The Author’s Personal Constitution

Hyrum Smith’s Governing Values

1. I love God with all my heart, mind, and strength. As the Scriptures and the prophets have commanded since the beginning, I seek first the Kingdom of God. I exhibit my love for the Lord by living his laws. I pray often, expressing my appreciation and love for all I have. Most of all, I exhibit my love by the life I live and by my untiring effort to serve Him in whatever capacity I am called.

2. I love my neighbor as myself. I recognize and accept the fact that all men and women are equal in the sight of God. I never do anything in any way to harm or destroy the self-worth of another human being. As far as I am able, I aid all people in their needs. Charity is my mortal quest—“the ability to separate behavior from the human being.” I do not criticize anyone’s beliefs. I honor the individual and his or her right to exist, think, feel, and believe the way he or she chooses.

3. I obey all the commandments of God. The commandments of God are clear descriptions of the natural laws of the universe. When I obey any natural law, I have a credible claim to the natural consequences of that law. I obey the commandments for two reasons: (1) God asked me to, and (2) they work.

4. I strive to be an outstanding husband and father. I take sufficient, meaningful time with my wife and my children to help them with their spiritual, intellectual, social, professional, physical, and financial needs. I love my wife with care, respect, and kindness. I build strong family unity. I build self-esteem in my children and help them maximize their potential.

5. I am humble. The definition of humility that works for me is “the realization of our dependence on God.” I recognize that everything I have, am, and ever will have or be is a direct gift from God. Humility is not weakness, merely a recognition of my nothingness in the universe.

6. I honor the memory of my father and mother. My parents gave me life, taught me the basic principles of Christian living, and set marvelous examples for me to follow.

7. I foster intellectual growth. A man can think no deeper than his vocabulary will allow him to. I read regularly each day. I select my reading from the best books and articles of the day. One cannot teach from an empty well.

8. I am honest in all things. I am honest with myself first, recognizing that to be honest with my fellow men requires that I first be honest with myself. I listen to my conscience on all decisions. The Golden Rule is a natural law of the universe. It works.

9. I use excellent speech. The ability to communicate orally is a gift. I never use profanity. I use the best English and grammar I know. When a concept is served well, people listen and learn.

10. I maintain a strong and healthy body. My body is a temple of God that houses my spirit. Maintaining my governing values is not possible without being in excellent shape. I eat, sleep, and exercise in such a manner as to maintain a high level of energy. I take nothing into my body that will in any way detract from my ability to perform at my peak on a consistent basis. I eliminate negative energy.

11. I value my time. A natural by-product of high self-esteem is an increase in the value of time. Managing time is nothing more than gaining control of the events in my life. In a period of solitude every day, I evaluate the events of my life for that day. In this period of introspection, I determine the sequence of events that will have the greatest value to me. Inner peace can come only when I manage what I do according to my governing values.

12. I am financially independent. I have developed an income that will be present whether I am capable of working or not. My family’s needs are taken care of in such a way that they will never be without food, shelter, transportation, or education.

13. I have a period of solitude daily. During this period, I teach my family, read, develop my plan for the day, spend time in prayer both personally and with my family. This experience is brings on inner peace for each day.

14. I change people’s lives. I teach correct principles and do so in such a way that people will be motivated to experiment with and utilize them. Once these principles are internalized, people will govern themselves in a manner that will bring greater control and inner peace.

15. I listen well. I listen carefully to all input, both positive and negative; I weigh it, and then respond with respect and love.

16. I have order in my life at all times. I maintain a sense of order in all aspects of my life. My physical surroundings are always clean, organized, and structured so that they bring calm into my life. My personal hygiene is immaculate, as are my personal habits.