
Chapter 13


When Gina woke the next morning, she found Frank’s arms wrapped tightly around her.  He had not let go of her the entire night.  Never had she slept more peacefully, but she knew if they didn’t get up soon, they would be late for work.  She loosened his grip on her and turned to face him.

“Frank?” Gina prodded softly, shaking him gently before pulling away the blanket they shared.

“What?” he responded, feeling rather disoriented.  When he opened his eyes and saw Gina lying next to him, he instinctively said, “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” she greeted him with a smile.  “We need to go to work and get Ricky down to the precinct.  I really should go check on him.”

“What time is it?”

“Time to get going,” she insisted.  “Come on.”  Gina got up and left Frank to go check on Ricky.

Frank sat up and moved to the edge of the bed.  He knew he should have been satisfied with a kiss and just gone home.  But she had invited him to stay, and now he was in too deep.  He should have resisted, but he simply wasn’t strong enough to say no to anything she asked of him.

“Ricky’s starting to wake up,” Gina said when she returned, “and it might be best if he doesn’t find you in my bedroom.”

“Of course.  I understand,” Frank agreed, still a bit groggy.  He sat and watched Gina rummage through her closet for a moment, continuing to replay the previous night in his head.  He longed to reach out to her and prove to himself this was not just a dream or product of his imagination.  Finally deciding it must be real, he stood up and retrieved his suit jacket and tie left hanging over a chair from the night before.  “Well, I guess I can’t go to work looking like this,” he commented, noticing the state of his wrinkled clothes.  “I keep a spare suit in my car for court.  I’ll, uh, go get it and let you have some privacy.”

When Frank returned, Gina and Ricky were already eating breakfast at the kitchen table.

“Who’s he?” Ricky asked nervously.  “He looks like a cop.”

“He’s my partner, Frank, and he’s coming with us.  You know I have to turn you in, Ricky.  What kind of cop and what kind of sister would I be if I let you get away with everything?  You need to go to rehab and get yourself clean.  You could have killed yourself or someone else last night, and I won’t let that happen.  And I’m not going to be fishing your body out of a dumpster somewhere, you understand?” Gina said sternly.  “You’re my brother, and I love you, but I hate what you’re doing to yourself and to me.  Don’t you know how much it hurts to see you like this?  Do you have any idea what Frank and I had to go through last night?”

“Gina, I’ve been to rehab.  It doesn’t work.”

“Then I need to keep putting you there until you start paying attention!”

“What if I won’t go?  I know you can’t make me.”

“No, I can’t make you go, but I think the police would be very interested in the heroin we found in your car and my stolen gun you fired last night.  By the way, what exactly were you thinking when you went to Carlos to get a gun behind my back?”

“I thought you’d be worried if I asked you.”

“You’re damn right!  What kind of mess have you gotten yourself into, Ricky?  I can’t keep taking care of you forever!  You’re 25 years old!  Sooner or later you’ll have to learn how to take care of yourself.  For God’s sake, you’re a grown man, and you need to start acting like one!”

“Come on, Ricky.  It’s time to go,” Frank interrupted.

“What are you gonna do?  Cuff me?”

“Don’t tempt me,” Frank warned.  “You’ve caused your sister enough grief.”  Ricky rolled his eyes at Frank but walked with him willingly.  Once Ricky was safely inside the car, Frank pulled Gina aside.  “I called a buddy of mine in Narcotics.  His name is Detective Ford.  Only speak to him.”

“Look, I don’t want Ricky to get any preferential treatment.”

“No.  Not for him, but for you.  There’s no reason your good name needs to get dragged through the mud because of something he did.  I’ll have my friend make sure your privacy is protected as much as possible.”

“I would really appreciate that, Frank.  Thank you.”

“Are you actually thinking about working today?”

“Not really.  I’ll probably take a personal day.”

“Good idea.  Oh, and about last night...”

“Frank,” she interrupted, “I know what you’re going to say, but we have nothing to feel guilty about compared to what Carlos did to me.  Don’t even give it another thought.  We can talk about it later.  I’ve got to turn Ricky in now before I lose my nerve.”

“Good luck.  I’ll be thinking about you, and you know how to reach me if you need me.”

“Thanks again for everything.”

Frank and Gina drove down to the precinct in separate cars.  Frank wondered how he would ever make it through a full day’s work on such little sleep.  He walked slowly to his desk and collapsed into his chair.  A cup of steaming hot coffee was already on his desk.

“Wow, Frank!  Late night last night?” Tim asked.  “Good thing I got you some coffee.”

“Yeah, thanks.  What got into you?”

“Since we’re going back to being partners on Monday, I thought I should probably start kissing up to you now.  I also thought you’d be pretty heartbroken to lose Detective Gorgeous as your partner.  Maybe I felt bad for you.  So, where is she anyway?”

