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It was a beautiful summer day, so Frank and Gina decided to have a picnic in the park. They were in need of a break and hoped no one would get murdered on their day off – at least not until they finished their lunch. Of course, their plans were always contingent on such things, which made it difficult to ever fully relax, but they were used to it. Gina was wearing a tank top and shorts, while Frank was looking unusually casual and carefree in a t-shirt and jeans. They were determined to talk about anything but work, and their conversation soon turned to their upcoming wedding and honeymoon.
“So,” Frank began, “you still haven’t told me what kind of wedding you want.”
“I’ve been thinking about it, but I want to hear your thoughts first.”
“If it was up to me, I’d keep it simple and get married at the courthouse. I know that’s not very romantic, but I don’t want to wait years or even months to marry you. I want to marry you now, but if you have your heart set on a big fairytale wedding, that’s what we’ll do. It’s just that I’ve been married before, so I don’t feel the need for a formal wedding, but I won’t take that away from you if it’s what you really want.”
“Well, I don’t want to wait either, and it would be such a small wedding anyway. It hardly seems worth the effort to put so much time and energy into planning something only a few people will attend.”
“Maybe instead we could plan an incredible honeymoon,” Frank suggested.
“Sounds good to me.”
“Since my dad can’t come to the wedding, our friends at work might be the closest thing you and I have to a family.”
“They do seem to be the ones who really matter to us, don’t they? Sean and Jenny have been so great.”
“Yeah, and the captain has been very understanding and forgiving of our situation. We might not have jobs to come back to if we don’t invite him!” Frank joked.
“Of course, and I know you want your old partner to be there, but what about your new one? Have we decided about Tim? We can’t just exclude him.”
“I guess we do have to invite him, don’t we? But that’s it. I don’t need anyone else there except you and me.”
“Alright, it’s settled then. Now all I have to do is find a dress!”
“I’m ready when you are. You just name the day, and I’ll be there,” Frank promised. “Now, what about that honeymoon? Is there somewhere you have in mind? I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”
“Well, I’m picturing white sand beaches, turquoise water, tropical breezes, and sunsets.”
“So, you’re more of a palm tree and resort kind of girl?”
“That’s what I’m thinking.”
“Sounds nice. I like it.” Frank imagined how fabulous Gina would look in a bikini, walking along the beach with her hair blowing in the wind. “Anywhere in particular?”
“How about the Bahamas?” she suggested.
“Done. Your wish is my command. I’ll take care of everything.”
For the next three weeks, their lives were consumed by a whirlwind of activity. Even with a simple wedding, there were a lot of loose ends to tie up. The days flew by, and before they knew it, Frank and Gina were on their way downtown to appear before a judge. They were accompanied by Sean, serving as Frank’s best man, and Jenny, serving as Gina’s maid of honor. Captain Michaels, Sal, and Tim were also in attendance.
“Are you nervous?” Frank asked his bride as they stood together arm in arm.
“A little. I’ve never been married before.”
“You’ll do fine, angel. I’ll be right by your side. You look so beautiful I can’t stop staring at you, and neither can Tim.”
Gina laughed and gave Frank a smile. “Be careful there, handsome. You better not leave my side for a minute, or Tim is likely to step in for you.”
“Not a chance! There’s no way that guy wants to get married.”
In just a few short minutes, Frank and Gina exchanged their vows, and the ceremony concluded with a kiss. Their friends broke into applause when they officially became husband and wife.
Sean was first to pull the newly married couple aside. “I can’t think of two people more deserving of happiness than you two. Congratulations!”
The rest of the group followed, enthusiastically expressing their well wishes until Frank nervously noted the time. “Sorry to cut this short, but Mrs. Turino and I have a plane to catch. If anything comes up, don’t call us. We’ll be island hopping in the Bahamas and completely unreachable.” Frank and Gina waved goodbye to everyone and set off to begin their lives together with a much-needed vacation.
Two weeks later, they were back at the office looking happy and refreshed. A small crowd had gathered around to greet them. Frank took a seat at his desk, and Gina made herself comfortable on his lap.
Captain Michaels heard the commotion and joined the group. “Welcome back! You two are looking well. I have something for you, Gina,” he said, handing her a new name plate for her desk.
“Detective Gina Turino,” she read aloud. “I like the sound of that.”
“So do I,” Frank agreed.
“Oh, and you might want to put that name plate across from Frank’s desk,” the captain suggested.
“Why?” Gina asked.
“I’ve decided to make you two partners again. It just makes sense.”
“Yes. You’ll be my first husband and wife detective team. Besides, O’Brien and Wallace are working well together, and I hate to split them up.”
“Good. That way I can keep an eye on you,” Frank said to Gina.
