
List of Figures
Notes on Contributors
Conceptual Cartographies
1On the Zoopolitics of the Voice and the Distinction Between Nature and Culture
Ana María Ochoa
2The Aesthetic Subject and the Politics of Speculative Labor
Marina Vishmidt
3Art and the Politics of Time-as-Substance
John Roberts
4The Choreopolitical: Agency in the Age of Control
André Lepecki
5Thinking Contradictory Thoughts: On the Convergence of Aesthetic and Social Factors in Recent Sociologies of Art
Eduardo de la Fuente
6Becoming Revolutionary: On Russian Suprematism
Boris Groys
7Failure Over Utopia
Lisa Le Feuvre
8What Did You Hear? Another Ten Theses on Militant Sound Investigation
Institutional Materialities
9Institutional Critique Redux
Critical Art Ensemble
10Social Turns: In Theory and Across the Arts
Shannon Jackson
11The Politics of Contemporary Curating: A Network Perspective
Joasia Krysa
12Perverse Joy: The Paradoxes of Censorship
Svetlana Mintcheva
13Art Is Garbage
Toby Miller
14Grass Stage's Theater of Precarity in Shanghai
Mark Driscoll
15Evangelicalism and the Gay Movement in Singapore: Witnessing and Confessing Through Masks
Keng Sen Ong
16A Transformative Initiative for Achieving Cultural Equity: Community Arts University Without Walls
Marta Moreno Vega
17Hapticality in the Undercommons
Stefano Harney
Modalities of Practice
18Charming for the Revolution: Pussy and Other Riots
Jack Halberstam
19The Yes Men
Jacques Servin
2016 Notes on Collectivism and Dark Matter
Gregory Sholette
21Some Notes about Art, Code, and Politics under Cloudy Empire(s)
Ricardo Dominguez
22The Aesthetics of Algorithmic Experience
Ned Rossiter and Soenke Zehle
23Computational Aesthetics in the Practices of Art as Politics
Patricia Ticiento Clough
24Toward Participatory Aesthetics: An Interview with Claire Bishop
Claire Bishop with David Riff and Ekaterina Degot
25The Politics of Popular Art in India
Swati Chattopadhyay
Making Publics
26Living Politics: The Zapatistas Celebrate their Twentieth Anniversary
Diana Taylor
27Carnival, Radical Humor, and Media Politics
Robert Stam
28Dynamic Encounters and the Benjaminian Aura: Reflections on the New Media, Next Media, and Connectivity
Wafaa Bilal
29Seeking a Theater of Liberation
Dudley Cocke
30By Any Means Necessary
Jan Cohen-Cruz
31If You Really Care about Change, Why Devote Your Life to Arts and Culture? Reflections of a Cultural Organizer
Caron Atlas
32Pedagogies in the Oakland Projects
Suzanne Lacy