Jennings was on the phone when Keene and Boz came in. He motioned for them to take a seat. Keene couldn’t tell who was on the phone, but it sounded like a heated discussion. Jennings finally said good-bye and forcefully hung up the phone.

“You two been over to see Megan and Eli?”

“Yeah,” Keene said. “Who was that?”

“SECNAV. He’s all riled up over last night. Says he’s got half his commanding officers scared to death that we’re going back to war with the Chinese. The other half is chomping at the bit to go.”

“And where is he with all of this?”

“He’s on our side. He knows as well as anyone there’s no way we could sustain a ground war with the Chinese. They have over a million foot soldiers over there. It would be a slaughter. Not to mention all the physical damage and the lives of Americans caught in the crossfire.” Then, “Any word on Megan and Eli?”

Boz shook his head. “None yet. But we’ve got more problems to think about than that right now.”

Keene took over. “Quinn called a little while ago. He says Sokolov is headed to DC. He doesn’t know why, but assumes—as we should—that she’s not here for sightseeing.”

“And we don’t know who the target is?” Jennings said.

“It’s a short list,” Keene said. “My money’s on Walker. Quinn said she’s working for Pemberton.”

Jennings pursed his lips and rubbed his chin. “I don’t think so.”

Keene was confused. “What do you mean?”

“Doesn’t make sense. Why would Governor Nolan do all that grandstanding about nominating him as the vice president, if Sokolov is just going to take Walker out. Talk about a screwed up mess, then. Nolan would have to try and move in and take the White House by force. Even Pemberton knows that would never happen. No, he needs Walker in that seat right now. It’s the quickest way to the White House.”

“Then who? You? Me? Boz? Who?”

“I doubt it. You’re not a threat to him. At least not in his mind. Me, maybe. But I doubt it. He knows if I get whacked, there’s probably six more just like me waiting to take my place. And if he has any clue about anything, he knows it’d probably be you. And that’s even worse.”

“Thanks for the encouragement,” Keene said.

“There’s more,” Boz said. “Quinn said that if Chin feels threatened, he’ll do whatever it takes to protect his border. So you need to tell SECNAV Sykes that he needs to keep those boys in check. No matter what.”

Keene sat up in his chair. “That’s it. I know why Sokolov is here.”

Both Boz and Jennings looked at him questioningly.

Keene couldn’t believe that neither of them had got it. “SECNAV. She’s here for Sykes.” Keene could feel the adrenaline begin to pump. “Think about it. Sykes is in full control over the military. Yeah, he answers to Walker, but what if—just what if—he decided not to. How many of those men and women do you think would go against him if he turned on Walker?”

“Not many,” Boz said.

“Especially with half of them already wanting to go back to war,” Jennings added.

Keene was rolling now. It was obvious. “And guess who Nolan’s father-in-law is—”

Jennings smacked his hand on the table. “Jake Irving!”

“Irving?” Boz shook his head. “The former SECNAV is Nolan’s father-in-law?”

“That’s right,” Keene said. “And who do you think would be standing right there, offering his services to Walker, should something happen to Sykes?”

“That’s pretty slick,” Boz said. “I mean, you’ve got to admit, that’s a pretty solid plan.”

Keene was fired up now. Not ten minutes ago, he’d felt completely lost and helpless to do anything. Now, though, everything was different. He wasn’t lost, no way. The tables were about to turn. Advantage: Jon Keene! He turned to Jennings. “Where’s SECNAV right now?”

“He’s at his house. You just saw me on the phone with him,” Jennings said.

Keene stood up and grabbed Boz by the arm.

“Where are you going?” Jennings asked.

“We’re going to see an old friend. Call the SECNAV and ask him how he feels about fishing.” He saw Jennings already shaking his head as he turned to leave.

“No. No way. You’re not using the secretary of the navy as bait.”

Keene stopped and turned back around. “Kevin, we’ve probably got one shot at this, at best. We know who she’s coming for. And we know why she’s coming for him.” He turned back around and opened the door. “Either you call him, or I will. Besides, I’m not going to use him as bait. That’s what Boz is for.”