Ester boarded the bus last. She strutted down the aisle, slapping everyone's hands. "This bus smells like elders, basketballs, and hope."
"That's a song title," Jack, the guest of honor, said. She gave him a birthday hug before she sat down. Jack was like a Labrador, loyal and even-tempered. He was Henry's childhood friend and the lead singer of a band called the Beat Braves.
Sam, the band's bass player, gave her a nervous wave before typing into his phone. "I'm making a note of it." He was more techie than she, and great at television trivia. He was always wanting to tell her about some computer problem he'd solved.
She sat down next to Cody. He was their guitar player and a mechanic. He was the one who helped Tommy get the center's bus running when they first purchased it. Cody looked like a rock star yet acted surprised when women surrounded him.
Ester had met the band when they played a show for the UIC. Everyone on the bus was Native except Jack's girlfriend, Nicole, a talkative blonde who had been intimidating at first. She turned out to be sweet and genuine and Ester looked forward to seeing her.
Ester waved until she won Rayanne's attention and then pointed at her outfit. She'd worn the little black dress and put on eyeliner, too. Rayanne winked at her. "You're gorgeous."
"So are you," Ester said. Rayanne looked amazing. She could spend the night sleeping in dumpster and crawl out looking cute. Ester pulled the skirt down. Cold air seeped up from the floor. "This bus is freezing," she said.
From his rear-view mirror, Tommy spotted her rubbing her hands together. "The seat behind mine is the warmest," he called.
Ester moved to sit behind him. "Crank it up all the way."
"If I blast it, you'll overheat in ten minutes," Tommy said.
"I wouldn't mind."
"We're almost there, Ester."
He must have cranked it up a notch anyway because after a moment warm air blasted around her feet. She put her hands out like it was a camp fire.
"Thanks, Tommy."
He drove the bus with steady hands at ten and two. They crossed over the river and headed into downtown. By the time she was comfortable, they arrived. She had no sooner jumped off the bus than her warm feet were cold again. She shook her hips and shoulders and danced from foot to the other, trying to keep warm.
"Save something for inside," Tommy said. He collected parking money from each of them, with Ester tapping her phone to transfer her contribution. She had scraped together enough money for a drink and to throw in for drinks for Jack. If anything unexpected happened, she'd have to mooch and pay someone back later. She managed day-to-day expenses okay but anything extra took planning. A night of flashing lights and a bass beat was a welcome treat.
They headed for the entrance, early enough to beat the cover and the long line that would wrap around the block later.
"I'm ready to get inside," Rayanne said, her arm linked with Henry's. She rested her forehead on his shoulder and he tilted his head against her. Ester stood behind, admiring for the millionth time how easy they were together.
Rayanne spun around. "Your dude is here," she hissed.
"I have a dude?" Ester said.
"From the computer lab."
Ester's stomach lurched. She searched the line until she got to the front and saw him sitting on a stool by the door of the club, checking IDs. He was wearing brown slacks and a long-sleeve maroon Henley, a combination that most folks would agree didn't quite match. He had his sleeves pushed up over his manly forearms. She exhaled. In the computer lab he seemed plausibly attainable, but now the idea was absurd.
"He's the bouncer?" she said, her mouth gone dry. He met a hundred women a night. She wanted to go home.
The women in the group ahead crowded around him. They had obedient hair, clever makeup, and accessories, ladies the opposite of her. They laughed and one of them leaned against him while he examined their IDs. His expression remained neutral, but she imagined he was taking his time.
He glanced up and spotted her. He twitched an eyebrow before returning his attention to the lady in front of him.
"Did you think of three things?" Rayanne said.
"No. I thought I had more time. I planned a brainstorming session this weekend to find different topics and opening sentences—"
Rayanne elbowed her with a playful smile.
"I don't know," Ester said, her panic genuine. "What would you say?"
"Something about class?"
"But I'm not a student."
By this time their group reached the front. Rayanne gave her an encouraging smile before she took Henry's arm again.
