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Carlos was startled by a persistent knock on his door that he knew all too well. It was Jimmy, and there was no avoiding him now.
“Good news, Carlos. My boss agreed to let your girlfriend live if she goes along with the program. You just need to convince her to make a little problem go away for us.” Jimmy proceeded to convey the terms his boss was demanding.
“But, what about the money I owe? Will doing this wipe out my debt too?”
“Are you kidding? You owe sixty grand! Personally, I’d suggest you stop gambling for five minutes and start making good on your payments. Seeing how there’s not much chance of that happening, I’ll give you one last option. My boss needs somebody for a jewelry store robbery, and he’s considering the idea of letting you handle it. Since you’ve already pulled off a few jobs for him, he thinks you’re ready.”
“But those were simple burglaries. A jewelry store is a lot more complicated. What if something goes wrong?”
“If someone gets in your way, you take care of them. If things get messy, your girlfriend can clean it up. That’s the beauty of knowing someone on the inside. Get this one big job done right and you could put a huge dent in your debt, and I’ll back off a little. Either you agree to it now or I start breaking your bones one by one until you do. Your choice.”
“OK, I’m in, and I’ll talk to Gina about her part.”
“Just don’t take too long. You don’t want my boss to change his mind. His offer is more than generous and far more than you deserve. I’m sure more jobs will follow once you prove yourself useful.”
The next morning, Carlos was waiting for Gina in the lobby of the police department.
“What are you doing here?” Gina asked when he approached her.
“I need to talk to you alone. Can we go somewhere?”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
“It’s about Jimmy. He’s got a request.”
“Yes. Can we talk outside?”
“Fine,” Gina gave in. She led him to a bench that was just far enough away to avoid being overheard by any officers passing by.
“I know you’re still mad at me, but I need you to do me a favor.” Carlos filled Gina in on the agreement that would ensure her safety.
“Let me get this straight. You want me to cover up a murder?” she asked in disbelief.
“Not so much cover up exactly. You need to make some evidence go missing. No need to pin it on someone else as long as there’s nothing connecting the shooting to Jimmy’s boss.”
“Carlos, I’m not a magician. I can’t make evidence magically disappear. Even if it’s hidden somewhere, it’s bound to turn up at some point.”
“If it does, we’ll deal with it then.”
“So, this is what it all comes down to? I do this, and they let me live. Just how long will they let me live with sixty grand still hanging over your head?”
“One thing at a time, princess. This should satisfy them for a bit.”
“I’m not doing it.”
“You have to.”
“Why? You’re the one who did this! I had nothing to do with you gambling your life away and getting tangled up with a loan shark.”
“Come on, Gina. If you do this one thing, we’ll be free and clear.”
“What about the money?”
“I’ve got a way to get it if I do something else for Jimmy’s boss. I can’t tell you what. You just have to trust me.”
“You want me to trust you? After everything you’ve done? Look, I have to go before I lose my job.”
“But, Gina, you haven’t given me an answer! Fine. Think about it, and I’ll call you tonight,” Carlos called after her as she walked away without looking back.
Gina did not see Frank at all that morning and wondered what to do. With every hour that passed, she grew more anxious. She desperately needed to consult him about this, but he was consumed with formulating his own plan for their dilemma, and it was proving to be quite the distraction.
Frank and Tim had been working a case all night and were still at it. Tim could tell Frank was having trouble concentrating. His partner just wasn’t up to the usual high standard he set for himself, but somehow, they managed to close their case before lunch. With their work wrapped up, Frank invited Tim to join him at the pistol range. It was unusual for them to spend their lunch break together, but he agreed to come.
“So, Ace Detective Frank Turino is asking me for shooting tips?” Tim asked when they arrived at the range.
“You’re a decent shot, aren’t you, Tim?”
“Well, you’re qualified then.”
“But so are you.”
“Everyone has room for improvement, Tim, and I haven’t had much time for practice.” Frank’s hands shook a bit as he picked up his handgun, loaded a magazine, took aim, and squeezed the trigger. He fired several shots in rapid succession, clumsily scattering them all over the target.
“Are you in some kind of trouble, Frank?”
“No. Not yet anyway. Nothing I can’t handle.”
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with Gina’s boyfriend, would it? You’re not planning to use that gun on him, are you?”
“Only if I have to.”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that, in case I have to testify. Is this guy dangerous?”
“He could be, and I don’t like the company he keeps either.”
“Just don’t do anything stupid, Frank. A woman isn’t worth it. You can always find another one, preferably one who isn’t already attached to someone else.” Tim paused before adding, “Oh, who are we kidding? This is probably your only chance with a woman like that.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Frank responded sarcastically.
“Alright. Now focus this time,” Tim encouraged before Frank tried again.
Frank took a deep breath and let it go. With great effort, he was able to focus solely on the target in front of him and block out everything else going on in his head. For a moment, he recalled his days at the police academy so many years ago and the repetition of drills that had fine-tuned his skills.
“I know I said to take your time, but are you waiting for a train to pass?” Tim teased.
Frank ignored his comment and concentrated on hitting the target. This time when he finished firing, his shots were tightly clustered around the center.
