‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.’
– Margaret Mead, cultural anthropologist
Networking tends to get a bad rep, with many people thinking it consists solely of stuffy corporate events and business card-toting suits. For every natural-born networker there’s another person standing nearby who’d rather drink cold paint than ‘work the room’. But, love it or loathe it, the art of successful networking is a skill worth mastering, whether you’re just starting out or a bit more established. The adage ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know’ hasn’t become a cliché without good reason, and people you know are very often the best sources of new opportunities. Read on for the 411 on graceful networking.
It’s all very well and good pitching the power players in your industry, but chances are they’re pretty busy, and you’ll also be competing with a lot of other people for their time. Peer-to-peer networking (i.e. meeting people who are at similar points in their careers to you) is equally as important – it can be just as helpful to bounce ideas off your peers as someone more senior, so don’t neglect the networking opportunities more readily available to you. Plus, your career and those of your peers will probably progress in tandem, so the relationships you build now could be even more helpful further down the line. Effective networking is all about playing the long game.
The best networkers are genuinely interested in other people’s projects and problems, and not just what they can get out of a given situation. Be known as someone who offers to help others out as well as asking for things, and make an effort to nurture professional relationships on an ongoing basis – not just when you need something. Be a connector: if you have mutual contacts you think might benefit from knowing each other, introduce them. Not only are people more likely to engage with you if they see your relationship as being mutually beneficial, it’s also just good karma!
Whether you’re at an industry event or a one-on-one meeting, don’t just launch straight into your elevator pitch when striking up a conversation with people. This is one scenario where small talk is good talk. When you do get down to work chat, ask about people’s current projects. Most people tend to light up given a chance to talk about what they’re working on at the moment, and asking about that as opposed to just interrogating them about their job title gives the conversation more chance to develop. You’ve probably heard about good conversationalists asking open-ended questions, and this is just an extension of that principle.
Be open-minded about where you might meet interesting professional contacts. Networking doesn’t have to be limited to specialist industry events. You’re just as likely to meet interesting people in social situations, and through friends.
Getting that all-important face-time often starts out with an email, which means sending a missive into an already overflowing inbox. So how can you make your email stand out?
Make the purpose of your email clear from the outset. A punchy subject line could be the difference between someone opening your email and sending it straight to Trash, so make sure it doesn’t sound spammy or generic. Don’t hide your light under a bushel either – if you’ve got something compelling to say that you think is likely to elicit a response, don’t save it for the last line of your email. Signpost that in the subject of the email, too.
Your initial email shouldn’t be more than a few sentences – don’t write an essay, because it won’t be read. If the person you’re contacting wants more information, you can follow up with that if and when they reply, and are more engaged.
Outline why you’re getting in touch with them in particular. People can smell a template mass email a mile off, and they won’t respond – personalize your email so it’s directly relevant to them or their work.
The recipient of your email should be left with a clear question, so avoid generic phrases like ‘pick your brain’ (even if that’s what you want). Don’t make them have to work to figure out what you want – make it as easy as possible for them to say ‘yes’ by hanging the structure of your email around one or two clear asks. Doing this will also force you to get clear on exactly what it is you want out of the interaction.
Don’t be afraid to follow up with people if you don’t get a response, although give it a week or so before you chase. Having said that, don’t badger people with emails – two follow-ups is probably the limit before you start to become a pest, so if they haven’t replied by that point it’s probably time to call it quits.
Emails are great for making initial contact, but nothing beats the power of a face-to-face meeting. A half-hour coffee date is a hundred times more powerful than dozens of emails, so when you’re reaching out cold to someone, meeting them in person should be your go-to goal for all but the most cursory of relationships. Always gun for that if you think it’s an option; people are more likely to remember or help out people they feel they know, and you can’t get to know an email address. Once you’ve got that all-important face-time scheduled, here’s how to get the most out of it.
This one doesn’t really need explaining.
Don’t turn up armed with questions that a cursory Google could have revealed the answer to. It’s lazy, and a waste of both your time.
As with an email, you should have a clear ask or goal in mind for the meeting. If you’re the one who initiated the meeting, be prepared to steer the conversation. Don’t make your contact do the work.
Don’t make your contact late for their next meeting. Keep an eye on the clock and stick to the amount of time agreed, unless they say they’re happy to stay for longer.
A great way of ending a meeting is by asking your contact if there’s anyone who they think you should meet, thereby potentially getting an introduction to someone who might be of interest. It’s a great way to expand your network, and people are often only too happy to play the role of ‘connector’.
Send an email thanking them for their time within a day or two, while you’re still fresh on their mind – this is also a good opportunity to remind them of anything they agreed to do or send, and for you to do likewise.