Places Of Execution
Many Londoners were inured to images of death. Public executions, as well as the display of rotting bodies on gibbets and spiked heads on poles, were common sights. Attending an execution was a generally accepted practice, as the diarist Henry Machyn made clear in the mid-sixteenth century: he recorded that he attended two and sometimes three per day. In the space of one month in 1557, Machyn saw eight felons hanged at Tyburn, three men and two women burnt at Smithfield for heresy, and seven pirates hanged at Wapping. Like many Londoners, Machyn witnessed executions as part of the popular calendar ritual.
For over 400 years, Smithfield was one of London’s main sites of execution. Smithfield, just to the west of the City of London and close to St Bartholomew’s Hospital, is not to be confused with East Smithfield, which was close to the Tower of London and another execution place, albeit minor by comparison. Those whose lives ended at the former included William Wallace, the Scottish patriot, in 1305; many Lollards, religious dissidents of the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries; and numerous Protestant martyrs during the reign of Mary in the middle of the sixteenth century. Those who died for religious reasons were mostly burned as heretics and their sufferings usually attracted large numbers of appalled but fascinated spectators. These times were the heyday of Smithfield as a place of execution, but judicial deaths there continued sporadically into the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
The story of William Wallace (1272-1305) has taken on a particular significance in both historical and mythical terms. Conflicts with Scotland from the 1290s saw Wallace establish a reputation. In 1305 Wallace was captured near Glasgow and after a brief imprisonment in Dumbarton Castle he was taken to London to face a show trial in Westminster Hall where he was charged with treason, murder, robbery and ‘various other felonies’. The verdict of the court was that Wallace should be dragged from the Palace of Westminster to the Tower of London and from there through the City to Smithfield. On 23 August Wallace was wrapped in an ox hide and dragged by horses four miles through London to Smithfield where he was hanged as a murderer on a very high gallows made for the occasion. An expectant crowd looked on as he was cut down while still alive and then mutilated, disembowelled and, being convicted of treason, his ‘privy parts’ would have been removed. The ritual continued. As a punishment for the ‘great wickedness which he had practised towards God and His holy church by burning churches’, his heart, liver, lungs and all internal organs were thrown into the fire and burned. Finally, he was decapitated and his carcass then cut up. His head was set on a pole on London Bridge.
Gibbet outside Clink Prison.
Memorial to William Wallace at Smithfield.
From the fourteenth century a long history of bloody incidents took place at Smithfield. The leader of the Peasants’ Revolt of 1382, Wat Tyler, was killed in a confrontation at Smithfield when he was stabbed by the Lord Mayor, William Walworth. Tyler had sought refuge in St Bartholomew’s Hospital but was dragged out to be beheaded (it is uncertain whether he was already dead prior to beheading).
The heady days of execution at Smithfield became fewer as Tyburn and later Newgate became the main sites. In 1674, for example, a woman was burned for the crime of clipping (removing precious metal from the edge of coins to melt down).
An unintended ‘execution’ occurred in 1756. A gang led by James Egan had been responsible for framing and accusing innocent people in order to claim rewards. Their activities had led to prosecutions and the death of some of their victims. Justice eventually caught up with them and Egan and one of the gang, named Salmon, were sentenced to stand in the pillory at Smithfield. This was to be their last public appearance for some time because they had also been condemned to seven years’ imprisonment. It was only to be expected that the nature of their crime rendered them exceptionally unpopular with the crowd. Even as they arrived, Egan and Salmon were subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse. No sooner had they been secured in the pillory than they were assailed by a rain of missiles, including stones, cobbles, rotting vegetation and dead, putrescent rats, cats and dogs. The constables tried to intervene but the crowd was growing angrier by the minute. Egan and Salmon were powerless to prevent some of these missiles finding their mark. A large one hit Egan with such force on the forehead that he died instantly.
John Perrot from Newport Pagnell was executed at Smithfield in 1761. He kept a draper’s shop and established a reputation as a merchant, and so had little problem in finding credit. Perrott was in fact a wealthy rogue who reputedly embezzled £25,000 of goods received on credit. It was only a matter of time before Perrott’s activities would be investigated and he paid a heavy price. At 10.15 a.m. on the morning of 11 November 1761 he said farewell to a fellow prisoner and, with some trembling, was immediately put in the cart and led to Smithfield to be hanged.
Executions at Smithfield ended soon afterwards.
