
Epilogue, Near Morrow Bay AE Year 60


The years have passed too fast. Our family has expanded, and we have grown older. Danny and I now have five grandchildren. Trever and Alice have four. The grandparents still live in the big rambling house just below the ridge on Highway 43.

The trees, broken and shattered by the Event, have come back. We work hard to keep the brush away. Wildlife has returned, but we rarely see birds, and I fear that no deer have survived in this area. The ocean continues to have abundant fish and shellfish stocks, which still provides most of our protein.

The climate has continued its post-Event pattern of higher rainfall year round, with milder winters and cooler summers.

It is time to close this account. I trust it will be useful to future generations.

Our time is passing and this new world now belongs to our children and theirs. We have lived through a difficult and horrible time, mostly through the luck of the draw. We have lost too much. But we found new loves and families.



Ann Richter-Ross