“But Captain, you know he won’t let me have any fun,” she joked.
“Well, let’s see how it goes. If you two start getting on each other’s nerves, we can always go back to the way things were.”
“How was the honeymoon?” Tim asked, changing the subject.
Gina’s eyes lit up when she started talking about their trip. “We stayed at this amazing resort in Nassau, and there were tropical flowers, palm trees, and pools everywhere. We even got to swim with the dolphins and go horseback riding on the beach. That’s always been a fantasy of mine, and we actually got to do it!”
“Yeah,” Frank added, “We walked along the beach, caught a few sunsets, swam in the ocean, drank too much, and just took it easy.”
“Sounds like quite the life of leisure,” Sean replied, “just lounging around while the rest of us were stuck here slaving away. I’m kidding guys, but it was crazy around here without you.”
“Did I mention we went salsa dancing?” Frank added. “Actually, Gina went salsa dancing, and I watched. Of course, she was really good at it, and it looked like fun if you knew what you were doing. Unfortunately, I wasn’t qualified to be her partner, so she had to find some other guy to dance with, which I wasn’t too crazy about.”
“That guy was the instructor, Frank, and you made it pretty clear to him we were on our honeymoon,” she replied before turning her attention back to the group. “He gets so jealous! Anyway, we have pictures if anyone wants to see.”
“I’d like to see them!” Tim spoke up enthusiastically.
“Why am I not surprised?” Frank commented. “Let me look at those first.”
“Hey, you’re skipping over all the good ones!” Tim complained.
“Well, it’s nice to be back,” Gina said with a smile. “I see the same old Tim is still here.”
“Tim needs a girlfriend or a hobby or something. Can you help me with that, Sean?” Frank requested. “He’s your responsibility now.”
“I’ll do my best, but you know there’s only so much I can do with him,” Sean replied.
The office was filled with laughter for the rest of the morning as Frank and Gina shared stories of their honeymoon. Gradually the excitement faded, and they were happy to settle into their new lives.
A week later, however, Gina woke up feeling horrible. She thought she might have food poisoning.
“Good morning, Mrs. Turino,” Frank greeted her.
“You realize that makes me sound old, right?”
“I know. I just like teasing you.”
“Well, I’m not feeling good, but I think I’ll still make it to work.”
“Why don’t you take the day off? I’ll cover for you,” Frank offered.
“Thanks, but I really should be there. I’ve missed enough work already.”
They were interrupted by Frank’s phone. “Duty calls,” he announced, recognizing the number.
“Why don’t you go on ahead, Frank? I’ll catch up with you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’ll be fine,” she insisted.
When Gina arrived at work, Sean noticed she wasn’t acting like herself. She seemed to be avoiding Frank. He took the opportunity to ask her about it when they were alone in the evidence room.
“Is something bothering you, Gina? You don’t look so good.”
“Oh, Sean, promise me you won’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you.”
“I promise,” he assured her, growing more concerned.
Gina paused dramatically before speaking to him in a hushed tone. “I just found out I’m pregnant. You’re the first to know.”
“Congratulations! But shouldn’t you be having this conversation with your husband instead of me?”
“I’m not sure how he’ll react.”
“What are you afraid of? I’m assuming Frank is the father, right?”
“Of course! Who else would it be?” she asked defensively.
“Hey, I’m a detective, remember? I never assume anything. Besides, you’re acting weird and being all secretive. I was just wondering why you would want to keep it from him.”
“Not that reason!” Gina interrupted and smacked him with a file folder.
“Sorry!” Sean apologized, hoping he hadn’t offended her.
“Sean, I’ve only known Frank for seven months, but you’ve known him for seven years. How’s he going to take this?”
“I really don’t see what you have to worry about. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled with the news! That man loves you! This could only make him love you more. Trust me.”
“So, having a baby won’t ruin everything?”
“Quit panicking, Gina! Oh, he’ll be shocked for sure! He might even need some time to process everything, but he’s not going anywhere. Besides, you two are married now.”
“Yeah, well, the ink is barely dry on our marriage license. I just hope you’re right. Frank and I might have gotten a little careless, but we sure weren’t planning on this! Everything happened so fast. We never even got the chance to talk about kids! I think we just assumed we weren’t going to have any since we’re both so involved in our careers and he’s so much older.”
“Relax, Gina! He’s not going to abandon you like your father did.”
“You really think that’s what this is about?”
“That and pregnancy hormones.”
“I’m a little afraid Frank will be upset with me. It’s actually my fault I got pregnant. He’s always so responsible, but he trusted me, and I messed up.”