“She took a personal day, and don’t ask why.  As the name implies, it’s personal.  Now, if you don’t mind, some of us actually have work to do around here.”  Frank tried to concentrate on the load of paperwork before him, but all he could think about was Gina.  He hoped she was doing alright handling Ricky’s situation on her own, but he knew he couldn’t interfere any further.  He had done all he could, and now he had to step back and let Gina take over.  She would call if she needed him.  Meanwhile, he could daydream about holding her in his arms and kissing her.  Although last night’s events were rather harmless, Frank had made it perfectly clear he was interested in her.  Unfortunately, Carlos was still in the picture.  What happened next was in Gina’s hands.

By Sunday afternoon, Gina’s head was a mess.  With all she was going through, including another big fight with Carlos the day before, she was exhausted and needed some space.  She wanted some time alone to relax and gather her thoughts, so she headed to the park.  It felt good to walk around and enjoy the green grass, sunshine, and warmer weather spring had brought.  But when the sun went down, she started to miss Frank.  She thought about how nice it would be if he was there with her, so she dialed his number.

“Hey, Frank.”

“Gina, it’s good to hear your voice.”

“Are you busy?”

“Not too busy for you.  What’s going on?”

“Well, I’m standing in Grant Park, and they’re lighting the fountain tonight.  It’s going to be spectacular, and I thought you should see it.  I was also hoping we could talk.”

“Sounds nice.  See you there.”

“Great.  Bye.”

When Frank arrived, there was a sea of people gathered around the fountain.  It took him a while, but he did eventually find her.  “Gina!” he called out.

Gina turned around and smiled at him.  “Frank!  Glad you could make it.”

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

The show soon began, and they watched as the fountain came to life in a dazzling display of colors reflecting off the dancing water.

“It’s really something, isn’t it?” Gina admired.

“Sure is,” he replied.  The fountain was amazing, but Frank was more interested in Gina.  She was looking as beautiful as ever, and she had asked him to share this moment with her, not Carlos.  That was a good sign.  He wanted to put his arm around her but thought he should wait until he heard what she had to say.  Frank grew more apprehensive with each minute that passed in silence.  He thought about prompting her to speak but decided not to.  For now, he would just enjoy being near her.

“Frank?  Can we sit down and talk for a minute?” she finally asked.

“Sure.  What’s on your mind?  Oh, and how’s your brother?”

“My brother is doing about as well as can be expected, considering he has jail time and rehab ahead of him.  I’m going to try to keep a closer eye on him, but you know how many hours I work.  I feel like I should do more, but I can only do so much.”

“You need to take care of yourself too, Gina.  You shouldn’t feel guilty about that.”

“That’s why I came here today to clear my head and find some peace.  I’m sorry I didn’t call you sooner.  I know I said we’d talk later, but Carlos and I got in this big fight, and I just needed to be alone for a while.”

“So, are you feeling better now?”

“Yeah.  I finally figured out what I need to do.  It’s something I should have done a long time ago.”  Gina paused for a moment and took a deep breath before she spoke.  “I want you to know I’m planning to break up with Carlos.”

“I’m sorry,” Frank lied, trying to fake sincerity.

“No, you’re not.”

“You’re right.  I’m not,” he admitted when she called his bluff.

“It was actually something you said that made me think.”  Gina crossed her legs and turned toward him.


“You said I deserved better, and you’re right.  I’ve forgiven him so many times, I’ve lost count.  I need someone who treats me with respect and whose actions show they truly love me.  The fact is I can’t depend on him or trust him.  Carlos’s role in what happened with my brother is proof of that, not to mention the time he cheated on me.  It’s just that we’ve been together for so long, and our history goes back to high school and the old neighborhood.  My friends are his friends, and our lives are so entangled.  I watched my parents fight nonstop until my dad left, and maybe I thought messed up relationships were normal.  I just feel like such a fool right now.”

Frank could see the tears welling up in her eyes and placed his hand on top of hers.  “Hey, you’re not a fool for having loved someone.  It was Carlos who didn’t hold up his end of the deal.  You’re too good for him.  He didn’t know how lucky he was to have you.  Don’t you even know how special you are?”

A smile slowly returned to Gina’s face.  She touched his leg with her other hand and rested it there as she said, “You’re the first man to ever say that to me.  I guess I’ve been someone’s doormat in every relationship I’ve ever been in.  I let men walk all over me and use me, and I thought it didn’t bother me, but it does.  You made me see that, and now I want better.”

“Good for you,” Frank said approvingly.  “I’m happy for you.”

“I’m just a little scared, you know, to make it official.  Carlos is not going to take it well.  He thinks he owns me and can make me do whatever he wants.  He’ll probably try to lay on the charm to make me regret dumping him.”

