turn from dark to ash white. Simply pour the hot coals into the bottom grate of the grill and spread them out with a long-handled metal implement. A chimney starter does not require lighter fluid and can be used repeatedly for years. I t’ s the starter of choice for most people who have invested in hardwood coals, and do n’ t want the chemical fumes of lighter fluid masking the woo d’ s natural smoke.
Long Handled Tong s — Long metal tongs with blunt or square grippers will keep you from having to reach over burning hot coals to turn a piece of meat. Tongs come in various lengths, but a 12-to 16-inch length is suitable for most people. Light aluminum types are best, as they wo n’ t conduct the heat of the grill to your hands as fast as steel or iron. Many now come with rubber handles, but run the chance of melting if left too close to the heat source. Invest in a hot mitt or hot pad to protect hands from the heat. Removing metal jewelry and watches is a good idea, as they can retain enough heat to burn the skin.
Metal Spatul a — A long handled spatula with a sturdy turner is perfect for heavy items and burgers. A wide, flexible turner is best for fish and scallops, as the flexibility will allow you to slip the spatula under a delicate fillet without jamming it. A vented or perforated style of either type will let juices and fat drip through, keeping hot oils from splattering.
Instant-Read Thermomete r — For precision and safety, nothing succeeds as well as a small instant-read thermometer that can give you a temperature within seconds. While beef is regularly cooked to temperature by touch only, chicken and pork should not be left to chance. Chicken and other poultry need thorough cooking, and an instant-read thermometer will let you take a number of reads in several locations to give you the information you need about its doneness. Most well-made thermometers last for years, and come with either a gauge dial that registers temps from 0° to 220°F or with a digital readout. Some of the best are quite inexpensive, and will become your most trusted cooking device, whether yo u’ re grilling, baking, or using any technique that is dependent on accurate timing.
Knive s — A set of appropriate knives is a valuable asset that can last for decades. Top-of-the-line professional-grade show pieces are not required. What you must have is an 8-to 10-inch che f’ s knife, a flexible boning knife, and a paring knife. Slicers are a bonus, and a honing steel is essential for keeping those edges sharp.