. Sarah, there is a bomb outside your door.

Sarah typed back fast. Where are you?

Tell Logan I love him. She hit send and realized Jensen stared right at her.

She bit her lip as he grabbed for her and took the phone. “No more ruining my plans.”

He tossed her phone toward the beach and sand, then he put his hand on her back and tugged her forward. She felt tight and sick to her stomach. “Jensen, taking me hostage and hurting the others won’t help you.”

He pushed her toward a ten-year-old Chevy truck. “You won’t live long enough to care, Hannah. I need you as collateral to get to the airport.”

This car would never outrun the police. She’d seen the news enough. If she went further, she was dead anyhow. All she could do was hope they stopped the bomb upstairs. Her heart thrashed in her ears, but she lifted her chin. “You could have just escaped without stopping to hurt any of us.”

His face reddened. “Women are supposed to be men’s helpers, not destroyers. I didn’t believe you were Delilah reborn when I introduced you to a simpler life.”

She listened to her heart and hoped she found the right words. “Look. I was never married before. I can’t help that my husband treats me right and he’s everything I ever wanted—of course I helped him. It is my duty.”

This time Jensen held up the gun and motioned it toward the truck. “I am still going to kill you.”

She cringed and her body trembled, but she took a step back, away from the truck as she shook her head. “I’m not going with you.”

He took a step closer to her and pointed the gun right at her heart. “You were always the most troublesome with all your demands. Get in, now.”

If she went she died. If she stayed she died. She took a step back and prayed.

“My wife isn’t going anywhere.” Logan’s voice came from behind her and he brushed his hand lightly against her back. She had no idea how he’d snuck up on them, but her heart leapt that he’d come for her.

She turned her head and saw he was in dark blue cotton pants and a white t-shirt, his hair damp from the shower. He looked strikingly handsome in the bright sun. “Logan.”

In the corner of her eye, she saw the metal from a gun flash in the sunlight. Jensen said, “The man who ruined my life.”

Logan placed his hand on her sides and pulled her further back. “Jensen, the police are everywhere. You won’t get off this street, never mind all the way to the airport.”

Jensen cocked his head. “Then I guess I get my revenge the old-fashioned way.”

“No.” She screamed and without thinking she reached for a nearby car door and opened it as the gun shot rang in the air.

Logan brought his arm over her head and huddled with her, but the shot must have ricocheted. She didn’t feel anything. People at the beach screamed from beyond the parking lot. Hannah looked through the car door that protected them both and saw Jensen drop the gun and clutch his bleeding shoulder. She was about to run out toward him when Logan grabbed her. “Hannah, get back here.”

Right. She couldn’t help the man who’d tried to kill her and Logan. She traced Logan’s face and felt warm for the first time, despite how close they were to the blue waves that crashed against the shore. For a moment it seemed as if they had all the time in the world. She held his cheek in her palm. “He was about to shoot you.”

The crash of the ocean echoed in her ears and adrenaline rushed in her veins. She glanced over and realized Jensen was going for his gun. Logan and dove for it too. Jensen complained, “How can you stand her? She’s the most spoiled brat I’ve ever met.”

“Hannah, stay back.” Logan and Jensen struggled for control of his handgun.

Both of the men fought. Security and men in blue uniforms stormed through the parking lot and beach as sirens flashed behind her. Hannah closed the car door and screamed. “Logan! No! The police are here.”

Logan rose from the scuffle, holding the gun up. The police formed a circle around the men. One of the officers said, “Put the gun down, Bentley.”

Oh goodness. Logan had just gotten out of prison. Her heart nearly stopped as she rushed forward and shouted, “He was protecting me. Don’t hurt my husband. Jensen was trying to kill me. Jensen planted a bomb in the building.”

The police officers ignored her and told both men, “Hands above your head.”

Logan did as he was told, dropping the gun and kicking it away from his hand. Every officer had their finger on a trigger. It would only take one to ruin everything. Her entire body clenched tight.

Logan lifted his hands and said, “Hannah, relax.”

They couldn’t hurt him. She felt the sobs inside her throat, but she said from behind them, “Please. This is a condo. There will be video feed. Please don’t hurt him.”

Two of the officers stormed forward, guns in hand until they grabbed both men. Logan didn’t resist and the officer who spoke pointed toward Logan and said, “Check him for weapons. If nothing, let him go to his wife and family.”

Weapons. He didn’t have any, right? The hair on her arms stood, but she prayed everything would be fine.

A second later the officer let Logan go as he said, “Nothing.”

He walked over to her and immediately hugged her. His warm hands and body made her feel when she thought she was half-dead. She closed her eyes and didn’t care that tears formed when he said, “Hannah. You’re amazing.”

“No, I’m just a woman in love with you.” She spoke her mind without thought or care. This was the second time she’d almost lost him. Logan was too important, and she couldn’t live without him. Not anymore.