Chapter Seven

'You’ve been in my flat a month now,' Mike said. 'You're back to normal. You're the girl I first fell for when I saw you at the party.'

'I'm in a wheelchair,' Jenny pointed out.

'I don't notice that at all now. We're just like your average couple.'

'I suppose you can get used to anything.'

She had amazed herself at the range of things she found she was able to do. She had cooked the evening meal, she could wash easily, clean her flat, manage both her job and her shopping. Not being able to drive was the worst thing. But she managed.

'But I am surprised at what I can do,' she added. 'I can do all sorts of things.'

'I know,' he said with a grin. 'But you do need someone with you to help you do them. What would you have done without a double bed?'

'Don't make me blush!'

'I'm just feeling happy,' he said.

It was dark but they were sitting out on the balcony, watching the ships move up the channel. It wouldn't be long now until winter. It was getting chilly and she'd fetched herself a coat. But it was a joy to sit here with him, drink the coffee he'd just made and be quietly comfortable. They had worked out a routine between them. She refused to have him there all the time.

'You've got a new job, you often have to work awkward shifts, you need time to yourself. And I want—I need to be independent. I've got a life of my own which is important to me.'

'But I want to share that life.'

'Not all of it you don't. And I don't intend to share it with you. I need some space to myself.'

'Rejected again,' he said glumly. 'My life story.'

But she did spend a lot of time with him and she loved it. And she was getting to know him better. So later, when he asked her, in an overly casual manner, what she was doing on Saturday night, she knew he had some plan.

'I was hoping to spend some time with you,' she said. 'Why?'

'I thought we might have an evening out. Go back to that place up on the moors we went to last time and have dinner. You haven't had a chance to dress up for a while.'

'Look what happened to me the last time I went there. I woke up next morning with a man in bed with me.'

'Something quite similar happened to me,' he said. 'But you will take the risk and come, won't you?'

'I'd love a dressed-up evening out,' she said.

So it was arranged. But when she lay in bed that night she frowned. She knew there were decisions to be made. And she had to make them in advance.

The following afternoon Jenny felt that she needed something to cheer her up a little so she phoned Sue and asked her if she could go shopping that evening.

'I feel like a little retail therapy,' she said. 'We could borrow Mike's car and ask him to babysit Sam.'

'What a great idea! He's had you to himself far too much recently. Bring him here with you, I'll fix a lightning tea and we'll get straight off.'

'Good. And, Sue, how's the baby coming along?'

'Growing and thriving. I'm beginning to feel really excited, started thinking about names. And Harry will be home soon. He's going to get a shock.'

'He'll be happy. I'll see you later.' Jenny rang off. She felt better.

'I want yet another party dress,' she told Sue as they parked outside the largest department store. 'Mike's taking me out on Saturday night; I want something a bit special.'

'Another one? Making your total of evening dresses a stunning two? You are being extravagant. Now, what's going on in here?'

They were moving across the ground floor, making their way to the lifts to the third floor where the women's fashions were kept. But there seemed to be some kind of show in front of them. A crowd of women—mostly young—were peering at a small, well-lit stage.

'It's a wedding dress display,' said Jenny. 'Look, there's a sign advertising it.'

'Let's have a look,' said Sue. 'We've got plenty of time and it's not often I get the chance to get out shopping with another woman. We'll have a laugh for fifteen minutes. Come on.'

 'All right,' said Jenny. She had found that most big shops went out of their way to make sure disabled customers were welcome. And most customers were only too happy to make way for her. So it was easy for her and Sue to make their way to the front of the crowd, to sit and watch assorted models come on in assorted wedding dresses.

'Not real models,' Sue whispered after a while. 'They're all smiling.'

'You have to smile in a wedding dress. Part of the contract. Does this bring it all back?'

'And how. Getting married was wonderful. The day was fantastic. And I loved Harry so much. But before, all those decisions! Church, invitations, flowers, dress, reception—there were times when I wondered if it was all worthwhile. I wanted someone just to make it happen.'

'Sounds a good idea.'

Both looked as a creation in pink and yellow appeared in front of them.

'Now, could you walk down the aisle in that?' Sue asked.

'No. No man is worth being seen in that.'

It was an interesting show, fun to sit there and whisper comments to each other. And then, right at the end, came the dress. It was simple, a classic long dress in white satin with no ornament at all. There was a lace cap and veil.

'Now, that is absolutely gorgeous,' said Jenny. 'That dress is worth getting married for.'

'Provided you have the right size and figure,' Sue said critically. 'You've got the right bust for it. But, yes, it is gorgeous.'

The show was soon over and it was time for serious shopping.

'I want a trouser suit in linen or some other soft fabric,' Jenny said. 'Perhaps with short sleeves.'

Sue ran her finger down Jenny's arm. 'You should show your arms,' she said. 'All this pulling yourself in and out of the wheelchair is getting you beautifully curved there.'

Jenny grinned. 'And my bust that you mentioned is up half an inch,' she said. 'Because I'm developing big pectorals.'

They had a lovely time shopping. They moved from shop to shop, tried on half a dozen outfits. When they were exhausted they went down to a coffee shop and had an evil cream cake and coffee.

'The lemon one with the low neckline or the blue one with the mandarin collar?' said Sue.

'The lemon one,' said Jenny.

Once it was said there was no need to think further. They went back upstairs, bought it and drove home happily.

'A job well done,' said Sue. 'There are some things that a man just can't do.'

That night in bed Jenny thought about her new dress. She was looking forward to wearing it on her evening out with Mike. And then she thought about their relationship.

She knew that usually things developed at their own pace. There was the initial meeting, some liking, a gradual getting together and then, almost unnoticed, love. And love grew.

She and Mike had got together very quickly. At times she still had difficulty in remembering much about it. And then they had decided to take things easy a bit, to get to know each other better and to enjoy the process of finding out about each other.

That plan had been ruined by her accident. The accident had pushed them together in a way that both of them realised was not ideal, and—wisely she thought—they had decided to wait until she was better before making any big plans.

Had they decided that? Or had she decided it?

She knew what he was like; he was a man who saw no point in waiting. He was an honourable man, he had done as she'd asked and not pressed her when she'd still been suffering the after-effects of her accident. But now he thought she was better. She was capable of making decisions.

She also realised that he wanted this coming Saturday evening to be something special, something that she would remember. So she needed to be prepared, to think in advance. He was going to ask her to marry him.

Jenny shivered. She loved him so much but she knew she was going to hurt him.