The Waitemata waters (John Logan Campbell)
Conversation at Karekare (Paula Morris)
Tamaki of a hundred lovers (Merimeri Penfold)
A view across the city (Maurice Gee)
From the summit of Mount Eden (Denis Baker)
Morning Maungawhau (Albert Wendt)
Auckland, 1900 (Maurice Shadbolt)
Sunday at Te Parenga (Bruce Mason)
Frank Sargeson’s place (Janet Frame)
Pity about the gulls (Kevin Ireland)
View across the harbour (Charlotte Grimshaw)
A family at Devonport beach (Witi Ihimaera)
At Foodtown with the dog (Charlotte Grimshaw)
Coffee and cheese with Gudrun and Ursula (Anna Jackson)
Lone Kauri Road (Allen Curnow)
Bred in South Auckland (Glenn Colquhoun)
The biggest Polynesian city in the world (John Pule)
Growing up at Point Chevalier (Peter Wells)
Going home (Stephanie Johnson)
Onehunga Bay (Robert Sullivan)
At the Auckland Museum (Denis Baker)
A Parnell encounter (Frank Sargeson)
Walking Tamaki Drive (Denis Baker)
Ode to Auckland (James K. Baxter)
Jogging the Viaduct Basin (Witi Ihimaera)
Parnell and the Auckland Art Gallery (Diane Brown)
Speeding down Queen Street (Tina Shaw)
Outside Smith & Caughey’s (Tina Shaw)
Who is reading poetry in 2021? (Anna Jackson)
Karangahape Road (Paula Morris)
A night at the Balcony (Charlotte Grimshaw)
Message from Mangere (Robert Sullivan)
Shopping at St Luke’s (Paula Morris)
Autumn and Waiheke (Steve Braunias)
An eyeland adventure with old winds (Sistar S’pacific)