Take values from 1984.
Take from an individual snapshot.
We will see they are very good.
Create a model to assess the importance
of identity.
Green indicates.
Yellow indicates.
Red indicates a non-gap state.
Superimposed, with permission, is physical
detail. Like survival rates, degree
of crowding, branch extension, optimal
cutting, and how elements are exposed
to wind.
A tree is struck by lightning with probability.
This tree and the whole cluster of trees
connected to it burn down and become empty sites.
Replace the terms tree and empty.
Edges migrate slowly. The bulging becomes
more extreme. Do not respond until good
accuracy is achieved. Until transition.
We will discuss this later.
C. Pagnutti, M. Azzouz, and M. Anand, “Propagation of Local Interactions Create Global Gap Structure and Dynamics in a Tropical Rainforest,” Journal of Theoretical Biology 247, no. 1 (2007): 168–81.