Theo checked out their group, curiosity in his face. He made a point of catching Ester's eye and she smiled in a way intended to convey more like what a surprise, campus acquaintance and less I am crushing on you bad.
Theo took Tommy's ID. He used his chin to gesture over their heads. "You skins ride on that bus?"
"We did," Tommy said. "It's a fifteen-passenger Drivemaster 1600 loaded with extra options. Some of them work, too"
Theo cracked a smile. "Is that so?" He returned Tommy's ID. "Never seen this many Ind'ns together in the city. You all know something I should know?"
"It's Jack's birthday," Nicole said, nudging the birthday boy forward. Jack handed over his ID.
Theo checked it and handed it back to him. "So it is. And you came here?"
"We like to dance," Rayanne said.
"I suppose I can see the appeal," Theo said. He continued working through the group, looking at each ID.
The closer she got to him, the more Ester's heart pounded. Three things. She needed three things. Her eyes drifted to his big brown hands, his wrists, the edge of his sleeves. He wore a bracelet with silver beads on the hand that rested on his thigh while the other held up the ID. His hands were probably nice and warm. She couldn't think of one thing.
At this point Theo had seen all their IDs but Ester's. To her great alarm, everyone entered the club, leaving her alone with him.
"We meet again, Shoshone," he said with a smile. His shirt was one of those waffle weaves and clung to him. No coat. What was up with this guy never wearing a coat? He hid her ID in his hand and studied her face.
Three things, three things were the only panicked thoughts in her head. Weather? Too stupid. Traffic? Not relevant at that hour. Favorite sandwich? Obviously grasping.
He saved her by saying: "I was going to guess but I don't know any family names for Eastern Shoshone."
He flipped up her ID and squinted at it. "Ester Belle Parker?"
"My birth mom is Eastern Shoshone," Ester said.
"Ah," Theo said, conveying a lot of understanding in that single syllable. "Welcome to Frenzy's, Ester Belle Parker."
"This your new job?" Ester asked.
"I have many jobs," Theo said. "Starving student, you know?"
"Ah," Ester agreed.
He still had her ID. "Twenty-five," he said, as if impressed. "Older than I am."
Before she could ask, three women arrived at the door. Theo gave Ester her ID but motioned for her to stand next to him. He checked their IDs and sent them on their way. He turned his attention back to her.
"You don't strike me as the Frenzy's dance-club type," he said.
"I'm not," Ester said. "But I like dancing, and it's okay with a group."
"Not here on the prowl?" Theo said. One side of his mouth curved up.
Ester made a face. Three things. Three things. She wanted to keep talking to him. She bounced from foot to foot, trying to ignore the cold.
Another group approached the door. Theo put one of his big hands, which was indeed pleasantly warm, on her back and nudged her toward the door. "Have fun, Shoshone."

The impression of Theo's warm hand stayed with her as she made her way into the club. His voice was like she remembered. His manner was looser, verging on playful here at the club, unlike in the lab with his stony face.
The group waited for her at the bar. Henry handed her a draft beer, the cheapest beverage choice on the menu, which she took with a grateful smile. They raised their glasses.
"Happy birthday, Jack."
There wasn't much action on the dance floor so they moved upstairs and crowded around a couple of empty tables.
"Aren't you glad you wore the little black dress now?" Rayanne said.
The entire group had its attention on her. Ester said, "You guys all happy with your clothing choices?"
"How do you know that guy?" Nicole asked.
"He goes to the college. I've seen him in the computer lab," Ester said. "Moving on. Have you guys picked out your porn star name?"
Rayanne raised her voice above Ester's. "He talked to her on campus today. I think he's into her."
"You called it," Ester said. "He handed me the external drive I left in the lab. Minutes ago he checked my ID. Any day we'll get hitched and poop out Ind'n babies."
"He's cute but intense," Nicole said. "I wouldn't want him to catch me with a fake ID."
"No one?" Ester said. "No one wants a porn star name? Isn't it your first pet and the street you grew up on?"
