
Thanks to everyone who helped me write this book: My wonderful family in Sweden, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. My husband Dan, who has toiled alongside me since the story took its very first breath.

Ann-Catrin Sköld Pilback, who read it so many times, editing, polishing, and correcting. There never would have been a book without your help.

Those who read and shared your opinions: Andrea Lindblom, Helena Braggins, and Emmie Ellman.

Håkan Järvå and Magnus Utvik, who fight so hard to help others who have suffered abuse and oppression in cults.

Lawrence Wright, who gave me the courage to speak out.

And thank you to Kate Mills and all of HarperCollins UK for believing in this book, and to Rachel Willson-Broyles, my fantastic English translator.

And last but not least, thanks to my editor, Frida Arwen Rosesund.