
Before I go down to the track to practice, I swing into the band room. It only takes a few seconds to find Tommy—he’s in one of the soundproof booths, singing into a microphone and strumming on his acoustic guitar. He doesn’t see me, so I stand there for a minute, just watching him.

God, he is just so beautiful. His skin is tan and yummy like some kind of caramel dessert. His eyes are icy blue, and yet they completely scorch me when I look at him.

Speaking of those eyes, he glances up midcroon and sees me, then grins. I move to open the door as he pulls off the large headphones he’s wearing.

“Hey sexy,” he says, pulling my hand until my body is pressed up against him.

“How was the chemistry test?” I ask, kissing his cheek. He smiles at me.

“I think I did really well. I mean, of course, this is my second time taking it after completely bombing the first one, but I’m feeling pretty good about it.”

“That’s great.” I reach over and let my fingers strum lightly along the strings on the neck of his guitar. “So, listen, do you have plans tonight?”

He shrugs. “I have to go by Jimmy’s to pick up an amp. Other than that, I should be home. Why?”

“I—uh—I’m just curious,” I shake my head, trying my best to look casual.

Tommy slides his hand up down my back and lets it rest on my hip. “Why? You thinking about coming over to visit? Sneaking into my bedroom and surprising me in the middle of the night? I won’t say no, I promise.”

I can feel my cheeks coloring. “I’m sure you wouldn’t.”

“Hey, we could get started right now, if you want. That’s the beauty of a soundproof room, babe. You can’t hear out and they can’t hear in.” Now he smooths his other hand over the thigh of my jeans. “It’s the perfect place if you wanna get rowdy.”

He winks and I squirm away from him.

“Right—um, have you forgotten the huge glass window in front of us?”

He grins again and pulls me into his lap, nuzzling my neck. I let myself relax into him a bit, feeling the warmth of his body against mine. Then I sigh.

“I’ve got to go stretch,” I say, disentangling myself from his arms. “I’m gonna get a ride home with Beth, okay?”

“Sure, baby. I’ll text you later,” he says, sliding the headphones back on.

As I walk out the door, I glance back and see him singing and playing again. This time his eyes are closed and my heart turns into something overflowing. It squeezes around itself. Watching him do something he loves so much reminds me of why I love him. His commitment to his music is something I can’t deny or ignore. And maybe he’ll see my commitment to him through music too.

Only mine is a means to an end—and that end is going to happen tonight.

In his backyard.

With an iPod dock over my head.

And my heart on full display.

I’m halfway across the student parking lot when I see Courtney Mills walking toward me. I can feel a lump in my throat, but I force myself to swallow hard.

Courtney and I used to be friends—best friends. All through middle and high school, we did everything together. Student government, honors society, all of that stuff. She never ran track with me, but we still spent a ton of time together—at least until Tommy entered the picture.

Once Tommy and I were a couple, Courtney and I just didn’t see each other as much. Then the texts stopped. After a while, I dug myself out of my new relationship long enough to notice that I’d been replaced by Meagan, the new SGA vice president. She and Courtney were always attached at the hip. When I tried to talk to either of them, they seemed like a package deal.

“Hey Marijke,” Courtney is saying, smiling at me. I glance past her, but there’s no Meagan tailing her. I smile back.

“Hey Court. How’s it going?”

“Oh, you know,” she waves a hand. “Always busy—prom and graduation to plan for. All that stuff. Congrats, by the way. About heading to states.”

I just nod, watching her face. I remember when we went ice skating for the first time and she fell against the rink wall. You can still make out the tiniest scar underneath her nose.

“How’s Tommy?” she asks, eyebrows raised. I blink a few times.

“I, uh, oh, he’s great. Thanks.”

“Well good.”

The silence is awkward between us—especially because back when we were little you couldn’t get the two of us to shut up when we were together. I miss that, I realize all of a sudden.

“Listen, Court, I was wondering—”

“Hey Courtney, let’s go. Nadia is waiting for us to start the meeting.”

Meagan comes up behind Courtney and I feel my heart sort of sink. In another life—my old life—I’d be the one going to the meeting with Courtney and she would have been the one scheming with me about all these movies. Not with Lily, a girl I’ve basically just met. A girl I barely know at all.

“Later, Marijke,” Courtney says, giving me a little smile. “Good luck with states.”

“Later,” I echo.

I watch them walk away, arm in arm, and I try to remember what I have to be grateful for. My friendship with Courtney is my past. I need to focus on my future—my track friends, my running, and my boyfriend.

Most of all, my hopefully foolproof plan to capture his heart tonight for good.