As I write this, i t’ s 10°F on Long Island, New York, where I live with my wife and two kids. Not one green sprig of grass to be found. I ca n’ t even see the wood surface of my backyard deck, which is covered in snow. But soon, it will be grilling season, and even those of us in the northeast will be back outside, firing up the grill on warm weekend afternoons. And w e’ ll do it up big—not just a few burgers on the grill. I’ m talking steaks, seafood, corn on the cob, and, of course, our favorite restaurant remakes.

I t’ s my hope that Americ a s Most Wanted Recipes At the Grill will liven up your grilling experience, just as it has for my family. If yo u’ ve ever wondered how to make grilled dishes from your favorite restaurants, yo u’ re in for a treat. Inside, yo u’ ll find more than 150 copycat recipes from the most popular restaurants in the United States, which you can easily prepare on your home grill.

If this is your first book in the Americ a s Most Wanted Recipes series, welcome! Back in 2003, I founded an online community called . Since then, with the help of our contributing chefs, w e’ ve unlocked the recipes to some of the most popular dishes served at the most popular restaurants around the country. What began as a hobby has grown into a website with more than 1.2 million members.

The main thing that keeps us going is the wonderful feedback w e’ ve received from thousands of our followers who have saved money by making their favorite restaurant dishes at home. But besides just the savings, this cookbook will enable you to:

Impress your family and friends, and have fun comparing your meals with the restaurant versions.

Prepare the recipes to your liking, perhaps making them healthier, because you can control the ingredients and the cooking method, unlike when yo u’ re eating out.

Enjoy dishes from several different restaurants in one setting. For example, a starter from TGI Fridays, an entrée from Outback Steakhouse, and a dessert