“So that’s why you’re feeling guilty. Gina, I still think everything will turn out alright. In fact, I guarantee you none of this will matter once Frank holds that precious child in his arms for the first time.”
Gina smiled at the thought, but she remained uneasy. “Sean, there’s something else.”
“There’s more?”
“I’m not sure Frank would appreciate me discussing his past since he’s such a private person, but as his close friend you must already know about it.”
“Are you talking about the child he lost?”
“Yes, and I know it played a big role in the destruction of his first marriage. I doubt he’s eager to go down that road again with me. The last thing I want to do is cause him any more pain.”
Sean put his arm around her shoulders. “Gina, I’m sure your baby will be fine, but if it isn’t, I believe you two are strong enough to overcome it. Just look at everything you and Frank have already been through. I’ve never seen two people so determined to be together. Just try to have a little faith, Gina. It’ll all work out. You’ll see.”
“But how and when should I tell him?”
“You’ll know when the time is right. Just don’t wait too long. You wouldn’t want Frank to accidentally find out before you’re able to tell him.” With that, Sean left to find his partner. When he neared Frank and Tim’s desks, he happened to overhear their conversation.
“So, are you and Gina thinking about getting a bigger place?” Tim inquired.
“Why? Do you have your eye on my apartment?”
“Maybe. It’s in a great location, and it’s nicer than mine.”
“Well, don’t get your heart set on it, Tim. I think we’ll keep it for now. Gina likes my apartment, and it’s big enough for the two of us.”
“I have a feeling you’ll change your mind,” Sean said without offering further explanation.
Two more weeks went by before Gina was ready to tell Frank. She intended to bring it up sooner but struggled to find the courage. Eventually, she decided she had to start taking better care of herself. Gina couldn’t sleep with such a big secret on her mind. She worried about all the drinking they did on their honeymoon and wondered if it had harmed the baby at all. She never would have done it if she had known, but lots of women in the same situation went on to have perfectly healthy babies. Gina hoped the same would be true for her as well. At least if things were out in the open, she could share her concerns with Frank.
“You’re not working through lunch today, are you, honey?” Gina asked her husband. “I was hoping we could talk about something.”
“Actually, we’ve got to ask Mrs. Park’s nephew some questions before he decides to skip town on us. We can talk and eat later, OK?”
“Um, sure,” she halfheartedly agreed to ride along.
She soon regretted her decision. Frank was in a hurry, and his aggressive driving was making Gina’s empty stomach feel queasy. She thought about telling him to take it easy but decided not to. When they pulled up to the house, it looked just as Frank suspected. Luggage and other personal items were scattered out on the front porch, and the trunk of their suspect’s car was open.
“Is there a problem, Detectives?” the man asked when he noticed them approaching.
Frank was the first to respond. “Actually, we’re here to ask you a few questions regarding the murder of your aunt.”
“Yeah, sure. Just give me one minute. I left something on the stove, and I don’t want the house to burn down.”
“He’s not coming back,” Gina said with a knowing look.
“What makes them think they can run from us?” he replied. “Let’s go!”
Gina did her best to chase down the suspect, but the longer she ran, the worse she felt. She came to an abrupt stop in the middle of a vacant lot and doubled over. Frank rushed to her side.
“Gina! What’s wrong?”
“Just get him, Frank!”
“I’m not leaving you.”
“I’m fine. Just go!” she urged him to continue the chase.
Frank left, against his better judgment, but it made no difference. Their suspect was long gone, so he rushed back to Gina’s side. “Gina! Should I call for help?”
“I’m feeling really dizzy and nauseous all of a sudden.”
“It’s probably your blood sugar,” he speculated. “We skipped lunch.”
“No. It’s more than that.”
“Well, what is it then? You nearly collapsed.”
Gina could see the concern building in Frank’s eyes. She had to tell him now. “Don’t worry, honey. There’s nothing wrong with me exactly.” She hesitated, and the words that followed were barely audible. “I’m pregnant.”
“Uh, you’re what?” he asked, wondering if he’d heard correctly. “Did you say...”
“There’s nothing wrong with your hearing, Frank. You heard what you thought you heard.”
“You’re pregnant?” Frank’s eyes scanned her body in search of any clues he might have missed.
“You’re carrying my baby?”
“Our baby. Yes! Are you excited?”
“How long have you known?”
“Two weeks,” Gina replied sheepishly.
“When were you going to tell me?”
“Now seemed like a good time. You’re mad, aren’t you?”
“No, I’m just in shock. Oh, Gina!” Frank wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.
“So, you’re happy?”
“Of course I’m happy. Still surprised, but happy,” he said, his somewhat frozen expression contradicting his words.
“You’re scared,” she guessed.
“A little,” he admitted.