Executions began outside Newgate Prison in the street called Old Bailey in 1783. On execution days a scaffold was erected close to the Debtors’ Door in the prison wall. Through this door the condemned prisoners were brought for their public swansong. For some this offered a brief moment of celebrity – for once in their lives everybody was interested in them and they were the centre of attention. Later on the scaffold was mounted on wheels and was brought out of Newgate for each execution, drawn by two horses. The first execution in Old Bailey took place on 9 December 1783.
Prisoners varied in the manner in which they approached their execution. Those who excited most admiration from the crowd and even grudgingly from the authorities were those few who refused to be perturbed by the situation and in some cases whistled, sang and joked as if they did not have a care in the world. One murderer named Jeffreys, for example, ordered and was served roast duck the night before his execution and went to his death with a swagger and a cheery wave to the crowd.
Although executions now took place literally on the doorstep of Newgate, a strong sense of carnival surrounded these events. Crowds were as drunken, bawdy and irreverent as ever and pickpockets and prostitutes enjoyed rich pickings. Hucksters selling pies, fried fish and all manner of snacks and beverages elbowed their way through the teeming crowds, doing a roaring trade.
Punch and Judy can be said to represent the boisterous and anarchic nature of London as well as featuring London hangman Jack Ketch.
On the night before an execution, the peace of the small hours would be disturbed by the sounds of revelry from those who had arrived early to get the best view of the morning’s proceedings. The noise they made would have been audible to the occupants of the condemned cells eking out their last hours. From the condemned cells the prisoners were taken to the Long Room where they were met by a crowd of officials, newspaper reporters and others who had managed to insinuate themselves into the occasion. The irons were struck off the prisoners and their arms were tightly bound. The chaplain or ordinary would be annoying everyone by trying to get the prisoner to blurt out a confession, but all that most prisoners were capable of at this stage was sobbing, sighing or sometimes a frenzied last-minute appeal for clemency. A procession then formed up composed of sheriffs, warders, the hangman and assistants, guards and the prisoner or prisoners and they emerged into Old Bailey through the Debtors’ Door. They were met with a great roar from the crowd, temporarily drowning out the solemn toll of the bell of St Sepulchre’s Church nearby. A cry of ‘Hats off, Hats off’ reverberated through the crowd as headwear was doffed and everyone jostled in the confined space in order to get the best view possible.
The keenest enthusiasts for a hanging often arrived in Old Bailey the evening before so as to obtain ringside seats. Sometimes there were enough of them to create an unruly mob which spent the night singing, dancing, drinking and, if the mood developed, in brazenly overt individual and group sex sessions. The Governor of Newgate invited friends and family to an exclusive social event in a room with an excellent view overlooking Old Bailey. The ritual was to have a few drinks and then watch and hopefully enjoy the hanging. This was followed by a hearty breakfast which traditionally always included grilled or devilled kidneys. Having gorged themselves, the party then watched the cutting down of the corpse (which took place an hour after the felon’s death). Rooms with a view of proceedings could also be hired, at very considerable expense, in the Magpie and Stump pub in Old Bailey. They advertised ‘execution breakfasts’.
In 1820 the Cato Street Conspirators, who had plotted to assassinate the entire Cabinet, were the last people to be publicly decapitated. A large crowd gathered outside Newgate. When the executioner raised one of the severed heads to show the crowd and then managed to drop it, there was a chorus of derisory catcalls and shouts of ‘Butterfingers’.
The last execution outside Newgate took place on 26 May 1868 when hangman Calcraft terminated the life of a young Irish republican called Michael Barrett who had tried to blow up the Middlesex House of Detention in Clerkenwell in order to rescue some fellow nationalists who were detained there. A spectacular explosion brought down some of the prison walls but also demolished a terrace of houses opposite, killing six people immediately and fatally injuring others. For all this effort, the Irish nationalists remained immured in their cells. This was the last public execution in Britain. Hangings within Newgate ended in 1902.
Tyburn was London’s major place of execution for hundreds of years. Although it is now very close to the permanent traffic pandemonium around Marble Arch, when Tyburn was used for executions it was a rural spot along the muddy lane which was the old Roman road leading to Oxford. It was about three miles west of the City of London.
It is thought that the first executions took place at Tyburn around 1196, and from that time many thousands of condemned prisoners ended their days at this spot. They were from all classes and had been found guilty of every kind of capital offence. In 1571 the legendary ‘Triple Tree’ was erected at Tyburn. This was a triangular gallows capable of hanging twenty-four people at a time, eight on each beam. It operated until 1759, when it was replaced by a movable scaffold.
