

Zechariah’s prophecies began two months after Haggai’s first message (520 BC). In his opening message Zechariah told the people who had just begun rebuilding the temple that they needed to listen to God’s message through the prophets. They also needed to keep a close relationship with God so that there would be no further judgment.

This opening message is followed by visions that encouraged the builders when they were ready to give up. Zechariah comforted them by telling them God had a long-range plan for Israel.

In chapters 7 and 8 Zechariah called the people to obey God by acting fairly and mercifully to one another. God wanted obedience in his relationship with them.

Chapters 9 through 14 tell of the coming Messiah, the last judgment and the long-range growth of the final kingdom.

Outline of contents:

The call to obedience (1:1–6)

Visions (1:7–6:15)

Obedience versus legalism (7:1–8:23)

Judgment on Israel’s enemies (9:1–8)

The coming of Zion’s king (9:9–14:21)