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Frank’s candid conversation with Gina at the theater had forced him to reevaluate their relationship. Visions of Gina together with Carlos tormented him until he finally came to a conclusion. There would be no quick or easy solution to their problem. Something this important couldn’t be rushed and might, in fact, take a long time yet. Meanwhile, Frank was only human, and his feelings for Gina continued to grow, along with hers for him. It was time to stop being such a gentleman and be with the woman who had captured his heart, however unwise that decision might prove to be. To hell with the consequences! He would follow through with his promise to host this dinner party in spite of their situation. Tensions were high, and they desperately needed a distraction. He could find a way to live in the moment and enjoy life for just one night, as long as that night was spent with Gina.
The next day at work, he put his plan in motion. “Tim!” Frank called. “You’re just the man I want to see!”
“I wish I could say the same, Frank. What’s up?”
“Actually,” Frank began, after glancing over at Gina, “I’m throwing a little dinner party Saturday night, and I was hoping you could make it. I’m inviting Sean and Gina and the captain too. Spouses and significant others are also welcome, so feel free to bring a date.”
“Wow! I never would have expected this from you,” Tim replied, “but sure, I’m in. Hey, Gina! Would you like to be my date for Frank’s party?”
Gina was unsure how to respond and looked to Frank for help. She was hoping he would come to her rescue with some quick thinking and a good excuse. Frank didn’t disappoint her.
“Tim, I’m sure Gina would be bringing her boyfriend to the party.”
“Oh yeah,” he replied. “Are you still going out with that guy?”
“Yes,” Gina confirmed. Since she already considered herself separated from Carlos, it had not even occurred to her to say she was bringing him. Once Tim left, Gina turned to Frank. “I’m sorry. I just panicked.”
“I know. Of course, the party’s on a night you said he’ll be working.”
“I’ll go tell Sean about the party,” she offered. “I’m sure he’ll want to come. Are you sure it’s wise to invite the captain?”
“How can I get around it, Gina? He’ll know I’m inviting everyone else.” For this very reason, Frank thought of one more person who needed to be there if his plan was going to work. He headed to the park on his lunch break and hoped to catch up with Claire.
“Hi, Frank!” Claire greeted him. “Long time, no see.”
“Sorry, I’ve been really busy lately,” he apologized.
“No need for apologies. I assumed you were probably spending your time with that woman from work you mentioned.”
“Her name is Gina, and yes, she’s keeping me rather busy these days.”
“So, I take it things are going well for you two,” she said, noticing the look in Frank’s eyes when he spoke of Gina. Claire paused before adding, “How sweet. You’re in love.”
“Who said anything about love?”
“It’s written all over your face. So, she finally dumped that jerk of a boyfriend!”
“Not exactly,” Frank replied.
“I know, it’s complicated and you don’t want to talk about it, right?”
“You could say that.”
“So, what’s up?”
“Claire,” he began slowly, “I actually have a favor to ask of you. Feel free to say no if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“Alright,” she replied with great curiosity.
“I’m throwing a dinner party Saturday night, and I was wondering if you could come.”
“That sounds nice, Frank. Can I bring Scott?”
“Under normal circumstances, I’d say yes. However, this is where the favor comes in. Most of the people who’ll be there don’t know I’m involved with Gina, and I’d like to keep it that way. Would you be willing to pose as my date by any chance?”
“So, it’s a cover-up?”
“Yes. Acting will be involved.”
“You know, I was a member of the drama club in high school, so this would be fun for me.”
“Does that mean you’ll do it?” Frank asked, hoping for a favorable response.
“Well, if it helps out a friend, what’s the harm?”
“Is Scott going to be OK with this?”
“That depends on how convincing of a couple you want us to be.”
“You’re just a date, not my girlfriend. Follow my lead, and you’ll do fine.”
“I’ll discuss it with him, but I’m sure it won’t be a problem. So count me in unless I tell you otherwise.”
“Great. Thanks, Claire. I really appreciate it.”
“Does Gina know you’re inviting me? I can’t wait to meet her.”
“Not yet.”
