The generous cooperation of the following individuals helped make this book possible: Lynda Castillo, Tom Civitano, Joe Cleemann, Antonio Diaz, Pedro Guerrero, Don Hunstein, Eliot Selznick Hubbard, Ken Royer, Sid Kaplan, Christina Krupka, Jay Mulvaney, Tom Norberg, Lilo Raymond, James Sinclair, Alfred G. Vanderbilt, Jr., and BertYaeger.
In addition, special thanks to my editor, Charles Spicer, for his enthusiasm and support; Rose Ganguzza for making the introductions at St. Martin’s Press; Anna Mogyorosy, for incomparable photo research; and Gary Schweikert, The Plaza’s general manager, for allowing me access to the hotel’s archives. Indeed, Mr. Schweikert’s commitment to this project is ultimately what brought it to life.