“You’re stronger than you realize, Gina.  You can do this,” Frank encouraged.  He would have said more, but he was growing increasingly distracted by her hand lingering on his thigh.  Her body language, initially casual and friendly, had become more intimate.  They were sitting so close that her knee was touching his.  It was now or never to ask the question that was burning inside him.  “Gina, does your desire to break up with Carlos have anything to do with what happened between us at your apartment the other night?”

“I think you know the answer to that,” she said, staring at him intently.  “You and I got really close that night.”

“So, we are more than friends, I take it.”

“Well, I don’t let just anyone hold me all night.”

“I liked being close to you, Gina,” he said, looking deeply into her eyes.

“Me too,” she confessed, almost in a whisper.

Frank leaned closer to kiss her cheek.  When he saw her smile, he moved to her lips but soon remembered they were still at the park.  He was faintly aware that they had begun to attract some attention from people nearby, and Frank wasn’t sure he wanted to put on a show.  He was a more private person than that.  Small public displays of affection were fine, but kissing was more personal to him.  He just wasn’t comfortable with the whole world knowing his business, even if part of him liked being seen kissing such a young, beautiful woman. He had to admit that it sure gave his ego a boost.

Gina was surprised when he started to back away.  She wasn’t used to being around such a gentleman.  Frank moved slowly compared to all the other men she had ever known.  If another man had acted like him, it would have made her question just how interested he really was, yet somehow, Frank managed to get his point across.  He had his own style, which she had to admit was refreshingly different.  His peculiar behavior fascinated her all the more.  She couldn’t completely figure him out, and it was driving her crazy, in a good way.  It was like he was playing hard to get, but she knew he really wasn’t. How could a man who was so confident in any other situation be so shy when it came to women?  Maybe he just needed some encouragement.

“Is there something wrong?” she asked him.

“No.  Not with you.  You’re perfect.  It’s just that there are so many other people here.  We’re far from alone.”

“Do you want to be alone with me, Frank?” she asked.

Frank wasn’t sure if this was an open invitation or if she was just flirting with him.  He hadn’t completely figured her out yet either.  She could really unnerve him, but he knew he had to keep his head.  “You know I do,” he said, pausing for a moment, “but you should probably end things with Carlos first.”

“You’re right.  I guess I’m just dreading it.  Things would be so much easier if we could just move on without having to deal with the ugliness of breakups.”

“Tell me about it.  I’ve been through a divorce.  Worst time of my life, and I don’t care to repeat it.”

“So, you’re divorced?”

“Yeah.  You didn’t know?  I thought it was common knowledge at work.”

“Not to me.  Don’t worry.  I’m not going to judge you or anything.  It’s not like my life has been so perfect.”

“Well, if there’s anything you feel the need to know about me, just ask.  Nothing in my past is so bad that it’s off-limits to you.”

Gina’s thoughts turned to her own past.  She could think of at least one thing she wasn’t ready to share, so she was relieved when her phone started ringing, ending the discussion.  “Excuse me for a second,” she said before answering.  “I’m sorry, Sofia.  I completely forgot.  Can I still meet you there?  Great.  Bye.”

“Something wrong?”

“Yeah, I got so wrapped up in my own drama that I forgot to meet my friend at the bar.  She’s been waiting for me for over an hour.  You could come too, if you want.”

“Uh, no.  That’s alright.  You should go.  I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

Gina arrived at work early the next day to hang a “Welcome Back” banner over Detective O’Brien’s desk.  She remembered how special Sean had made her birthday party, right before the accident had changed everything.  She wanted things to be perfect for his return.  Gina knew it wasn’t her fault, yet she felt somewhat guilty for walking away from the accident with barely a scratch, while Sean had been suffering these past months.  She knew it could have been her if she had been the one driving that day.  But if the accident had never happened, she would not have gotten to know Frank, and that would also have been a tragedy, since he seemed to be the one man she could trust and depend on, who also cared about and respected her.  She liked how he was protective of her, even though they both knew she could take care of herself.  She loved how he made her feel special, and he listened to her, really listened, like no one else ever had before.  Frank made Carlos look bad, really bad, in comparison.  So, in a way, Gina was grateful for the accident, but also relieved her old partner was alive and well again.

There was a huge smile on Sean O’Brien’s face when he walked into the office that day.  He was so excited to get back to the work he loved and the people he had grown to care about.  They were like his second family, and he saw himself as a big brother to his partner, Gina.  He was protective of her like Frank was, but in a different way.  He was curious to see how she was getting along without him, and she appeared to be doing just fine.  He never doubted Frank would take good care of her until his return.  What he hadn’t predicted was the strength of the bond that had formed between them.  Although they tried to act natural, things felt different around the office, especially where Frank and Gina were concerned.  It didn’t take long for Sean to figure out something major had changed while he was gone, and he planned to find out what it was.

