
Chapter 29




DARA PACED HER HUT, placing candles in a woven basket, as she thought about Park and Serle’s visit to her today.

Malachy had sent them to check on her daily, for her safety; yet deep down, she knew he was verifying she’d keep her promise to return for the wedding ceremony.

She’d examine and treat their cuts, bruises, and Park’s occasional bloody nose, while Serle boasted about his effectiveness against battleaxes and broadswords during Lothar’s combat training sessions.  Before they departed, Park reminded her that they’d accompany her back to the fortress for the wedding.

She opened the chest, pulled out several candles and five jars.  She broke off a few herbs within each jar and placed them into individual pouches, then walked outside and broke off a few small branches of ash from the pile of wood Lothar had cut. Returning to the hut, she set the items to celebrate Alban Eilir in the basket.

Dare she go out one more time to the stones to seek guidance from Danu?  After being released, should she attempt to speak to the Goddess before she married Lothar?  If someone saw her in the circle, she was certain her father wouldn’t be able to save her.  Still, she wanted to seek Danu’s blessing before her union to Lothar.  She needed to go unseen.

Looking at her basket, she shook her head and removed the candles and herbs.  Burning herbs would require fire which could attract someone.  She thought about what other items she could offer Danu.  Walking back to the chest of herbs, she placed the items back into the jars, then pulled out jars containing mandrake, mugwort, May lily, and moonwort.  She placed a few seeds into four small drawstring linen bags.  She grabbed an empty honey jar, then walked out to the water barrel, filling the jar, then placed the lid on it.  She set the items in the basket and grabbed her green cloak.

Carrying her basket, she walked through the so-called haunted forest, avoiding the pathway.  The local population avoided the area, because of sounds that frightened one person, had spread rumors of a horrible beast lurking in the woods.  She smiled, remembering the look on Serle’s face as he ran through the forest less than a week ago.

She stopped.

Had it only been five days since the town had pulled her away from her hut.  It seemed longer.  A sudden breeze blew her hood from her head.  Then again, maybe not long enough.  She reached back and pulled the hood back over and held the ends together.

Hearing the call of an owl nearby, Dara’s gaze turned towards the glow of the waxing moon through the branches.  She took a deep breath, then exhaled, allowing the light rising from the hillside to guide her.

Soon, Dara approached the stone circle.  She noticed the cascading moonlight on the stones reflecting a silver radiance towards the center of the circle.

Danu must have expected her arrival tonight.  Dara smiled.

Dara bowed before entering the Stone Circle.  She placed the basket in front of the tallest standing stone, and pulled out the four drawstring bags.  Walking to the eastern stone, Dara opened the bag containing mugwort and placed the seeds at the stone’s base.  She bowed, then followed the circle, she opened and placed seeds at each base of the other directional stones before returning to the tallest stone.  She picked up the jar of water and followed the circle, pouring a small amount of water over the seeds.  She set the empty jar back into the basket.

She removed her cloak and set it over the basket.  She inhaled, set her arms to her side, and bowed.

“Danu, I invoke thee.  The day after tomorrow, I am to be married at my father’s insistence.  He reasons that a husband will protect me in the future.  Yet, the man I desire comes from a land, whose people have sailed across the fog-laden sea to raid villages nearby.  Although Lothar declared he wants to share his life with me, Malachy only spared Lothar in exchange for training our people against the return and attack from the Norseman.

“Lothar is different from other men.  He has not demanded that I give up my life as a Priestess.  He has his own Gods, beliefs that are different and has shared his knowledge and stories of them.

“I have lain awake these past nights, longing to feel the warmth of his body next to mine, embracing me in his arms as he fills me inside.  I yearn to spend my life with him.”

Dara raised her arms over her head and gazed at the moon directly above her.  “Goddess, I beseech your divine blessing in my union with Lothar, may the seeds I offer you grow as a sign of my devotion to him.”  She observed the moonlight reflecting off her manacles towards the stones in the circle.  She closed her eyes and bowed her head, allowing Danu’s energy from the moon to flow through her.

“Thank you, Danu.”  She smiled, lowering her arms and bowing towards the standing stone in front of her.  Turning, she grabbed her cloak and draped it over her shoulders.  With renewed vitality, she quickly gathered her belongings and bowed once more to the center of the circle before departing.

Restless after her circle ritual, instead of returning home, Dara diverted to the river for a cleansing swim.  She removed her cloak and linen dress, laying them down on the tree stump, then sat on the clothing to untie the laces of her shoes, and set them next to the stump.

Small hairs rose at the back of her neck as she eased into the water.  Shaking from the differences in temperature, she bent and glided her body along the water surface, then turned over to float on her back.  She gazed at the moon, comforted by the goddess watching over her.


