The shutdown() function

As we've just seen, TCP connections are torn down in two steps. The first one side sends a FIN message, and then the other side does. However, each side is allowed to continue to send data until it has sent its own FIN message.

We've used the close() function (closesocket() on Windows) to disconnect sockets because of its simplicity. The close() function, however, closes both sides of a socket. If you use close() in your application, and the remote peer tries to send more data, it will cause an error. Your system will then transmit a Reset (RST) message to indicate to the peer that the connection was not closed in an orderly manner.

If you want to close your sending channel, but still leave the option for receiving more data, you should use the shutdown() function instead. The shutdown() function takes two parameters. The first parameter is a socket, and the second is an int indicating how to shut down the socket.

In theory, shutdown() supports three options—closing the sending side of a connection, closing the receiving side, and closing both sides. However, the TCP protocol itself doesn't reflect these options, and it is rarely useful to use shutdown() for closing the receiving side.

There is a small portability issue about shutdown() functions parameters. Under windows, you want to call it with SD_SEND. On other systems, you should use SHUT_WR. Both values are defined as 1, so you can also call it that way.

The code to shutdown the sending channel of a socket in a cross-platform manner is as follows:

if (shutdown(my_socket, 1) /* 1 = SHUT_WR, SD_SEND */) {
fprintf(stderr, "shutdown() failed. (%d)\n", GETSOCKETERRNO());

This use of shutdown() causes the TCP FIN message to be transmitted after the transmission queued is emptied.

You may wonder, if you're receiving data from a peer, and recv() returns 0, how you know whether your peer has called shutdown() or close()? Unfortunately, you can't know, except by prior agreement. If they have used shutdown() only to close their sending data channel, then they are still receptive to additional data. If they instead used close(), additional data will trigger an error state.

Although half-closed connections have their uses, it is often easier to use an application protocol that clearly indicates the end of the transaction. For example, consider the HTTP protocol covered in Chapter 6, Building a Simple Web Client. With the HTTP protocol, the client indicates the end of its request with a blank line. The server knows it has the full request when it sees this blank line. The server then specifies how much data it will be sending with the Content-Length header. Once the client has received that much data, it knows that it hasn't missed anything. The client can then call close() and be confident that the server won't be sending additional data.

In many applications, knowing whether the shutdown was orderly isn't always useful. Consider the chat room program (tcp_serve_chat.c) from Chapter 3, An In-Depth Overview of TCP Connections. This program has no real application protocol. That program simply sends messages from one client to every other client. When a client decides to disconnect, it isn't important that it continues to receive data from the server. Guaranteeing an orderly TCP release would provide no benefit.

So, when is shutdown() useful? Basically, a TCP orderly release is useful when the application protocol doesn't have a way to signal that it has finished sending data, and your application isn't tolerant of missed data. In that case, shutdown() is a useful signal.

Please note that if you're using threading or forking, there are additional differences to the behavior of close() versus shutdown() that must be considered. When shutdown() is called, it always affects the socket. The close() function, by contrast, has no effect if additional processes also hold handles to the socket.

Finally, note that close() must still eventually be called on a socket closed with shutdown() in order to release associated system resources.

Another issue that comes up around the TCP tear-down procedure is the long delay for the side that initiated the close to remain in the TIME-WAIT state. This can sometimes cause problems for TCP servers. Let's look at that next.