“Shouldn’t you tell her ahead of time?”
“It’ll be fine. And hey, check out that ring you’ve got there!”
“I thought you’d never notice!” Claire beamed as she shared her news. “Scott surprised me with it last weekend.”
“It’s beautiful, Claire. Congratulations! Just don’t wear it to my party, or we’ll have a lot of explaining to do!” Frank joked.
Saturday night arrived before he knew it, and Frank was feeling nervous. He hadn’t hosted a dinner party since before his divorce, so he felt out of practice. He decided to hire a caterer to prepare the meal. Frank filled in with his own selection of alcohol and snacks and picked up a chocolate cake for dessert. He put on his nicest shirt and tie while giving some thought to dinner conversation. All that remained was turning on some music and waiting for his guests to arrive. He wasn’t really trying to impress anyone except Gina. She was the only person whose opinion mattered, and he wanted her to have a nice time. The rest of the group would only be there so he could be with her.
Frank was anxious to get the party started by the time his first guest knocked on the door. “Claire, I’m so glad you’re here!” he said, greeting her with a friendly kiss on the cheek. He glanced at her finger to make sure she hadn’t worn her engagement ring.
Claire noticed him eyeing her hand. “Don’t be nervous, Frank. It’ll all be fine, and the food smells wonderful!”
As the other guests arrived, Frank introduced them to Claire. Surprisingly, Tim showed up at the party alone and seemed shocked to find even Frank had a date. Sean was confused at first when he saw Frank’s arm around Claire, but soon caught on to Frank’s game and played along. Captain Michaels made a polite remark about them making a cute couple and thanked Frank for inviting him and Heather. Frank looked around at his guests. Everyone was there except Gina. He wondered if something had happened to her.
Finally, he heard a knock on the door and rushed to get it. “Gina!” he exclaimed. Frank had been waiting so long for this and had to remind himself to contain his excitement. He welcomed her with a polite hug and kiss on the cheek. “I’m happy you could make it. Where’s Carlos?”
Gina knew the spotlight was on her. “He had to work, but there’s no reason why I couldn’t come,” she explained for the benefit of their audience.
Tim pounced on Gina the moment he saw her arrive alone. “Gina! Did you meet Frank’s date?”
“His date?” she asked.
“Yeah, I didn’t know he was dating anyone either,” Tim answered. “Maybe I need to start paying more attention to my partner.”
“Gina, I’d like you to meet Claire.” Frank took a sip of wine and once again put his arm around her.
“So, this is Claire,” Gina replied, studying her carefully. Claire looked a few years older than her, but very pretty, and Gina felt a twinge of jealousy knowing Frank had invited her. She wanted to know what was going on but knew she couldn’t ask. “Nice to meet you,” she finally got out.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Gina. I’ve heard so much about you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I could use a drink.”
“Me too,” Gina added, scowling at Frank.
Once Claire left, Frank pulled Gina aside to explain. “You didn’t think I’d blow our cover, did you? I wanted to throw Tim and the captain off our trail, so I asked Claire to be a decoy.”
“So, she is real.”
“Yes. She’s a friend who’s also recently engaged, by the way,” Frank added, sensing her jealousy.
“Oh.” Still, Gina didn’t like having competition, even if it was just for show. Now she understood how Frank must have felt seeing her with Carlos.
“Let me go get you that drink, Gina,” Frank offered. Claire was still hanging around the bar when he got there.
“She’s beautiful, Frank, but clearly envious of all the attention you’re giving me. Try not to annoy her with your little game any more than you have to.”
“I guess I didn’t realize this would be a problem.” Frank paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. “Hey, Claire?”
“Can I ask you something?”
“You don’t think I’m too old for her, do you? I mean, I know I am, but for some reason, it doesn’t seem to matter to her. She never brings it up. It was one thing when we were just friends, but things are starting to get more serious. I just want to be fair to her.”
“It doesn’t matter what I think, Frank. It matters what she thinks, and if it doesn’t seem to be a problem for her, then I wouldn’t worry about it. But if it’s really bothering you that much, maybe you should discuss it with her sometime.”