Sam said, "My porn star name would be Pup Smokehouse."
"I thought it was your grandpa's middle name and your favorite food," Henry said. "Mine would be Norbert Steak, or Norbert Red Meat."
Tommy said, "I think it should be the place you lost your virginity and your favorite superhero. Mine would be Rodeo Batman."
"You lost your virginity at a rodeo?" Rayanne asked.
"Pendleton Round-Up," Tommy said. He leaned back with a satisfied smile.
Ester exhaled, relieved that she'd deflected the attention elsewhere. She wiped her still-sweating palms on her skirt.
"What about you, Cody?" she asked.
"My porn name is a secret. You started this," he said. "What about you?"
"Grandma's first name and famous nature thing near your reservation. Ramona Jackson Hole."
They all burst out laughing. Rayanne had just gulped her beer and had to slap her hand over her mouth until she got control of herself.
Nicole shook her head. "You people are too funny."
"You people?" Henry said, feigning indignity. "Did you hear that? She called us you people."
Jack stood up and grabbed her hand. "I'll rescue you. Let's go shake your thing."
They made their way to the dance floor. Cody trotted downstairs, too, and stood near the bar. Seconds later, ladies surrounded him. He knew how to work the exotic-dude thing. Henry and Sam talked about the band's next big show.
Tommy moved to sit next to Ester. "When they get into reverb and looping, I can't follow." He'd finished his soda and rattled the ice cubes in the tiny glass. "Who was that guy?"
"We're never going to stop talking about him, are we?" Ester said.
"He's the guy from the computer lab," Rayanne said.
"I never pictured you with a meathead," Tommy said.
Ester reached over and thumped him on the shoulder.
"Sorry. I was expressing a thought. You're so brainy. I always figured you'd merge with some fellow brain."
Ester considered suggesting Theo might be a fellow brain but that would only encourage them to keep talking about him. "Talk about something else," she said.
"Sure. What's the latest with crazy McKayla?" Rayanne asked.
Ester shook her head. "I don't know where to start."
Tommy shook his glass again. "Who's crazy McKayla?"
"MacKenzie," Ester said. "My roommate, Dennis, the guy who owns the house, has a new girlfriend. She was okay at first but she's developed a busybody vibe. Like tonight, about three minutes after I got home, she asked me what my plan was for paying the rent. Dennis wasn't around when she asked."
"You mean for the month that doesn't start for two weeks?" Rayanne said.
"That's what I said, and she tried to make it sound like I wasn't getting her point."
"What would her point be? Besides, do you pay her the rent?" Rayanne asked.
"I pointed that out, too. Then I closed myself up in my room. I hate feeling uptight in my own living space."
"Have you talked to Dennis?" Rayanne asked.
"To say what? You used to mope around here and worry about being alone forever, but this girl you like treats me weird."
Henry stood up and held out his hand. "It's time," he said.
"You can hope the conversation will come up by itself," Rayanne said. She gestured for Ester's hand.
"Sure." Ester finished her beer.
"I'll keep the table," Tommy said.
"Me too," Sam said.
"I'm doing my dance thing." Ester made her way to the dance floor with the others.

The club manager radioed Theo to ask how many people were waiting outside. As the hour had grown later, the line stretched halfway down the block. Theo slowed things down at the door as Pete had instructed. A group consisting of several couples waited at the front of the line. They'd started their night elsewhere and had decided it was their turn to get in the club.
"How much longer?" one of guys asked.
Theo gave him a bland smile.
"It's cold out here," one woman said, as if he were unaware of the air temperature. Another guy growled into his phone about the jerk who wouldn't let them in. Theo tuned them out.
He got up from the stool and scanned the line for brewing trouble but all was clear. The closer they got to closing the more likely it was that things would change.
"Buddy, you gonna let us in there?" The guy put his hand on Theo's arm. He shook it off with a fierce glare. "This is ridiculous," the guy said.
They were arguing over whether to offer him cash when Pete came from inside.
