
Primary Characters


(In Order of Appearance)

Uncle Tom & Aunt Bessy


Ann Richter

Danny Ross

Hector Garza

Mrs. Garza

Jose Garza

Maria Sanchez/Garza/Wilson

Matthew Garza

Robert Wilson

Marjory Wilson

Dr. Victoria Hanson

Barrio Aztec gang

Tracy Sumner

Romero Maldonado

Gary Owens and his wife Rita 

Damon Long

Alden Rodgers

Sam Ross

Trever Hinton

Alice Rankin

Author Notes:

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Author's Bio

I’m a writer, and I write about what interests me, stories that I would enjoy reading. As an insatiable reader since grade school, and frequently in trouble for reading in class, I soon discovered science fiction, and when I read Heinlein's Stranger in a strange land, I Grokked, and the die was cast.

Many of my books are science fiction and don’t include steam punk, fantasy, time travel, magic, elves or faeries.

As a naval and military history buff, I also have written several books that feature warships, aircraft, airships, spacecraft, and military action.

A recovering engineer, I discovered the net early. I spend a few hours each morning keeping a finger on current events, technologies, human relations, and the body politic. I became interested in Prepping during the Y2K period, and follow the survival industry, and alternate energy technologies. Using that background, I have written several Post-Apocalyptic books.

Several of my books contain adult situations and content, because real adults, when thrown together by stressful events, will have adult relationships, I show some of my characters experiencing them.

I have a wide range of life experiences that contribute to my knowledge base and interests. They include: I dug ditches for a plumber, and loaded bread trucks in High School. The Navy educated me in electronics and I worked on radar systems. Afterward, I continued working in electronics for the defense industry, just as the Navy was transitioning to digital computers. That experience led me into a 30+ year career in the welding automation industry as an engineer, exec, and CEO.

A mild heart attack shifted my priorities, and I spent the next several years running a charter boat in North Carolina. I would take families out and teach the kids how to fish, while telling them stories about the pirates and blockade runners who were in the area.

I published my first book, BB-39 in 2012 after finally retiring for the fourth time. I still produce two or three books a year. My eyes and knees are shot. But any day I can get vertical is a good day.

If Things Get Better With Age Then this 1944 model is Approaching Excellent.