Frank nodded and walked back to Gina, who was standing by herself. She looked amazing, and he took a moment to admire her. Frank recognized her short black leather skirt. It was the same one she had worn the night he got drunk and needed her help to get home from the bar. She was also wearing her knee-high leather boots that had looked so great on her the time she wore them to work. A striking emerald green cardigan was wrapped around her, revealing little about the top she wore underneath. Knowing Gina, he imagined it would be something that would leave him fantasizing about her long after the party was over.
“Thanks,” Gina said when Frank handed her a glass of wine.
“Does Carlos know you’re at a party tonight?”
“Unfortunately, yes. He stopped by on his way to work, or wherever he was off to, and caught me heading out the door all dressed up. He immediately demanded to know where I was going, so I told him Sean and Jenny were having a dinner party, and he’d probably be bored even if he could come. Of course, he asked if you would be there, and I told him you had other plans. Maybe you should get back to Claire,” Gina suggested, abruptly changing the subject.
“Don’t be jealous, Gina,” Frank whispered in her ear. “You know you’re the only woman for me.”
“Who said I was jealous?” Gina whispered back as Frank walked away.
Before long, everyone gathered at the table for dinner. Frank took a seat next to Claire and across from Gina. People took turns telling amusing stories from work or bragging about their exploits at the pistol range. While Frank was speaking, Gina removed her sweater to reveal a sexy animal print halter top that showed off her shoulders and highlighted her cleavage. It certainly caught his attention! Frank stumbled over his words a bit and was quick to blame it on the wine. Gina smiled when she caught him staring at her.
When dinner was over and his guests were involved in their own conversations, Frank approached Gina in the hallway. “You have no idea how much I want these people to leave,” he said quietly.
“Actually I do,” she replied.
“Maybe once the alcohol stops flowing, people will go home, although they still seem pretty lively.”
“Who says we have to wait until everyone leaves?” she asked seductively.
“What did you have in mind?” he replied, pressing one hand against the small of her back.
His touch made her quiver with anticipation. “Make up an excuse to be alone with me and announce it to people.”
Shortly after they rejoined the group, Frank asked, “Gina, would you mind helping me with that thing on the computer I was having trouble with?”
“Not at all,” she replied, her casual response hiding the growing excitement she felt inside.
“I’ll be right back,” Frank said to Claire before leaving with Gina. He led her to the spare bedroom and closed the door behind them.
“So, should I help you with your computer, or would you rather do this instead?” Gina asked as she grabbed his tie, pulled him closer to her, and gave him the kiss he’d been waiting for.
“Definitely this,” Frank responded. He ran his hands over her bare shoulders and upper back while returning her kiss. Her dangling silver earrings revealed themselves when he swept her long hair to the side. Everything about her distracted him, and things were escalating quickly. “We should get back out there,” he warned eventually.
“In a few minutes,” Gina promised.
“That’s what you said a few minutes ago,” he managed to get in between kisses.
“You don’t like taking chances, do you?” Gina teased before pushing him toward the bed.
Frank knew he couldn’t let things go too far. They were pressing their luck as it was, but it was so hard to tear himself away from her. She drove him absolutely crazy with desire.
Suddenly, and before they could even comprehend what was happening, Tim’s voice could be heard on the other side of the door. “Hey, Frank? We’re running low on...” Tim swung the door open and stopped dead in his tracks. “Never mind. I see you’re busy,” he finished, taken aback by the unbelievable sight before him.
“Don’t you knock first?” Frank shouted.
“I didn’t think I had to,” Tim replied, still trying to process what he was seeing. Frank was lying on the bed with Gina on her hands and knees above him. She was no longer wearing her top and mortified to have Tim ogling her in her bra. “Wow!” said Tim. “It’s my ultimate fantasy, except there’s an extra person here. Sorry, Frank.”
Frank quickly located Gina’s shirt and handed it to her. “I knew it was a bad idea to invite him. I guess we did get a little carried away.”
Gina said nothing while she threw on her top and hastily covered it with her sweater. She fumbled nervously with the tiny buttons, failing to hide her embarrassment.