"Everything like we want it?" Pete asked. That meant, did the line stretch to the end of the block? After a certain hour, the club owner liked it that way.
Theo nodded.
"Great. Time to trade," he said. He took the radio.
Theo let Pete sit down. "Inside?" Theo asked.
"The usual. Lots of people who want to do sex with each other. Wow, it's colder out here than I thought." Pete made a shivering motion at the group waiting at the door.
They smiled back, relieved that this door guy understood their situation.
"Let me see the ladies' IDs," Pete said.
"About time," one of the guys said with a huff.
Theo suppressed a smile as he headed back in. Pete would make them wait, too, but where Theo played indifferent, Pete acted like their buddy. He chatted them up and made them feel like they were friends, so they put up with a longer, more drawn out admittance. They didn't like being ignored.
The stuffy throb of the club contrasted with the refreshing air outside. He waited at the bar until his favorite bartender spotted him.
"Hello, dear," Fran said with a bright smile. She was a tall blonde, with the demeanor of a concerned big sister, which worked equally well with belligerent customers and the ones in the midst of a night out disaster. Theo had unexpectedly unloaded on her one night when he could hardly stand up straight he was so exhausted and overwhelmed with school. She was one of the few people he trusted. She had a cocktail shaker in her hands. "Coffee?"
"Water's fine."
"Give me a sec." Fran turned around and poured drinks, ran a card, set up a row of glasses, and then came back to hand him a glass of water. He admired her brisk efficiency.
"Thanks, Fran," Theo said. He used his elbow to show her where he'd be standing if they needed him.
She nodded and returned to mixing drinks and opening beer bottles, always with a smile.
Theo crossed the club and stood in the corner and scanned the room. Once he had a handle on that, he searched for Ester. She said she liked to dance so he checked the dance floor first.
The club was busy but not at capacity. The dance beat thundered over the sound system while the bodies on the dance floor surged together and apart, arms pumping overhead. People jammed the benches and tables around the perimeter, the guests shouting above the music. He liked being in the mix without being a part of it.
He couldn't find her and the disappointment surprised him. How hard could it be to spot a group of Ind'ns in a place like this? He thought about leaving his post to take a lap around the upper level and then chided himself for acting like a school boy.
Then he spotted her. Her group clustered together on one side of the dance floor. They all laughed, somehow exchanging words over the music. They took turns with a dance move that the others would copy. Ester moved with more energy than he would have guessed. She had both arms above her head and swiveled her hips with the beat. One hand dipped down to tug her dress where it was riding up high on her thighs. Her shoulders shimmied as she bounced around, her eyes bright and her mass of curly hair swinging around her face. Her arms were shiny with sweat. He wouldn't mind getting to know the texture of that skin and the taste of it. She yanked down her skirt again.
He forced himself to tear his eyes away and scan the club again. This wasn't the time for getting his personal business stirred up.
A curvy brunette came over and touched his arm. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"
Theo had learned to be cautious about making assumptions about women approaching him. For every come on, there was a lady with a legit problem. Some guys didn't like the word no.
He leaned down so he could hear her better.
"I'm S----la," she said.
Shayla? Sheila? He couldn't be sure over the music.
"Is there a problem?"
She swayed a little, and he touched her back to steady her. Encouraged, she leaned into him. Theo glanced over her shoulder. A group of women watching turned away. Everyone who worked at the club got hit on and, depending on the night, it might be flattering but tonight he had eyes for one.
Theo walked her back to her friends and peeled her off of him. He stood at the table long enough to learn their names and confirm they weren't having a problem before excusing himself.
Then he found a different corner to stand in. This time he spotted Ester upstairs, sitting at a table with the group. Whatever they were talking about involved elaborate hand motions and much laughter. It took a minute to sort out that the feeling tugging at him was envy. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been that loose and relaxed with a group of friends, much less Natives. Ester's outgoing friend spotted him and tugged Ester's arm. Her head swung around. The friend gave an expressive lecture, which he hoped would end with Ester coming to talk to him. He tried not to smile when Ester stood up and came downstairs to stand next to him.
