1 Chelini (1968), p. 253.
1 See Mollat (1974), I, p. 22. His percentages apply to the mountains of Provence and to rural Languedoc. He had no figures for Montaillou itself.
2 Quoted by Mollat (1974), vol. II.
1 The Cathars in the Comté de Foix were much more radically opposed to indulgences than were the Waldensians (ii.64).
1 To run a house or a fairly large farm without actually working with one’s hands was the dream of many poor peasants (iii.121). Conversely, while some individuals passed easily from the middle, non-manual classes to the position of craftsman or even shepherd, the downward transition could be difficult for a rich man (ii.59). This indicates the existence of an ideal, privileged world, where the rich are exempt from manual labour.
1 Pierre Dupont, a pig-farmer of Vaychis, regarded working hard to earn one’s living as a virtue, whether in a Jew, a Christian or a Moslem (ii.158).