“You missed a button,” Tim observed, taking a step closer. He had been staring at her the whole time. “Here, let me help you with that.”
“I don’t think so,” Gina said, sparing a second to glare at Tim before leaving the room in a hurry.
Frank and Tim were left standing there awkwardly. Frank moved past Tim to button his shirt and fix his tie in front of the mirror.
It was Tim who broke the silence with his rambling. “Frank, what’s going on here? You were getting pretty frisky with a girl who has a boyfriend! Here you ask one girl to the party, and you’re fooling around with another one? Granted, that’s something I would do, but it’s not something you’d do, Frank! Now, I know if it was the other way around, you’d be telling me how wrong this is. You must be having a mid-life crisis or something, because this isn’t like you! Anyhow, you make up your mind which girl you want and at least let me have a shot with the other one. You’ve got to share your secret for attracting all the hotties! I don’t get it. You’ve always seemed more interested in work than women for the entire two years I’ve known you. Are you making up for lost time? Now, Claire’s lovely, pleasant, easy to get along with, and there’s the fact I like blondes, but she’s a little too dull for me. Gina is more interesting, sexy yet sweet, but she has just enough spirit to make her a bit feisty. That’s the perfect combo in my book and apparently yours too.”
“Are you quite done?” Frank asked angrily, finally losing patience with him. “Is the lecture over now? So help me, Wallace! You don’t understand what’s really going on, not that I owe you an explanation. That’s between Gina and I.”
“Settle down,” Tim advised, “unless you want everyone to hear you. I’ll keep your dirty little secret, only because we’re partners, and someday you might have to do the same for me.”
“Well, don’t expect me to gush with gratitude. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to make sure Gina’s alright.”
“So, are you with Claire or Gina? Just so we’re clear.”
“Shut up, Tim!” Frank stormed off in search of Gina, leaving Tim all by himself. Although the evening wasn’t turning out quite the way Frank had planned, he had to admit the party was anything but boring. “Where’s Gina?” he asked Claire.
“She said she had to make a phone call and stepped outside for a minute.”
Frank immediately made his way to the front door and closed it behind him. He found Gina sitting on the floor in the hallway, playing with her phone.
“Are you alright?” Frank asked and knelt down next to her.
“There’s no way I’m going back in there,” she answered without making eye contact. “Does everyone know?”
“I don’t think so. Tim won’t say anything, and the others seem oblivious.”
“How can you be sure? We’re one step away from the captain knowing everything.” Gina was feeling insecure, like a little girl who had gotten in trouble, and she was sure Frank could see it too.
“Trust me. We’re fine. Now, what will look suspicious is you and I being out in the hall for so long. Come on,” Frank encouraged. He helped her to her feet and gave her a hug. “Don’t let Tim ruin our night.”
“Well, it was fun while it lasted.” A little smile returned to Gina’s face. “Are you sure he won’t say anything? Tim likes to talk a lot, especially when he’s drunk.”
“He said he wouldn’t. Besides, if he did, you’d be furious with him, and that’s the last thing he wants.”
But Gina wasn’t so sure. She could feel Tim’s eyes on her after they were back inside, and it made her terribly uncomfortable. It didn’t matter much though, since the party was starting to wind down and she wouldn’t have to deal with the awkwardness for long.
Sean and Jenny were the first to call it a night. “We better go relieve our babysitter,” sighed Sean.
Captain Michaels and Heather were next to say their goodbyes, leaving only Frank, Gina, Tim, and Claire.
“My cab is here,” Claire announced before turning to face Frank. “Call me,” she said and leaned in to give him a kiss.
Frank pulled away from her. “Claire, Tim found out, so we don’t have to keep up this charade any longer,” he said, “but I appreciate you coming. I hope you enjoyed yourself.”
“I did. Great party, Frank. I guess I’ll see you around.”
“Hey, Claire! Wait up!” Tim called after her. “I’ll walk you to your cab.”
“You said she’s engaged, right?” Gina asked Frank.
“And very much in love. He’ll figure it out soon enough. Tim won’t get anywhere with her.”