“Me too! Oh, Frank, what if I miscarry? It would be so cruel for you to go through that again. How could you handle losing another child?”
“Is that what you’re worried about?”
“I wouldn’t ever want to hurt you like that, but there’s a chance it could happen. If for some reason it does, I need to know you can handle it and that our marriage won’t crumble the way yours did before. I need to know we’re strong enough to survive this if the worst happens.”
“Look, I don’t want you getting so upset, Gina. It’s not good for you or the baby, alright?”
“But, Frank, you know it’s my fault we’re even in this situation.”
“Gina, what’s done is done, and I’m not blaming you. I know we weren’t really prepared for this, but it’s nothing we can’t handle. The baby you’re carrying is a miracle, not a mistake.”
Frank could see the lingering doubt in her eyes, so he grabbed her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. “Gina, you’re giving me a second chance to be a father, which is something I didn’t think would happen, especially at this stage in my life. I know you’re worried something could go wrong, but I choose to believe our baby will be born healthy, strong, and perfect, just like you. Even if something bad were to happen, it’s still not too late for us to try again if we want. No matter what, I’m going to stand by you, and we’ll get through this together.”
Feeling relieved, Gina smiled sweetly at her husband. “Having a baby will change a lot of things. Are you sure you’re ready?”
“Well, I’m not getting any younger. The sleepless nights might be a problem, but better now than five or ten years down the road.”
“I have my first doctor’s appointment next week. Want to come?”
“Yes, I do. You know, I am excited! Actually, I’m terrified but very excited for us and this baby.” Frank ran his hand lovingly over her belly. “You’re going to be a great mom.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“I remember thinking just that when I saw you holding the baby we rescued a few months ago. You soothed him like you knew exactly what you were doing.”
“Really? I remember wondering why you were staring at me. That’s so sweet,” she blushed. “And I have no doubt you’ll make a good father.”
“I still can’t believe any of this is real. We just got married, and soon we’ll have a baby of our own. I never would have guessed my life would change so dramatically after ten long years of the same routine day after day. Maybe I thought it would go on that way forever. Thankfully, you came along and showed me what I was missing. I know I’m probably not the man you pictured yourself marrying someday...”
“Frank,” she interrupted, “if you hadn’t come along, I wouldn’t know the happiness I know now. I love you.”
“And I love you and this baby. So, do you think you’re ready to tell everyone the news?”
“We just got back from our honeymoon, and now I’ll be asking for maternity leave. The captain is going to kill us!”
When they got back to the office, Frank made the announcement. “Gina and I have some exciting news to share with you. We’re having a baby!”
“Congratulations!” Sean said, trying to act surprised.
“Congratulations,” Tim echoed. “So, Frank, you’re saddling yourself with a wife and a kid this year?”
“Actually, Tim, I consider myself very blessed,” Frank responded, putting his arm around Gina. “Also, the baby won’t arrive until next spring.”
“Congratulations to you both,” Captain Michaels chimed in.
“Sorry, Captain,” Gina apologized. “I know what this means for you. It looks like the department will be short a detective in a few months.”
“Maybe so, but if that child inherits the combined talent of the two of you, we’ll someday gain one of the best detectives this department has ever seen.”
Frank beamed with pride but quickly made his wishes known. “No child of mine is going into law enforcement, especially if we have a girl.”
“Why not, Frank?” Gina asked. “Why can’t she be a cop? I am.”
“That’s different.”
“Is it?”
“You were already a cop when I met you. At least I have some control over this little one,” Frank said, gently patting her belly.
“I don’t think you get to choose your child’s occupation, Frank,” Sean spoke up.
“But there are a million career choices. What are the odds?” Frank wondered.
“Quite good. It’s in your blood, your genes, your very DNA,” Sean responded.
“Alright! Back to work, detectives!” the captain called to get their attention. “We’ve got a homicide and hostage situation in progress. The SWAT team will join you there.”
The detectives rushed to gear up with bulletproof vests and assault weapons.
Frank attempted to stop Gina from following him. “You’re staying here,” he said firmly.
“Is this how it’s going to be for the next nine months?” she asked him.
“Hey, is it a crime to be protective of my wife and unborn child?”
“But it puts you at greater risk not having a partner for backup.”
“I’ll be fine. Just sit this one out, OK? I’m sure the captain would agree.”
“Don’t worry,” Tim interrupted, putting a hand on Frank’s shoulder. “If anything happens to you, I’ll be sure to look after Gina.”
“That’s comforting, isn’t it, Frank?” Sean added.
“Be careful what you say around Gina, Tim,” Frank shot back. “She already threw up once today.” They all had a good laugh and knew that although much had changed, some things never would.