Dara sunk her body down into the water, searching the waterline for the cause of the noise.  Suddenly, something grabbed her ankle.  Dara kicked her leg, but the force tugged her under the water.

Just as fast as she was pulled under, it released her.

Sputtering as she rose above the water for air, she opened her eyes.

“Valkyrie, you look beautiful in the moonlight,” he wrapped his arms around her.

“Lothar,” she said breathlessly then kissed him, running her hands through the back of his hair.  “What are you doing here?”

“I’ve been watching over you nightly, making sure you were safe.  Tonight, I followed as you ventured out to the Stone Circle.  I was awe struck by the moon centering over the circle when you raised your arms.”

“I didn’t sense you there this time.”

“I was certain you did considering you didn’t follow the path home, but came here instead.  This is where I swam all those nights before...”

“The nights before the first time we made love, after the winter solstice ritual.”


“This is the area I first was told of your arrival.”

“But, I was sailing home when the storm hit.”

“A few nights prior to your storm, I came here after the celebration of Samhain.  While I swam, a bright star arced through the night sky.”

“Whether from the star or the storm, I’ll praise whichever god or goddess brought you into my life.”  He held her to his chest and kissed her.  His hands wandered over her back, kneading her lower back, rubbing her against his growing member.

“I think the water isn’t working for you tonight, Lothar.”

“Cold water doesn’t affect me, when I’m with you, Valkyrie.”

“Let’s find out,” Dara placed her arms around his shoulders and raised her body along his hardness, wrapped her legs around her waist, her core centered over the tip

He placed his hands against her hips.  “You are truly magical,” he thrust into her, as he pulled her down by her hips. “I never dreamed that swimming could provide us such pleasure,” Lothar murmured behind her ear.

Despite the surrounding chill of the water, Dara’s body warmed against his body.  She enjoyed the weightless in his hands as he rhythmically raised and lowered her hips with his.  Her breaths came faster, as Lothar’s pace quickened.  She opened her arms and arched back, splashing water with her release.

“Not fair,” Lothar shook his head as the water dripped from his face.  He pulled her down over him with quick strokes, until he finally withdrew.  Leaning forward, he suckled upon her breast to silence his groan, while spilling his seed into the flowing water between them.

A cool breeze passed over her wet shoulders.  Shivering, she nestled against his chest for warmth.

“Valkyrie, I am ready to take you home now.”

Unable to answer through chattering teeth, Dara nodded.

Lothar swam her to shore and carried her to the stump.

Dara leaned to the side, letting her hair fall over one shoulder before twisting the excess water from it, then let it cascade down her back.

Lifting the dress over her head, he pulled it down over her body, and quickly wrapped her into the cloak, as she pulled her hair from under her clothing.  He stepped around her and put on the clothes he had placed next to the same stump.

“How did you undress so quickly?  I was only in the water a brief moment before you dove in.”

“Once I knew where you were headed, I removed my tunic and belt on the way.  I only had to loosen the laces of my shoes and pull off my leggings while you undressed.”  He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her body, then kissed her forehead.

Dara raised her head towards his.  “Stay with me.”

“I would love to spend the night with you, Valkyrie, but I am expected back at the garrison.”

“Who would know?”

“Abbot Sean. Malachy forces us to share a room in the garrison.”

“The knee-bender is your roommate.” Dara giggled.

“Sean knows I need to see that you’re safe, so he allows me time away at night, with my word that I will return before the night is over.”

“He’s very understanding.”

“Now enough talk of Sean, let me take you home.”  Lothar placed his hand under hers as they walked the moonlit path back to her hut.

* * *


“WE SHOULD BE NEAR THE isle of Hibernia by nightfall tomorrow,” Ivarr said to Ulin as the sun-stone cast enough light through the dense fog verify their direction.  “Once we sight land one ship can sail near their coast, leaving the rest of the ships at the edge of the mists to follow within view of the first ship, until we reach the inlet of the River Bóinne for our raid upon Droicheada and other villages along the river.”

Ulin grinned. “I want to attack in the morning with the sun behind us and our sixty drakkar ships casting a shadow over their land, so they will cower and run.  We’ll divide our fleet, allowing six ships to attack each village along the river. Giving everyone a chance for gold and riches.”

“Everyone gets gold?  You plan to share the wealth of this land?” Ivarr asked.

“Until we get home, then they’ll have to pay tribute to me for the use of my ships.”

“Well planned.”

Ulin rotated the cuff of Fenris on his wrist.  “I want Lothar’s other cuff, and to see his eyes as I tell him our father is dead and that I am Jarl, before I strike him dead with my sword.”