“Not bad!” Tim complimented. “Of course, if you want to win a gunfight, my advice would be to work on your reaction time. You won’t have five minutes to line up your shot.”
“Obviously, wise guy.”
“Well, you asked. Too bad real life situations aren’t as simple as the range. Hitting a moving target that’s shooting back at you just can’t be simulated, except in paintball. Now that’ll sharpen your skills.”
“There’s not time for that.”
“So, there is something you’re preparing for. Listen, Frank, I know I can be a thorn in your side, but if you ever asked me for help, I’d be there for you.”
“Thanks, Tim. That’s big of you, but this is something I need to handle on my own.”
“Well, like I say, it takes a real man to be nice to his competition.”
“We’re not in competition, unless you’re somehow referring to Gina. You know you don’t stand a shot with her, right?”
“What makes you so sure?”
“She told me so. Those weren’t her exact words, but the meaning was clear.”
“Her first day. Besides, you know Gina and I are involved now.”
“You mean that wasn’t just a one-night stand? What about Carlos? I’m confused.”
“Just keep your mouth shut like you promised.”
“Alright, Frank. I’ll admit you won this round. You certainly were the dark horse in the race. I never expected you to get to her first. That’s OK. This thing with you and Gina will never last.”
“Well, I’d like to think it will.”
“You keep dreaming, but I’ll get my chance to wear her down eventually. I can be very persistent.”
“Persistent, like a mosquito or those annoying telemarketers.”
Frank was done discussing this topic. He had more important things on his mind. “Hey, I need to make a quick stop at the bank on our way back to the office.”
“Were we just practicing for a holdup, Frank? I’m willing to drive the getaway car, but you’ll have to do the heavy lifting yourself.”
“Thanks, but that won’t be necessary.”
“Just cashing your social security check, huh? That’s a relief.”
“Hey, I’m 42, not 62!”
Frank waited nervously in line at the bank while Tim stayed in the car. When it was his turn to approach the teller, Frank handed her an empty briefcase. His hands trembled slightly when he did so, and he hoped the young woman waiting on him wouldn’t notice. “I know this sounds like an unusual request, but I’d like to withdraw $60,000 in 50’s please.” He had never withdrawn such a large sum in cash before. Frank was a diligent saver and had accumulated a fair amount of money over the years. Being a homicide detective in a city with a high murder rate had meant endless overtime pay. His transfer to the department seven years ago had turned out to be not just personally rewarding, but rather lucrative, and he had reached the point where he no longer had to worry about his finances. At this stage in his life, he was making good money and had more than enough for the important task before him. Still, he felt like he was stealing from his future, and possibly Gina’s too.
“Certainly, sir,” replied the teller. “It’ll just be a moment.” She smiled at him politely and quickly returned with the money. He watched while she counted every last bill in front of him. It seemed to take forever. “Have a good day, sir,” she said, closing the case and handing it to him.
“Thank you. You too,” Frank replied and carried the briefcase out the door. Although he would have preferred to take the money straight home to his safe, there was no time, and he was with Tim. Frank carried it into the office and did his best to act casual. Regardless of whether the money was locked up at home or in his sight, he would still feel uneasy until it had served its purpose.
“Frank!” Gina exclaimed when she saw him. “I need to speak with you.”
“Uh, sure,” was all he could get out. Frank debated what to do with the briefcase. He couldn’t leave it at his desk, but he didn’t want Gina to ask about it. Ultimately, he chose to take it with him when they met in the vacant office again.
Gina explained her current dilemma but was disappointed when she asked for Frank’s advice about Carlos. He just seemed so distracted.
“Um, yeah. I’ll have to think about that,” Frank replied.
“I need to give him an answer. What do I tell him?” she asked impatiently.
Before Frank could respond, his phone rang. “Excuse me. I’ve got to take this.” Frank absentmindedly set his briefcase down on the desk and turned his back to her.
Gina found his behavior odd. Why was he acting so strange? He had never blown her off before. He always had time for her and made her feel like the most important person in his life. Something just wasn’t right. He was acting nervous around her. Gina also noticed that the briefcase on the desk was not the one she was accustomed to him carrying. In fact, she had seen him with his usual one this morning. So what was he doing with this one? Perhaps a peek inside would reveal what she needed to know. Frank was now completely absorbed in his conversation and not paying the slightest bit of attention to her.
When he hung up and turned around, Frank saw Gina staring at the thousands of dollars in the now open briefcase. Her hand covered her mouth.
“Frank! What’s going on? Where did all this money come from, and why do you have it?”
“You weren’t supposed to know about that. What were you doing snooping around in my briefcase anyway?”
“You weren’t acting like yourself. I needed to know what was going on with you. I guess I got more than I bargained for.”
“Relax, Gina. It’s my money,” Frank said, closing the case. “Still, we don’t need anyone walking in here seeing this. I’m sure they’d have questions I don’t care to answer.”
“I have questions! How much money is in there, Frank? I’m guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty grand.”
“Close. I can tell you worked in Narcotics.”
