TWO WEEKS LATER, they were married. They didn’t plan on a honeymoon, but Ted sent them off to Nassau on an airplane and neither of them had the heart to argue with him.
Nassau was the most unexpected, glorious sight of Sandy’s life. Despite the wealth that she and Ted enjoyed, it was the one place she’d never been. The day they arrived, she and Jobe didn’t even wait to change clothes. They tipped the bellboy who carried their luggage to their sixth-floor room at the huge, gaudy hotel on Cable Beach and then took a cab into downtown Nassau, where they walked down the narrow streets past the gaily colored straw market and friendly people, idly gazing at passenger ships at Prince George Wharf and pausing to look in store windows.
The air smelled of the ocean and adventure. They saw the statue of the island’s first royal governor, Woodes Rogers, in front of one of the older hotels in town, and then strolled along Bay Street, holding hands and dreaming.
When they got back to the hotel, they started to change for dinner when Jobe turned and just stared at Sandy as she stood there in only her lace teddy, with her dark hair down around her shoulders.
He had his shirt off. His broad chest, hair-covered and muscular and deeply tanned, drew her like a magnet. With her breath in her throat, she went to him, her heart racing.
She looked up at him, noting his own tension, the ragged sound of his breathing. “Now,” she whispered huskily.
He reached for her, gently, and brought her to him. “Now,” he whispered back, and bent to her mouth.
Several feverish minutes later, they were on the bed, trembling against each other with the sound of the ocean loud even outside the closed window as they fought layers of clothing to get to the skin underneath.
“Oh, Lord... I’ve torn it,” he groaned as he finally got the teddy out of the way and his mouth burned against her small, taut breasts.
“Who cares?” she panted, clutching his head to her. “Oh, Jobe, oh, dear God!”
She arched as the suckling motion of his mouth sent thrills of pleasure into the most secret places of her body.
Her soft cries made him wild to have her. He managed to get out of the last of his clothing and his mouth bit into hers as he eased quickly between her long, trembling legs.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered urgently. “I’m sorry, it’s going to be...rough.”
“I don’t care!”
She adjusted her body to his in a violent fever of need, so hungry for him that nothing else mattered. She barely felt the flash of pain as he went into her, the pleasure that followed drowning her in such exquisite sensations that she stretched like a wanton under his powerful body and sighed loudly.
“Yes,” he groaned, searching for her mouth as his hips moved down and he shivered. “Did you even dream...that it would feel like this?” he asked huskily.
“Never!” She met his mouth and lifted to him, matching his rhythm, trembling with each new contact. “This is wicked!” she whispered when he paused and looked down the length of their joined bodies, coaxing her to look as well.
“We’re married,” he whispered unsteadily. “Two of the oldest virgins in the continental United States... Good God!”
Her sudden urgent movement caught him off guard and he cried out as she moved again, twisting up to him.
He ground his mouth into hers with a sharp groan and suddenly there was no time to savor it, to lengthen it. There was tension and urgent need. He drove into her, drowning in her sweetness, her husky little cries of ecstasy. When he felt her arch and cry out, he was already in the throes of his own fulfillment. He seemed to black out as the most harshly sweet pleasure he’d ever experienced pulled his powerful body so tight that he thought he might actually faint...
Minutes later, drenched in perspiration and shaking in the aftermath of their frenzied lovemaking, Sandy lifted her head to look at her new husband and she couldn’t resist a huge, wicked grin.
“I guess it was worth waiting for, huh?” she teased.
He rolled over, his face aglow with love and happiness. He laughed like a boy. “Oh, yes, my darling. Well worth it,” he replied. He bent to her mouth and rolled over in the same instant. “I love you insanely. And just in case you didn’t get the message the first time...!”
He wasn’t the only one insanely in love and aching to prove it. Sandy’s last conscious thought was that marriage to Jobe was going to be one long, sweet adventure. And this was only the beginning!