One of the most extraordinary sights at Tyburn was the public hanging of the dead bodies of three of the ‘regicides’ who were held responsible for signing the death warrant of Charles I. On 30 January 1662 the corpses of Oliver Cromwell, Henry Ireton (his son-in-law) and John Bradshaw, the judge at Charles’s trial, were hanged publicly on the ‘Triple Tree’ then cut down, decapitated and thrown into a nearby pit.
Persons convicted of larceny, burglary, housebreaking, pick-pocketing and highway robbery feature largely on the list of the tens of thousands who died at Tyburn while murderers, arsonists, rapists, bigamists and those found guilty of treason were also executed there, but in smaller numbers. In the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries many were executed for their religion, having been found guilty of either heresy or treason. Witchcraft and infanticide became capital offences in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and so the perpetrators of such offences made their unhappy way to Tyburn.
Hangings at Tyburn usually took place on the first Monday of each month. On every execution day, thousands would line the route or make their way to Tyburn to watch and enjoy the proceedings. If the felon(s) to be hanged were particularly notorious, hated or popular with the citizenry then tens or even hundreds of thousands would turn out and the route from Newgate to Tyburn and the surroundings of the gallows would be en fête. Those who might have described themselves as aficionados of hangings would set great store by the conduct and bearing of those who were about to be hanged. Prisoners were allowed to make a last-minute speech from the gallows. Those so terrified they were scarcely able to stand but who mumbled out a cringing confession or a hopeless appeal for clemency did so to a chorus of catcalls and ribaldry. Those felons who used the occasion to boast of their crimes or to attack the authorities for their corruption were always guaranteed a warm reception. The hangman and his assistants were almost universally jeered at and booed unless the felon they were about to hang had been found guilty of an unacceptable crime such as child molestation, in which case they became heroes for the day. Such was the demand for a good view of the proceedings at Tyburn that a permanent grandstand was erected, the enterprising owners of which were able to charge fees for entry dependent on the notoriety or otherwise of the felon(s) being hanged on the day.
Hogarth’s illustration of Tyburn and its crowd.
Marble Arch, near to the old Tyburn gallows.
The last execution at Tyburn was on 29 August 1783, after which such events were transferred to the outside of Newgate Prison. This change had nothing to do with more humane or enlightened attitudes to penal policy, but was because the execution days had become associated with disorder which upset trade and commerce in the City and along the route to Tyburn. Additionally, the residents of the highly fashionable streets and squares being developed north and south of what is now Oxford Street objected to the presence of the unruly and irreverent crowds that gathered every hanging day. The decision to end the spectacle of the procession from Newgate and the executions at Tyburn did not, however, meet with universal approval: Dr Johnson in particular fulminated that ‘the old method drew together a number of spectators. The old method was most satisfactory for all parties: the public was gratified by the procession; the criminal was supported by it. Why has all this to be swept away?’
Statue of Oliver Cromwell outside the Houses of Parliament.
A drawing of Cromwell’s head, now interred in the wall of Sidney Sussex College Chapel at Cambridge.
The procession through the streets from Newgate to Tyburn and the events there had many of the elements of a carnival. The ‘Hanging Days’ gave people a break from everyday drudgery and it gave them an opportunity to mock their so-called social superiors. The whole ritual, including the selling of food, drink and broadsheets with the supposed ‘last confessions’ of the condemned prisoner, the opportunities for pickpockets, the drunken revelry and the fights, the last speech from the scaffold, the undignified scramble that sometimes took place to prevent the surgeons getting hold of the body – all these were part of a performance. The image is vividly portrayed by William Hogarth in his The Idle ’Prentice executed at Tyburn which depicts a scene which has little to do with submission to, or respect for, the power of the State as demonstrated by a judicial hanging.
As Francis Place, the political radical, remarked, ‘a hanging day was to all intents and purposes a fair day’.
Sign outside the Masons Arms near Marble Arch.
Black humour was an essential feature of public executions and various slang terms emerged to describe various aspects of the event. It was a ‘hanging match’, a ‘collar day’ or the ‘Paddington Fair’. To be hanged was ‘to dance the Paddington frisk’, to be ‘collared’, ‘nubbed, ‘stretched’, ‘tucked up’ or ‘turned off’. Also common were such sayings as, ‘a man hanged will piss when he cannot whistle’ and ‘there is nothing to being hang’d but a wry neck and a wet pair of breeches’.
For officialdom the main purpose of the public hanging was to demonstrate the awful consequences that followed conviction for serious offences. Executions supposedly showed the power of the State and acted as a deterrent to crime for those who attended them.
