
No writer is an island. I have so many people to thank:

First, to the filmmakers, actors, and production staff who made all the movies mentioned in the book possible. This book literally would not exist without the genius that is the romantic comedy. I’m indebted.

My agent, Suzie Townsend, is the best—her support, savvy, and talent are all qualities I’ve benefited from and continue to admire. Likewise, my editor, Mary Kate Castellani, gave this book room to grow and manifest into something special. She is the best possible person for me to work with. I’m one lucky writer.

Hannah Brown Gordon and everyone at Foundry Literary + Media, Joanna Volpe and everyone at New Leaf Literary, Bridget Hartzler and everyone at Bloomsbury Children’s Books—I am so incredibly fortunate to have so many people in my corner.

In high school, Marijke Morris was one of the nicest, loveliest, happiest girls I knew. When I started writing this book, I thought a lot about Marijke—and, with her mother’s blessing, decided to use her name for my main character. The world lost Marijke far too soon. I owe a debt of thanks to Frannie Sherwood and the rest of Marijke’s family—especially her two beautiful little girls. She has left behind a beautiful legacy.

My family has earned a huge thank-you, especially Mom, Dad, Ryan, Kitty, Cassie, Kristy, Laura, and Danny. Also, my husband’s extended family, both in Florida and in New York, who have always been so welcoming. I am intensely proud to be a Fiore.

Suzanne Klinejohn-Jones and Heather Templeton are former colleagues and friends who have been invested in this journey with me since very early on. Thanks for your support, ladies. You gave me someone to talk to and share good news with, and I love you for that.

I don’t have biological sisters, but I’m fortunate enough to have these girls: Katie, who might still own every Disney movie on VHS; Lauren, who watched Heathers with me more times than I can count; Carly, who cried with me in the theater when we saw the Sex and the City movie; and Trisha, who can probably still recite every line from Love & Basketball. I owe each of you a dozen sleepovers, a thousand cupcakes, and all my love.

And my boys—always my boys. Matt and Max, you are my greatest inspiration. Thank you for loving me enough to get behind this crazy writing life. I never knew how happy I could really be until now.