After Gerard Manley Hopkins

Deep Down Things

Closeted Kit Kats and Sweet Maries. Tissue paper

in Oxford shirts. Blue silk scarf worn as a tie. Argyle.

Condensed matter. Covalent bonds. Continental drifts.

Past participles. Sir John. An Invisible Hand.

The Brown Brink Eastward

Sticks of sugar cane are on sale this week at FreshCo.

Distant Indian accents command me to suck out

juice. “Never anything so sweet.” But there’s more than one

way to get a pulse – radial, carotid, orange

lentils in the pressure cooker, thump-thump of rolling

pin shaping a chapati. I comparison-shop.

I know the price per pound of cherries will be reduced.

The Black West

Google-Earthed the discounted green Eramosa belt

to find many-a-baubled lot. Can’t zoom in but see

right there new cedar shingles, the hardened teasel, springs

beneath shale, bubbles from a nascent world, thickened lines.