In the eighteenth century, however, an increasing number of dissident voices were heard, questioning the deterrent effect, especially given the number of pickpockets plying their criminal trade among the crowds who were perhaps watching the dying moments of a felon condemned to death for the self-same offence. Henry Grattan (1746-1820), a reforming MP, said, ‘The more you hang, the more you transport, the more you inflame, disturb and disaffect’. After the simultaneous execution of eleven felons at Tyburn was followed by a spate of street robberies the following night, Henry Fielding, the novelist and reforming magistrate, observed, ‘...the execution of criminals as presently conducted, serve, I apprehend, a purpose diametrically opposed to that for which they were designed; and tend to inspire the vulgar with a contempt of the gallows rather than a fear of it’. Others asked whether repeated viewings of institutionalised State violence did not simply make those who observed them indifferent to the spectacle. The fact is that Londoners were inured to images of death. In 1847 a journalist wrote, ‘We have seen every execution for the past ten years and boast how on one day we saw one man hung at Newgate and took a cab to Horsemonger Lane in time to see another’. Dickens, watching the execution of a murderer, commented sorrowfully that the crowd displayed ‘no sorrow, no salutary terror, no observance, no seriousness; nothing but ribaldry, debauchery, levity, drunkenness, and flaunting vice in fifty other shapes’.
The Carpenters Arms near Marble Arch, which was said to have bought the old movable gallows and used for them as stands for beer barrels.
It is not surprising that the authorities eventually withdrew hangings from the public gaze. The scaffold crowds had adamantly refused to play the role expected of them. They appropriated the occasion for their own purposes. They protested, they scoffed, they mocked, they were irreverent and at times their behaviour became riotous enough to alarm the forces of law and order. The State might have controlled the theatre of punishment, but it had little hold over what happened during the performance. On one occasion, when two political radicals popular with the spectators were hanged, the Gentlemen’s Magazine indignantly reported that ‘the mob on this occasion behaved outrageously, insulted the Sheriffs, pulled up the gallows, broke the windows, destroyed the furniture, and committed other outrages’.
Charing Cross
A number of significant executions took place at Charing Cross during the seventeenth century. In 1544 William John Tooley, a poulterer, robbed a Spaniard in St James. Tooley was taken to Charing Cross in a cart before a large crowd to be hanged. However, the most gruesome executions were those of the regicides in 1660.
Of the fifty-nine men who signed Charles I’s death warrant, forty-one were still alive and of these, fifteen fled the country. Ten were condemned to death at Charing Cross and Tyburn, in October 1660. On Saturday 13 October 1660, between nine and ten o’clock in the morning, Major-General Thomas Harrison was drawn upon a hurdle from Newgate to Charing Cross where a scaffold had been erected. He was the first of the regicides to face the brutal punishment. He was hanged with his face looking towards the Banqueting-house at Whitehall. Being half dead, he was cut down by the executioner, and then ‘his Privy Members cut off before his eyes, his Bowels burned, his Head severed from his Body, and his Body divided into Quarters, which were returned back to Newgate upon the same Hurdle that carried it’. In traditional manner his head was set upon a pole on the top of the south-east end of Westminster Hall and his quarters were hanged upon the city gates.
On 16 October John Cooke, the chief prosecutor at the trial, and Hugh Peters were also executed at Charing Cross. After the former’s last words he was quickly taken from the rope and stripped of his clothes. His genitals were removed and held before his eyes and then the lining of his inner bowel was twisted out. Cooke looked on as his entrails were burned. Hugh Peters (1598-1660) was observed to be drinking some cordial liquors to keep him from fainting. Peters had to sit and watch Cooke go through the agonies of execution. The executioner, covered in blood, approached Peters ‘and rubbing his bloody hands together asked, “how do you like this Mr Peters, how do you like my work?”’ The stench that emanated from the burning of the intestines brought complaints from the residents and the executions of the regicides Axtell and Hacker were moved to Tyburn.
The barbaric death by hanging, drawing and quartering.
Other Places of Public Execution
Many other locations in London saw public executions. A few are mentioned below.
Charles I was executed at Whitehall on 30 January 1649. The shock waves from the unprecedented judicial execution of one of God’s anointed reverberated around Western Europe and threatened wars of intervention.
On Tuesday 30 January 1649, a bitterly cold day, Charles went to his death. He entered the Banqueting House, walked through the Banqueting Hall and proceeded to the scaffold which had been erected outside one of the windows of the palace. The scaffold was draped in black and the floor likewise, and the axe and the block laid in the middle of the scaffold. The block was about 1ft high. Charles delivered his last speech, then spoke to the executioner and said, ‘I shall say but very short prayers and then thrust out my hands’, indicating this was the sign to bring down the axe. He then stooped down, laid his neck upon the block and after a short pause stretched out his hands. The executioner with one blow severed Charles’ head from his body and then held it up to the crowd and shouted ‘Behold the head of a traitor!’ An eye-witness recorded that as the King’s head fell, ‘There was such a groan by the thousands then present as I have never heard before and desire I may never hear again’.
