Sons Fang Virtue and Chang Prosper,
Your cousin Rising Sun sent home two sovereigns to his mother, safely received, and cousin Tiger’s Eye sent home three, safely received.
Why have I not received any gold letters in so many moons?
These are words to let you know in the sixth moon of this year your father left this world. We buried him in his lucky spot on Mofu Mountain, the place of his esteemed birth. Your sisters and brother are in distress. I fear they may die of hunger. The drought brought no harvest. Rice is dear. Your mother feels frail and helpless. I fear if you continue to live in a foreign land, sending no word, no sovereigns, your aged mother may be like a candle in the wind and extinguish.
I pray one thousand times over that, on receipt of this letter, you will send me a letter and sovereigns. If not, I fear you will drink a bitter regret into your soul.