“What a mess!” Gina exclaimed when they walked back into the kitchen. “I’ll help you clean up a little.” She carried dishes and glassware to the sink and began to rinse them.
For once, the mess had no effect on Frank. He couldn’t care less. “Alone at last.” He disappeared briefly before sneaking up behind Gina, wrapping his arms around her waist, and surprising her with a long stem red rose. “This is for you,” he said, holding it out in front of her.
“Oh, thank you! That’s so sweet.”
Frank pressed his lips to her cheek and worked his way down the side of her neck. He held her tight against him while placing a few sensual kisses at the nape of her neck.
“Frank, what’s gotten into you?” Gina asked, pleasantly surprised by his advances. His breath tickled the hairs on the back of her neck and sent tingles down her spine. “Are you trying to tell me you’re suddenly OK with our odd situation?”
“Carlos lost my respect a long time ago. I know you don’t love him anymore, so as far as I’m concerned, no real relationship exists.” Frank began to massage her delicate shoulders before adding, “You already tried to leave him. It’s his problem if he can’t accept it. Carlos can’t stop us from being together if we want to be.”
“I’m glad you feel that way,” she said, turning around to face him. Gina gently ran her fingers through his hair and over his face, briefly touching his lips. She gazed at Frank longingly, waiting for him to make the next move.
“Come with me,” Frank invited. He took Gina’s hand and led her down the hall to his bedroom.
“Frank, does this mean you want me to spend the night?”
“Providing you haven’t changed your mind.”
“I thought you’d never ask,” she said with a shy smile. “We should be getting pretty good at this by now. I’ve already spent the night with you three times, I believe.”
“Yeah, but not like this. Tonight is different.”
“You know, Frank, if you would have played your cards right, you could have had me sooner,” she teased.
Frank was certain he knew the night she was referring to. “In a factory parking lot or that sleazy motel across the street? Really, Gina? You should know that’s not my style.”
“I thought that’s what you wanted and why you asked me to meet you there, at least until you confused me with the whole dinner party idea. Then I wasn’t sure what to think.”
“Don’t you respect yourself more than that? Because I do. I plan on treating you right, so you better get used to it.”
She watched him light a cluster of scented candles before pouring two glasses of wine. Gina found his words as stimulating as the romantic setting. She took in the aroma of the beautiful rose he’d given her and then gently set it down on the bed.
Frank turned on a song she immediately recognized. “Would you dance with me?”
“You remembered!” she exclaimed.
“How could I forget? This was the first song we ever danced to.”
“So, you’ve thought about that night too?”
“Only about a thousand times,” Frank admitted. He took her into his arms and indulged once more in all the sensations he felt when their bodies moved together in time to the music. He held her hand over his heart while they danced.
Frank wanted their night together to be nothing short of perfect. He stopped dancing when the song ended but continued to hold her close, running his hands through her hair and taking in the intoxicating scent of her perfume. He looked deep into her eyes with a smoldering stare. “It’s no secret I want you, Gina, but it’s so much more than that.” Frank paused for a few seconds but kept his eyes locked on hers. “I’m in love with you.” When his sudden confession left her speechless, he added, “You don’t have to say it to me if you’re not ready.”
Gina was caught off guard. She was not accustomed to hearing these words spoken so sincerely by a man. Surely, Frank knew she would give herself to him tonight with or without such sentiments. He was taking a huge risk expressing them without knowing if she felt the same. “Frank?”
“Yes?” he answered. The suspense was killing him. Frank was sure an entire minute had passed while he studied her face and contemplated what her response might be.
“I love you too, and I want to be with you.”
Frank smiled and took her hands in his. He lightly brushed his lips against hers, then gave her a kiss that was soft and tender. It made him think back to their very first. He could feel the same nerves and excitement building inside him. Now, just like then, Frank could hardly believe this was actually happening, but their time had finally come.
“Gina, I have feelings for you I can’t even put into words.”
“Then show me.”