“Gina!” Frank greeted her when he finally caught her alone later that morning.

“Hi, Frank!  Do you miss me yet?”

“Of course.  Wallace can be a real pain in the ass.  I think I’m tired of him already, and it’s not even time for lunch yet.”

“Well, I can’t say I have that problem.  I actually like Sean, but I miss you.  I miss us working together.  It’s not the same without you.”

“Now I’ll have to make excuses just to talk to you.”

“I could meet you for lunch,” she offered.

“Aren’t we supposed to show up at O’Brien’s ‘Welcome Back’ lunch?”

“Oh yeah.  What was I thinking?  How about tomorrow then?”

“Sounds good,” Frank agreed and moved on to avoid suspicion.

The next day, Gina made up an excuse to leave Sean and drove off to meet Frank at the ice cream shop where they had shared sundaes before.  She parked against the wall in the back of the lot, next to Frank, and he joined her inside her car.

“I got this for you,” Frank said, handing her a sundae.

“Thanks.  That looks like a healthy lunch,” she joked as she took it from him.  “Where’s yours?”

“I’m not that hungry.”  Frank wasn’t there for the ice cream.  After scanning the surrounding area, he decided they were basically alone.  How lucky he was to finally have her all to himself!

Gina noticed him staring at her and stopped eating.  “What?”

“You’ve got something on your face.”

“I do?” she asked, taking him seriously.

Frank collected some chocolate topping with his finger and smeared a little on her cheek near her lips.  “Here, let me get that for you.”

Gina wasn’t sure this was really happening.  How had Frank suddenly become so bold?  This wasn’t like him, but she sure wasn’t going to stop him!  Maybe it was because they were alone.  She could hardly believe it when he leaned in close to her and kissed her cheek, then her lips, until the chocolate was gone.  “Frank?”

“Too much?” he asked, worried he had made her feel uncomfortable.

“No.  I think you missed some over here,” Gina flirted and pulled her long hair out of the way.  She smeared a little chocolate down her neck and tilted her head to the side so he could have better access.

“Come closer,” he invited with both his words and his eyes.

“Alright,” Gina agreed.  She climbed over the center console and into his lap to face him.  Her hands rested lightly on his chest.  “Is this close enough?”

“That’ll do,” Frank answered, trying hard to contain his excitement.  Feeling her body pressed against his was almost too much for him.  He hadn’t anticipated such a favorable reaction from her, and it caught him completely off guard.  Frank wasn’t sure he was ready for this, but apparently Gina was, and she could be very persuasive!  Kissing her was making him feel like a teenager again.  He couldn’t stop now!  Frank swept her hair back and was treated to a tantalizing view while he licked away the chocolate dripping down her neck and beyond.

She delighted in the sensation of his lips and tongue on her skin and the warmth of his touch as he ran his hands along her neck and back, right down to her hips, and up underneath the back of her shirt.  She thought she felt her heart skip a beat.

But before they could go any further, Gina’s phone rang, followed by Frank’s, abruptly ending their private moment.

“Seriously?  We need to get back,” Gina said breathlessly.

“I know,” Frank sighed.  He had gotten a taste and was left with a burning desire for more.

Gina used her thumb to wipe off a hint of lipstick she had left behind on his face.  “We can’t have anyone wondering what you’ve been up to on your lunch break.”

“If they only knew,” he said with a grin, attempting to restore his hair to the state it was in before Gina ran her fingers through it.

Frank and Gina arrived back at the office within minutes of each other, and Tim was waiting for Frank.

“Did you get my message?” Tim asked.

“Not yet.  I was busy.”

“You look a little flushed, Frank.  Are you alright?  You weren’t drinking, were you?”

“Of course not!  Would you like me to walk a straight line or recite the alphabet backwards for you?”

“No.  That won’t be necessary.”

Frank had covered his tracks for the moment, but he knew concentrating on work would be nearly impossible with Gina on his mind.

Meanwhile, Sean was waiting for Gina at her desk.  They were about to have a similar conversation.

“Hey, Sean.”

“How come you didn’t answer your phone?”

“I was, uh, busy.”

“What’s that on your shirt?”

Gina looked down to discover some chocolate Frank had missed.  “Must be chocolate,” she replied and tried to wipe it away with a tissue.  Gina couldn’t help blushing with embarrassment.  She looked up and noticed Frank was watching her.  They exchanged knowing glances from their desks across the aisle.

Sean detected their silent communication but said nothing.  He needed to be sure before mentioning anything to either of them.  He didn’t want to make a fool of himself or cause any unnecessary drama.

Meanwhile, Gina was beginning to get the impression Sean suspected something.  She feared it would be difficult to keep their secret for long when surrounded by detectives.