
It seems like every time I turn around, I meet someone new to thank. So many awesome people have helped me transform Janitors into what it needed to be.

Thanks to everyone at Shadow Mountain for doing so much to help launch this series—especially Chris Schoebinger for believing in the story and having the vision of where this could go. I’m also grateful to Heidi Taylor for patiently working through the rough spots with me, and to Emily Watts for her excellent editorial work.

Another big thanks goes to my wise agent, Rubin Pfeffer, for starting me off on the right foot. Thanks to Brandon Dorman for bringing the story to life with his amazing artwork and illustrations.

I want to acknowledge and thank my good parents for always fostering my creativity and supporting my hobbies.

Now, for the team of family and friends who read the early manuscript and gave me feedback: Mom, Dad, Jess and Dave, Laura (for countless drafts) and Martin, Molly and Mike, C and Hil, the Dykstras, Lance, and two of my youngest readers, Anna and Maren. Thank you all so much.

A shout-out also goes to the dark hallways of Mount Logan Middle School for inspiring me, and to the mysterious custodians who wandered those halls: Ray, Glenn, Mike, and Paige.

Of course, I owe a special thanks to my wonderful, patient wife, Connie, for supporting me along the road to publication.

And thanks to you, reader, for picking up this book! Now, grab your mop and get back to work. There are lots of Toxites out there, and someone’s got to stop them!