Frank saw the unmistakable look of desire in her eyes, mirroring his own. He knew he didn’t have to control himself anymore and eagerly kissed Gina with all the passion and intensity he had been holding back for so long. Soon they were both short of breath. Frank willed himself to slow things down a little so he could savor the moment. “There’s no rush,” he said. “We can take our time.”
“My heart is racing.”
“I know. Mine too, but we’ve got all night.”
“True, but I think we’re a little overdressed. Maybe you could help me,” Gina hinted. She sat down on the bed, crossed her legs, and extended one at a time so Frank could take off her long leather boots. Then she stood up to help him unbutton his shirt, running her hands down his chest and placing kisses along the way.
Frank carefully removed her top and slowly unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. He took a moment to admire Gina in her lacy undergarments. “You’re so beautiful, Gina, and I know it’s not just the candlelight. I’m a lucky man to have a woman like you.”
She smiled back at him. “I’m the lucky one to be loved by such a good man.”
“Loved, worshipped, and adored,” he replied, kissing her after each word. “You have a lot to offer a man besides your good looks, Gina. You’re smart. You’re kind-hearted, sweet, and caring. You’re beautiful inside and out. I just want you to know that and believe it because it’s true.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere,” she flirted before helping him with his pants, revealing a stylish pair of boxer briefs against his trim body.
“I know. I’m no fool,” Frank laughed. “Now, where were we before Tim so rudely interrupted us?” He motioned for her to join him on the bed.
Gina positioned herself to recreate the passionate moment he was referring to. “I believe we were right about here.”
“Or was it here?” Frank asked before rolling her over onto her back, switching places with Gina, so he could be the one on top. He began to kiss and caress her body.
Tonight Frank was finally taking charge of the situation, like Gina had hoped he would, and she found herself very turned on by it. She trembled with every touch of his strong, yet gentle, hands. Their chemistry was undeniable, and for a moment, everything was perfect. Their problems melted away, along with the rest of the world, and only the two of them remained.
When the morning sun filtered through the blinds, Frank awakened with the delightful notion that the woman he had fallen so head over heels in love with was finally his – at least in his mind and every way that mattered. After such an exhilarating night together, there was no doubt she had been worth the wait. He took a moment to appreciate how nice her silky smooth skin felt against his own. Just having her heavenly body next to him was all Frank needed, and he was content to lie there and hold her for as long as she’d let him.
When Gina woke up, she noticed Frank studying her and gave him a sweet smile before resting her head on his chest. He softly brushed her hair out of her eyes and off her face. She listened to the steady and reassuring sound of his beating heart and relaxed with him in silence, until the thought suddenly occurred to her that she needed to get home.
“What time is it?” Gina asked. Her tranquil mood had abruptly shifted to panic.
“It’s almost ten,” he replied, tenderly kissing the top of her head. She immediately tried to get up, but Frank stopped her. “Stay a while, Gina, please?” he begged, gently grabbing her arm. Now that she was in his bed, he wasn’t sure he was ready to let her go. He wondered how their time together had passed so quickly.
“I’m sorry, Frank. That’s tempting, and I really wish I could, but I can’t. What if Carlos stops by and I’m not there? What will he think if he sees me in the same clothes I wore yesterday?”
“He really checks up on you that much?” Frank could see the fear in her eyes, and it worried him.
“It’ll be fine. I’m probably just being paranoid,” Gina tried to reassure him.
“I hate all the tension he’s causing us.”
“I know,” she agreed.
“I wish every night could be like last night.”
“Oh, Frank, last night with you was so special, and I feel terrible having to leave so soon, but I’m afraid of what could happen if I don’t. I’ve already stayed longer than I should have.”
“I was about to get us some breakfast, but I think you should go,” he said. “I want you and your secret to be safe. That’s more important to me than anything.”
“I’m sorry, Frank,” she repeated. “Just try not to worry about me, OK? I’ll be back in your arms before you know it.” Gina gave him one last kiss before getting up and gathering her clothes from the floor.
“It won’t be soon enough,” Frank sighed. When she was ready, he escorted Gina downstairs and into the parking lot. He held her for a moment while they kissed goodbye. Then he watched Gina get in her car and drive away, leaving him to wonder when they would be together again.