Theo slouched down and tilted his head to hear her.
"Are you allowed to talk to people?" she asked.
"As required by the job," he said. "Anyone giving you a hard time?"
"Rayanne," she said, flashing a dark glare upstairs.
"You want me to throw her out?"
"Kinda," Ester said. "Have you ever thrown someone out, as in picked them up and booted them into the street?"
"No," Theo said. "If they bust their heads, I would be in big trouble."
Ester nodded, her expression serious. Her eyes drifted back out to the dance floor.
"Do I want to know why you have your own bus?" he asked.
Those gorgeous dark eyes met his again. "We know each other from the Crooked Rock Urban Indian Center. The bus belongs to the center."
"Urban Indian center?"
"We provide services for Indians who live in the city. Healthcare referrals, elder assistance, some cultural activities. Our office is on campus until we get a permanent location."
"On campus? I've never heard of it," Theo said.
"Clearly our outreach program is a total failure," Ester said.
Theo couldn't help smiling. "Well, I don't get around much."
"Yeah, well, there have been complications with the center. Funding. Location. Long story."
"Sounds like it," he said. He imagined Ester coming on to him. A coy smile, a roundabout invitation with clear meaning. He would follow her to her place, a small apartment like his with solid color, practical sheets on the bed. She'd push him down and climb on top of him, that sexy smile never leaving her face.
Ester didn't come across as the one-night stand type.
"Urban Indian center is your day job?" he asked.
"Manager of health programs, slash, class clown," Ester said.
He glanced up to see Fran frantically waving him over.
"Sorry, Shoshone. Gotta run."
He spotted the problem right away. A couple of guys in standoff mode in front of the bar. They weren't throwing punches yet, but they wanted the other to think that could happen. Theo said nothing. He sidled into view and stood there. They made a point of eyeing him and then each other again, before backing down and ducking their heads to their group of friends. One left the club with his group, so he didn't bother following the other one.
"No one breaks up a fight like you," Fran said. She gestured for him to come closer. "We're picking up burgers and having a beer at Pete's after closing. You coming?"
"Not tonight," he said. There was a group that often got together to unwind after a Friday shift. He had joined them a few times, but he wasn't up for it tonight. "I got school projects in the morning and I have a couple moving jobs."
"You can always change your mind," Fran said.
"You still doing my interview?" he asked.
She made a face but nodded, then side-stepped to her spot to take a drink order.
The rest of the evening passed with the usual amount of drunken incidents and lovers' spats. Shortly before last call, Pete swapped with him again and he returned to sit at the door. They turned people away unless they were tracking down a friend or lost something in the club. The latest part of the night had the potential to be the strangest but on the nights when things stayed calm, he liked the way things wound down.
Ester's group burst out, rowdy and loud like people who had a fun night out. Ester raised her eyebrows and gave him a wave as she walked by.
She was a few steps down the street when he called out, "Ester, I want to ask you something."
The entire group stopped. Ester looked back at him, but he wasn't sure what her expression meant.
"There's a frybread feed on campus next week. You have lunch with me?"
Ester froze.
Her friend Rayanne called out, "She'd love to."
Theo gave her a tight smile. "I'll wait for Ester to answer."
Rayanne made an ooh face at Ester and urged the group to keep walking.
Ester stepped closer. "Okay." She could hardly look at him. "Where should I meet you?"
"Campus longhouse. If it's cold, I'll meet you inside."
"Okay," she repeated.
"Goodnight, Ester."
"Goodnight." She hurried to catch up with her friends.
A couple of regulars came out to say goodnight. One of them leaned on him and put her chin on his shoulder. The other wrapped her hand around his arm.
"You going to Pete's?" the one huddled against him asked.
"Not tonight," he said, trying to sound regretful. He leaned back and gently shrugged her off.
"You have other plans?" the arm holder asked.
"Sleep. I have a lot to do tomorrow. Goodnight, ladies," he said, urging them back inside.
He watched the bus pull out and drive off into the night.