“More like sixty grand, I’d say. And would it merely be a coincidence that it’s the same amount of money Carlos owes his loan shark?”
“Guilty as charged.”
“I thought so. You were about to go behind my back and pay him off, weren’t you?”
“Yes. It’s the only way, Gina.”
“And I told you not to!”
“Would you rather cover up a homicide?”
“Of course not, Frank!”
“Then let me take care of this.”
“You were planning to contact Carlos yourself?”
“I was only trying to protect you.”
“What makes you think he would listen to one word you had to say?”
“I can be pretty convincing, and I thought the money would be a good icebreaker.”
“OK, I’ll tell you what. How about I deliver the money to Carlos, and you watch from a distance in case anything goes wrong. I can guarantee you he’ll trust me a whole lot more than he’ll trust you, although I don’t think either of us are in his good graces right now.”
“That still sounds risky, Gina. A lot can go wrong.”
“Well, I like it better than your plan. I just don’t see him ever agreeing to meet with you, and if he does, he probably plans on killing you.”
Frank stared at her for a moment. “Alright. We’ll do things your way, but if something doesn’t feel right, leave the money and get out of there.”
“I’ll call him right now, and we’ll set things up.”
“Tell him you won’t cover up the homicide, but you’ll pay off his debt in full, and be ready when he asks you where you got the money. It’s probably best he doesn’t know it came from me.”
Gina took a moment to get her story straight before she made the call. “Hi, Carlos.”
“Look, I’ll get right to the point. Arrange a meeting with Jimmy tonight, so we can pay off your debt in full.”
“You’ve actually got sixty grand in your possession right now? You realize I can’t tell Jimmy I have it and then not have it. He’ll kill me if I do that to him again.”
“Yes, I have it. Do you want it or not?”
“How did you get it, Gina?”
“What does it matter how I got the money? I did what I had to do.”
“He gave it to you, didn’t he?” Carlos accused.
“Who?” Gina asked, playing dumb.
“Your new lover.”
“Actually, I went to my partner, Sean. I told him it was for a family emergency, and he loaned it to me no questions asked. Like I said before, partners take care of each other.”
“And how did Sean run into that kind of money?”
“His mother left him an inheritance,” she lied.
“Whatever. I’m sure Frank was involved in this somehow.”
“You can believe what you want about where it came from, but the money is real. Take it or leave it.”
“Fine. I’m tired of Jimmy hassling me. I’ll call you when things are set up, or you could give me the money now, and I’ll take care of it myself.”
“That’s not the way this works, Carlos. I’m going with you to pay off your debt. Otherwise, what guarantee do I have that you won’t take the money and run or just gamble it all away?”
“Fine, as long as Jimmy goes along with it.”
“Well, if he wants his money he will.”
Within minutes, Carlos called back and plans were set into motion. Gina relayed the details to Frank when the call ended.
“I’m supposed to meet them tomorrow night at nine. Carlos will call and tell me where. No guns.”
“I don’t like the idea of you being defenseless.”
“I’m not defenseless.”
“You know what I mean. You’re vulnerable without a gun. Be careful, Gina.”
“Always. You know I will.”
“You won’t be alone. I’ll be watching you, and I won’t hesitate to act if your life is threatened. I’m not letting him hurt you again.” Frank was determined to do everything in his power to protect the woman he loved.
“Frank, just knowing that you’re out there and I’m not alone is enough. Soon, this will all be over, at least this part of it.” She paused before adding, “There aren’t words to express my gratitude for what you’re doing for me. I swear to you I’ll pay back every penny no matter how long it takes.” When Frank opened his mouth to respond, Gina stopped him. “Now don’t you dare tell me I don’t owe you a thing! Sixty thousand dollars is a whole lot of money and far too much for me to ever accept as a gift. And if you don’t agree to my terms, you can take it all back right now. I’d rather find another way to get it. This is my mess, not yours.”
“Fine. Consider it a loan. Zero percent interest, of course, and you can take as long as you need to pay it off. I don’t think you’ll find better terms than that.”
“Thank you, Frank. I love you, but even those words don’t seem like enough.”
“They’re more than enough, but even if you were only a friend, I would still give you the money. And just because I’m giving it to you, doesn’t mean I own you. I want you to be with me because you want to, not because you feel like you have to. Otherwise, I’m no better than Carlos.”
“Frank, you’re not even in the same universe as Carlos. I grew up believing men like you didn’t exist, yet here you are, my knight in shining armor.”
“I do believe in chivalry, but I also believe we should get going.”
“Not so fast.” Gina wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Just in case something bad happens, I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. You mean the world to me. Don’t forget it.”
“And you, my angel, mean the world to me, so be extra careful out there,” he said sweetly. He reached for her hand and gently pressed her fingertips to his lips before giving her one last long embrace. “Oh, and if you don’t mind, I’d feel better if I took the money back with me. It’s not that I don’t trust you with it. I’d just feel better being able to lock it up in my safe overnight.”
“Good idea. I couldn’t agree more,” Gina replied as she watched him pick up the briefcase and walk out the door. Despite the brave front she showed Frank, Gina wasn’t sure she was ready for this.