Several of those implicated in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 were executed in the old Palace-Yard at Westminster. Sir Walter Raleigh was executed in the same place in 1618.
The Tower of London is almost synonymous with the spectre of human misery, imprisonment, mutilation, torture and execution. Those who were executed on Tower Green were usually political prisoners whose arraignment was controversial or delicate enough to make it expedient for them to be disposed of within the high security offered by the Tower’s precincts. Among those who breathed their last on Tower Green courtesy of the executioner was Anne Boleyn, decapitated with a sword in 1536, it being said that a man capable of doing the task had to be sent for from Calais. Another of Henry’s wives, Catherine Howard, followed in 1542, and Lady Jane Grey in 1554. Robert Devereux, one-time favourite of Elizabeth I, was despatched in 1601.
Bust of King Charles I outside the Banqueting House, Whitehall.
Tower Hill was a slightly elevated site close to the Tower. About 125 people are thought to have been executed there, the majority for treasonable activity or because the authorities thought their existence constituted a political threat. In 1381, during the Peasants’ Revolt, the hated Archbishop of Canterbury, Simon of Sudbury, was put to death at Tower Hill by the insurgents. Thomas More, previously one of Henry VIII’s closest advisors, was executed by order of the King on 6 July 1535. There were considerable risks attached to being one of Henry’s advisors – as Thomas Cromwell found to his cost in July 1540. In 1631 the Earl of Castlehaven was beheaded at Tower Hill. He had assisted the raping of his own wife by two of his servants, forced his wife to have sex with other servants while he watched and forced his daughter, aged twelve, to have sex with the servants. He in turn buggered some of the servants. An especially large crowd turned out to watch him being despatched. The hated favourite of Charles I, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, was executed to popular acclaim in 1641.
Execution at Execution Dock, Wapping.
A mixture of references including the Tyburn gallows, Kennington Common gibbet and the bell that tolled for the condemned at St Sepulchre’s, Newgate.
An execution on the roof of Horsemonger Lane Gaol.
The dock in Wapping had a special role to play in the history of London executions. This was where pirates and others who had committed capital offences on tidal waters or waters under the jurisdiction of the Admiralty paid for their crimes. This spot, about a mile east of the Tower, became known as ‘Execution Dock’. Perhaps its best-known victim was Captain Kidd, a man for whom the words bloodcurdling and swashbuckling might have been invented, but whose career was actually rather more like that of the cartoon character Captain Pugwash. He was hanged in 1701. The last hanging here occurred in 1831. A curious practice was that the hanging took place at the low-water mark and the corpse of the victim was left in place until three high tides had washed over them. This probably meant that during the period in which the corpse was visible, it would have been seen by large numbers of mariners for whom the consequences of piracy would be abundantly obvious.
Among other places north of the Thames where executions were carried out were: Old Mitre Court, off Fleet Street; the junction of Haymarket and Panton Street in what is now SW1; Leadenhall Street, Cheapside; St Paul’s Churchyard, St Giles-in-the-Fields; and Clerkenwell Green. On occasions, condemned felons were executed at the scene of their crimes and so there are many other one-off locations where such events have taken place.
South of the Thames, a number of executions were carried out at Kennington Common.
Horsemonger Lane was the name commonly used for the Surrey County Gaol built in Southwark in the 1770s. A particularly famous execution was that of the husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Manning (the first in England since 1700 of a married couple) who were hanged in 1849 for murdering Patrick O’Connor. The couple had incurred financial loss as a result of bad financial advice given by O’Connor. The latter was attacked with a chisel and then finished off with a bullet, after which he was buried under the kitchen floor. The hanging of the Mannings was watched by Charles Dickens, who was disgusted by the animalistic behaviour of the crowd baying for the blood of this singularly repulsive pair of murderers. Dickens did not know which was worse, the appearance of the Mannings in their death-throes or the expectant faces in the crowd.
The site of Horsemonger Lane Gaol.
On 16 April 1862 James Longhurst was hanged at Horsemonger Lane for murdering a girl of seven. The heinousness of his crime ensured an especially large and hostile crowd.
Horsemonger Lane Gaol closed in 1878 and Newington Recreation Ground now covers the site.